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Posts posted by Maiden22

  1. It wouldn't work as I think they have said they will put in legislation to prevent people from doing that. Bet they need a new kitchen and need us to pay for it.


    How dare you cast aspersions on our elected representatives like that! Anyway, you're talking rubbish. We've already paid for their new kitchens, now they want gold-plated bidets :rolleyes: .



  2. i was just curiouse have any of you over there herd or seen previews on the Canadian made film that is comming out on nov 11th of this year, it is supposed to be pretty good. Canada rarley gets featured in a film and we have a fine military history with a good record of being formidible troops, anyway many here are pretty excited about it just curiouse if anyone over there have herd about it.


    both Canada and the Australian/New Zealander's have been known to accomplish daunting tasks during the wars and because we are smaller commonwealth countries most of the big movies focus on American and or British war efforts with maybe a small mention of Canadians or Anzac's, i can only think of a few war epics focused on us dieppe and devils birgade for Canadians and the odd angry shot, gallipoli and the desert rats for the Australians, and cant recall of any movies about South African or Rhodesians who also have a impecable history of soldiering :rolleyes:


    anyway a little FYI about the new movie on Canadians comming out hope you guys can see it or watch for it this rememberance day


    Very true, you're absolutely right about Canada's proud military tradition and vital role in the Allied victories. Few people now realise the immense contribution made by troops from all over the empire. Canada had been granted dominion status in 1867 and had no obligation to fight in either war. She nonetheless came loyally to Britain's aid, as you rightly say making a considerable sacrifice to do so.


    Interestingly, and perhaps more surprisingly, India also provided a huge amount for the war effort, fighting in many theatres and raising in excess of 2 million volunteer soldiers, the largest volunteer army in history.


    I read a book a while ago (I can't remember the author) that suggested that the Second World War represents the ultimate justification for the empire, and sees its subsequent rapid destruction as a noble if inevitable act of sacrifice. This seems a little fanciful, but it is certainly true that brave men volunteered from all over the empire in one of the greatest and most necessary ventures in the history of mankind. Had they not, the history of the world would have been very different, for Nazism was one of the purest expressions of barbarism ever seen. Churchill's awesomely inspiring speeches were absolutely true, and the struggle, even though it was of course for survival, was genuinely one between good and evil.


    When you think about it, the courage and sacrifice on the part of people living on the other side of the world is extraordinary. This is particularly so in the case of Canada, which faced no immediate threat from from the Axis powers.


    Thanks for the tip about the film, I'll definitely look out for it.



  3. Ha ha, reminds of the time Balaclave asked me if I was a real doctor and what did I suggest he do about his dodgy nuts. :lol:


    Now if you were a nice young lady I would happily give you a back rub (purely for medicinal reasons of course) but unfortunately I've just injured both hands in a nasty typing accident so wont be able to help I'm sorry.

    Now there's a blast from the past, I guess that he found a village somewhere that was one idiot below the statutory EEC level.


    ROFLMFAO :lol::lol:

  4. Ha ha, reminds of the time Balaclave asked me if I was a real doctor and what did I suggest he do about his dodgy nuts. :lol:


    Now if you were a nice young lady I would happily give you a back rub (purely for medicinal reasons of course) but unfortunately I've just injured both hands in a nasty typing accident so wont be able to help I'm sorry.


    This has got me thinking. Is my scrotum fully compliant with the lastest Health & Satefy legislation? What if someone injures themselves and then sues me? Will I have to compensate them?


    To protect myself I am making up a warning sticker, which will be displayed prominently on my scrotum sack at all times. It will read: WARNING! MAY CONTAIN NUTS.


    That ought to do the trick.



    It should read.....IN CASE OF EMERGENCY PULL THE **** AND I'LL COME AS FAST AS I CAN! :lol:


    :o :o :lol:

  5. Ha ha, reminds of the time Balaclave asked me if I was a real doctor and what did I suggest he do about his dodgy nuts. :blush:


    Now if you were a nice young lady I would happily give you a back rub (purely for medicinal reasons of course) but unfortunately I've just injured both hands in a nasty typing accident so wont be able to help I'm sorry.


    This has got me thinking. Is my scrotum fully compliant with the lastest Health & Satefy legislation? What if someone injures themselves and then sues me? Will I have to compensate them?


    To protect myself I am making up a warning sticker, which will be displayed prominently on my scrotum sack at all times. It will read: WARNING! MAY CONTAIN NUTS.


    That ought to do the trick.



