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Posts posted by ditchman

  1. I'll second that, never touched the field in any number after harvest till it was drilled with wheat,loads of beans on top had 2 days on it 2 weeks apart, (end of sept 1st week oct) bags of 70 & 80 picked up




    nice pic, nice dog, nice car.............

  2. As air-rifles go, I've got a Webley Mk 3. It doesn't get out to play very often, though, as where I live there's not a lot of cover and so shooting has to be done at ranges more appropriate to a rimfire.


    It's a nice old thing, though, beautifully made and a real nostalgia-trigger. It reminds me of the days when I was an empty-pocketed wee boy with my nose pressed up against gun-shop windows, dreaming of the time when I'd be grown-up enough to own a gun and go out shooting.


    Just out of interest, can anyone out there give me a rough idea of my Webley's age? The serial number seems to be B2974, and it's stamped at the base of the barrel and on the cocking-lever. The stamping at the base of the barrel has what mey be a "Z" above it.





    webley mk 3 produced 1946-1975





  3. I have got a "Henley"..folding seat from macro's cheapn shop...its got a big side pocket 18"x12" on the left and a fold up table on the right, i painted all the aluminium black green and brown, and the nylon is a dark green ...its nice and light and i put a carrying strap on it....i have tried swivel seats but they make my back stiff after a while...


    Will Garfit has it right he has a 1950's swivel secertary chair, they are a bit heavy so i suspect he has several of then dotted over his place

  4. i used to use a lightweight B&Q budget wheelbarrow, i painted it camo, and when set up tipped it back and put a prop under the wheel and used as a seat...trouble is they can get toooo comfortable ...remove the prop, and put the game/snap bag under your head and away you go !!!! another pointless outing


    i think i have seen somewhere in a garden centre a collapsable leaf barrow....they might be ideal.....

  5. like the other boys said steer clear of the flowering crop....keep to the mullered areas, me and my shooting buddy had a good day a couple of years ago on a very large field of flowering rape, he set up in the "shaved" area, and i set up in a ditch with my back to a wood that was full of ash trees, we ended up pushing the birds back and forward all afternoon !!!...when the birds wernt feeding on rape they were budding..

  6. what was that film called with Kylie minougue in ? she was a special agent in some south american banana republic...it was some sort of spoof movie but it made me wretch ..........

  7. well got to shoot yesterday driveing around feilds there were 100s including some onploughed maze but i tried 3 areas and the same result the birds just moved to the next meal ticket very frustrating but was a nice day if nothing else ,i think the trouble is there so much food about theres no need to come back to same spot ,the rape is been cained all around every feild ,




    well at least they are about !....i think when the OSR is harvested we will have the same problem....there will be stubbles everywhere as there is so much of it been planted this year.....



    Got a mate who has choc and yellow labs....the problem sounds like that the dog was spured, when it went for a runner, this happens and it can go 2 ways


    1. dog learns to crush and kill every runner, and becomes hard mouthed on dead birds.


    2. dog becomes reticent in picking up runners but operates fine the rest of the time.


    ive seen dogs mash and rip a live bird apart because they have been spured, so thank your lucky stars that your choc' is gentle, i dont know how to encourge the dog to pick up runners,,,just lots of praise i guess.


    one of my little black and white sprocker girly spainiols had a run in with a large cock pheasant, it put her on her back, the look on her face was precious....she got up ..cuffed it ..pinned it to the ground and picked it up breast down and brought it back to me in triumph !! if that had happened to my black lab, he would have weed himself !!

  9. If you're going on Tuesday i would keep them in a hessian sack (or similar) somewhere cool and dark ie cellar, garage etc they'll be fine.

    Any longer and i would freeze them and take them out of freezer the day before you go.








    when i use dead birds for decoys, i take an old green plastic milk crate with me when i go shooting, and the ones i am going to use when i shoot them i put them carefully head down in the crate it is a snug fit and holds a dozen, then i pop them in the bird chest freezer when i get home ..already for putting out as decoys, the plummage is nice and flat and when they thaw they still hold their shape..........

  10. takeaway order and say just want to snuggle up together












    i forgot my 25 anniversary....so she forgot my birthday....i forgot 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30th....i dont get a card at xmas anymore, i now have to pick up my own socks, and cook my own breakfast, and clean the cooker........marrige is give and take, swings and rounderbouts....its like doing time i suppose.....grovel if you want....the rot has set in now, its toooo late now, no matter what you do...women are like that.....

