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Everything posted by chrispti

  1. No joy on FB either... not tried evilbay.....
  2. Does anyone have a contact at UK shoot warehouse at all please? Not having any joy with messages, calls or emails 🀷
  3. Apologies, I'm unsure as to why some of you can't see it...πŸ˜• See if this works..... VID_25341008_112425_637.mp4
  4. Couple of foxes taken off of the farm surrounding the lambing fields.
  5. Managed an hour after work stood in a small wood to intercept a few pigeons moving around from field to field. (Unfortunately having to compress the video has ruined the 4k quality) VID_25341008_112425_637.mp4
  6. This lad wasn't stopping despite shouting at him πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ YouCut_20220126_225241638.mp4
  7. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0K7oi7GKnEaLti5NupzGjMKTWP5egXh2tBfT7DfY5vej4dPsmCgkJoU7yNghLXy2Ql&id=100063792603400
  8. I need one of those scope cam things... I reckon I'd be able to push my movies to at least 12-13 secondsπŸ‘ŒπŸŽ―
  9. Yes they have gone up a bit... I have 3 fluted match barrels too, they have gone up Β£700 since I got mine !!! It's a lovely rifle, not ammo fussy either which is helpful as I don't reload. The saddle mount is 100% repeatable too, I swap scopes regularly and it's held zero perfectly πŸ‘
  10. πŸ˜‚πŸ‘ This one is from Malcolm Sansam Highseats πŸ‘πŸ»
  11. Hence the gantry for gralloching, struggle a bit now loading big fallow into the truck on my own πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ It's an absolute back saver πŸ™Œ πŸ‘Œ
  12. Free roaming wild deer. Luckily I can get my truck to most areas so none were much more than a 100yrd drag...thankfully!!!
  13. Alot of fishtail bucks here, trying to thin them out and leave the handful of decent bucks to do their thing...
  14. I'm certainly keen to see how people got on with it on centerfires at various ranges. Chris Parkin has done a review on it on YouTube and seems keen enough to purchase one himself .... I'll hold off for a few more reviews before I consider one 🀞
  15. I have a C50 and can't fault it, however the Pard ds has got my attention!!!
  16. Haven't frequented the forum much over the last few years, but I can see what you mean. A few Facebook groups (deer stalking groups in particular) are full of bored kids too unfortunately, although it really doesn't bother me as I have much thicker skin than most and do like a good bit of banter (as long as its good πŸ™„) ........... however, some people really do not like it, so people should try being a little more considerate and inject a bit of positivity or, if you find a post pointless or boring, then just say nothing at all πŸ‘
  17. It's a short video of a rifle being fired at a few targets ! Didn't realise there was a minimum time limit on a post....Perhaps the topic should be called "movie section" instead of "sporting shooting videos" πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ Flipping heck πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
  18. Why would I post a video in the picture section πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  19. A few hours well spent bashing some targets and getting the scope zeroed. VID_51461013_093651_448.mp4
  20. Filled the freezer nicely πŸ‘
  21. Couple of recent Roe bucks
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