  6. Nice one :blush: .


    But does this belong in Off Topic? Surely that is for non-shooting related (serious) posts, whereas this is a non-shooting realted (frivolous) post (Playpen), or even a shooting related or non-shooting related (joke) Post (jokes) and isn't this bad for the forum blah blah blah (continued ad nauseam).



  7. Showing off is the point. Which is pointless. Shoot the damn thing or don't buy it.




    I love mine, and most have real sentimental value for me, as some I inherited and the others were gifts many years ago. But they are made to be used, and the real pleasure comes from using them - the memories that they come to represent.


    I don't use them for knocking in fence posts or felling trees, and look after them well. But a pristine gun? Can't see the point personally.



  8. That will teach him not to poke at animals with a stick


    No no, best thing to poke animals with, is a stick. Most definitely. No point poking animals with a jam sponge, or a custard tart. Tasty certainly, but too squishy for poking.



  9. Maybe a built in spell checker (chequer) is required.

    I freely admit I am the worlds worst speller, worse than that I leave whole words out of sentences.

    So I clicked on the iSpell checker at the top right of this box and have just downloaded it to try.

    Time will tell if it works, it won't replace missing words though so I will have to check for those manually :P


    Not forgetting your terrible grammar and appalling syntax. Apostrophes are our friends, and should not be shunned or feared :P :o .


    In all seriousness, this site has a pretty sensible modding (is that a word?) policy that works very well in my opinion and keeps everything ticking along quite smoothly. The perfect balance is obviously impossible to achieve but overall the mods do a good job that must be a little thankless at times.


    Interestingly Stuart I have the same filter policy as you do. See Chards name, bingo bango, next post. Life's just too short :P:P:P:blush::stupid: .



  10. Maybe China will make a safer superpower than America?


    Maybe chocolate will be the best material to make fireguards out of.


    What a NUMPTY :good::good::oops::P




    America has got many things wrong, and there is much to criticise.


    But however imperfectly it has also been a tremendous force for good throughout the world. Europeans in particular should be very grateful. Its intervention in two world wars was critical, it defended the world against the vile and murderous tyranny of communism, and it has in more recent years picked up virtually the entire defense bill for the civilised world.



  11. Not sure Mark. Today i was after a piticular sling. where i bought the first they dont have them anymore, so i went over to euroguns at doncaster where they did.


    Also whilst there i dropped on a nice gun safe at half the cost i was quoted at my regular.


    I'm not sure about Euroguns. Lots of stuff in there certainly, but there's just something that I don't like about the place. Can't put my finger on it.





    Lack of service. I had to go and knock on an office door just to be served.


    Maybe. A slightly unfriendly atmosphere in there perhaps.



  12. Peter - I had not heard about the closure of Holmfirth. When and why did this happen? I have known the Hinchcliffes for 30 years and a more decent family you wouldn't find. It was a real blow losing John so relatively recently, but closing the Shooting School - adding insult to injury.

    closed about 4 weeks back

    they had been recieving complaints about noise from a few neighbours who had got together rot their souls

    and the local council put up a case, it cost fionna several thousand to fight the case but in the end she decided enough was enough the **** of humanity won another round. thanks to kirklees council.


    Pack of ********, the lot of them.



  13. Not sure Mark. Today i was after a piticular sling. where i bought the first they dont have them anymore, so i went over to euroguns at doncaster where they did.


    Also whilst there i dropped on a nice gun safe at half the cost i was quoted at my regular.


    I'm not sure about Euroguns. Lots of stuff in there certainly, but there's just something that I don't like about the place. Can't put my finger on it.



  14. We have slowed down but are still fairly busy. Our business is not sales-driven really, and is becoming less so as time passes. Fortunately therefore we are still doing OK.


    I think that negative equity on a fairly sizeable scale is becoming more likely, and think that even now the full scale of the economic mess has not been revealed.


    The media is doing its usual job of spreading ignorance, but our problems are real, and are not caused by media despondency.



  15. Have to agree 'The Bank Job' is a googun :crazy::good:


    Are you allowed to use rude words in this section? Thought that kind of thing was restricted to The Playpen? :good:



  16. Is that a bad thing? so far China doesnt seem to be the one threatening half the world, and start wars in all sorts of remote places 'Because God told me too' (as Bush once said).

    I say go for it China. They work hard, maybe they deserve it.. maybe they will make a safer super power oneday then America.


    They have a long way to come, but they are certainly improving political wise and economy wise.


    Let me know when you land Hunter :crazy: .


    Meanwhile, back on planet earth...


    America has been the most benign hegemon the world has ever seen. The prospect of the end of the American moment should terrify the free world.



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