  11. If there is birds there it's worth having a go :good:




    some of the best days ive had, start off "hmmm there is nothin about, im here i might as well set up and stop for an hour"............5 hours later out of cartridges.............expect naught, and everything is a pleasant surprise...


    most of it gets ploughed so deep that nothing seems to be on it ,but like i said im out norflok in the morning ill see wot its like worth a go if theres plenty of birds about




    report back.......please

  12. had some cracking shooting few weeks back on topped cover crop just a shame pheasant sydicate bods were so eager to plough it in im shooting in norflok at the weekend ill see if theres any cover crop left i doubt it ,but worth a look i suppose




    i think you might be okay...this was virtually bare ground with the remains of a slashed maize cover crop....they must be feeding on something that has just germinated in the last few days, also as all the other crops are up and of no interest to the birds, these areas are bare and stick out like a sore thumb....if the cover crop has been just ploughed in it still maybe worth it to set up on one of these small strips....what do you rekon ?

  13. went on the back roads to pick up some dust extracted shavings from the sawmill for dog bedding today, fields of rape everywhere in flower, winter wheat up 6-8" and spring barley just coming up, ....not a pigeon to be seen, until i get to a field where there has been a cover strip for game, it had been slashed down a month or so ago and the maize stalks where white and lying on the surface, and i kid you not it was rotten with pigeons, started to slow down to see what attracted them ...until the missus started to moan....then further up the road the same again a bare strip of what was a cover crop rotten with birds, must be something starting to germinate which they like....makes your trigger finger start to ich !

  14. Shoot the young bunnies and eat em! we used to call them"fryers"..rip the pelt off em pull out the guts paws and heads off, wash in cold water roll in flour, and chopped fresh herbs, and fry in butter or gee....it dont get any better....i cant bear the taste of mature rabbit, but fryers are something else........

  15. im a meat juice inc the onions and mixed herbs (cherry toms if beef) , veg juice from steamer , a little beef granules a little chicken granules and the batter mix left over from yorkies .

    never fails to be tasty


    oh , and sometimes i blitz it all with the hand blender to give a smooth onion gravy .




    if you are doing roast lamb, for the last 10 mins coat it with redcurrant jelly.....and serve with fresh home made out of your garden mint sauce, chopped mint sugar and vinegar, sherried carrots are great too, mashed carrots,butter black pepper, and a good tott of sherry (sweet) mix and serve.....really good with pheasant..

  16. Tho i like the flappers and now use 1 you will never beat the pulling power of the rotary on its day !!


    I will never leave home with out 1 thats for sure the main thing with all aids is to be in the right place and if its not working to change things around :good:




    me and my mate have used a rotary now and again, we used dead birds and plastic ones to no avail,the only reason we tried to keep on using it was on our first time out with it,4 pigeons were flying over it at a 100ft our so and suddenly they just fell out of the sky on to it !! we were awstruck with it ...then all the times after that nothing ..it just frightened them away.......

  17. I have to agree with some of the flapper comments ,I shoot about two and half thousand pigeons a year I'm out most days and still prefer the flapper .I have 3 magnets pinewood ones but still they are hit and miss too much.

    I shot beans today had to carry gear and took flapper over magnet due to carrying all gear.the flapper worked ok but feel I like to get the flapper really low to ground.the magnet still is a great tool on it's day .I have a remote coupled up to my turbo flapper when I need the attraction I give two or three flaps and then leave it maybe the odd flap as they are approaching and then stop.The floater gave me the movement and the flapper sealed the deal.

    Floaters with wind are also as good as anything.

    I would say tho if I'd have got the truck closer I would have been tempted with the rotary or two so who knows if it's working for you on the day happy days.






    really agree with that, i use the deeks, flapper to attract, and a floater at the edge....... :good:

  18. If you are cooking a roast, pour the juices off the roast into a pan, add a little water from the vedgetables, start to simmer it, take it off the heat, tip the pan to one side and gently spoon off the oil or fat, put back on the heat, add cornflour already mixed with water slowly and keep stiring all the time, then chuck in a little red wine or a slug of sherry.........serve!

  19. I do up and sell old seagull motors, and the best way to clean bronze like the seagull enjine bracket is to take it apart and leave it soaking in boiling water to which you add caustic soda, from the ironmongers at £2.50 a can, then rinse it off an scrub it with a bronze wire brush like you clean suede shoes with.......... careful how you add the caustic soda it bubbles up, i use half a can in a icecream container.....DONT PUT THE CAUSTIC SODA ANY WHERE NEAR ALUMINIUM........IT WILL DISSOLVE IT !!!!!

  20. Years ago a chap called James Burke did similar science/history type programmes and I thought they were superb. (How one invention led to another and how one inventor would use a gadget in a slightly different way to acheive a completely different result).

    I think May is trying to do the same thing but it just doesn't work.

    Pity :no:





    That programme was called "Connections".....when you think of all the rubbish repeats they put on TV 4 times a day and all the brilliant programmes that were made years ago including "out of town"......bring back the majic rounderbout i say.....dylan was just far out man.........i think i will have another beer before it goes up again !

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