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Pigeon Pieman

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Everything posted by Pigeon Pieman

  1. This is a topical and rather sensitive subject. We all have a view, but try not to cast the 'non converted' into hell and damnation :what: :what: I appreciate the environmental issues, but I do feel the lack of shot cup can badly affect the shot pattern. This is only my opinion and isn't scientifically based I'm not sure you want an opinion, rather an agreement :C
  2. Sam, I use similar to you, with the exception of using plastic wads - sorry for those that find this shocking The reason for this is I've yet to find a fibre wad cartridge with an effective shot cup which, I feel, helps maintain the shot pattern. I'd change tomorrow if anyone knows of a fibre cartridge with a satisfactory shot cup. Fired through a Silver Pigeon, usually 1/4 and 1/2 chokes (multi)
  3. Pigeon Pieman


    welcome skuta, don't believe anything I tell you - I'm only allowed out in a 'special coat'!! :( :( :( Again, welcome :( PP
  4. Abso-bl**dy-lutely :( Now you know why I like taking mummy shooting with me :evil:
  5. Can't get the picture to work. I write the message, chose browse, select the piccy and then ask to preview the post. Nothing shows except the text. If I post without previewing nothing appears then either. HELP :(
  6. Hmm, should be a picture attached. Any ideas where I've gone wrong :(
  7. Who says the whole family can't get involved This is Holly, my three year old 'flapper, pecker and rotary 'coy! No 'coy pattern is complete without one :love: :(
  8. Tee hee hee He said it was required for 'training' purposes :evil: :(
  9. Wouldn't you rather share it with my wife? Is there something you want to tell us Lazza mate It was Cranfield that makes me take her! I read in an old post that he said taking birds with you helps bring in the pigeons......Mind you, he might have been referring to deaduns for the magnet :( Still, she fell for it so no worries :evil: :evil:
  10. Almost as good as sex Only almost - my wife is a pretty adventurous woman :evil: :evil: She's a bit of an outdoor girl - I never get bored in my hide if the pigeons aren't about! :(
  11. Sad though it sounds, I'd like some gloves! :C Years ago I had a pair of Miller Mitts. They were all the rage. A woollen green fingerless mitten back with a sort of knitted soft rope palm. I loved them :love: Best fingerless gloves I've ever owned. Does anyone know if they are still available? :thumbs: I daren't ask my dad - who brought my last pair - as my mum would insist in knitting some :thumbs: :(
  12. Has anyone noticed how the Shooting Times has got thinner in recent years There aren't even that many general adverts - unless you want to 'grow partridges/pheasants or make houses for dogs :C Haven't seen a good glossy 'buy my contents' supplement for ages :what:
  13. Local farmer rang last night to say he planted 2 acres of peas on Friday - testing to see if they develop successfully although he's planted them early. The soil here is very chalky and drains well, and the weather has been moderatly spring like for the last few years. He hopes to bring his planting forwards next year if his project works, so he can cash in on the early market. Might have to have a few days off next week :(
  14. Cheers guys, I'm off to harrass shopkeepers tomorrow :thumbs:
  15. BASC by magic, the others I read in the newsagent and buy if they interest me! Wouldn't want to waste money :love:
  16. Never a problem I'll perhaps go and tweek a few ears next time I pass
  17. Hi Cranfield, they are based approx. 20 miles from my house. Happy to go and thump someone if it will help
  18. Does anyone know of a company that sells plastic barrels that I can use as a seat. I have a kit bag with my 'coys in etc and want to put a barrel inside so I can sit down! I know some companies sell the bag and seat sets, but I just want the barrelly thingy :*) I've tried garden centres locally but their stuff is a bit too flimsy. any ideas? :thumbs:
  19. Hi YP, sorry to ressurect an old post you've probably moved on from. But how can you ignore carrots? I mean, 2 billion rabbits can't all be wrong surely! :thumbs: :thumbs: :( :*)
  20. Pigeon Pieman


    Perhaps we should all club together and get him a few 'ladies' as a present - noting quite like it for improving your aim
  21. Only joking Me Cheeto Welcome :(
  22. Hmmm, Mr Cheeto seems to have got so excited he has wet himself! :evil: Does the other rifle belong to the hare? Those bu**ers certainly look like they put up a fight!!Tee hee hee :(
  23. In between his groans I got the impression it was pretty much at cost price :*) The cartridges cost him some of the delivery charge Tee hee hee Bout time the customer put one over on the shopkeeper
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