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Posts posted by ditchman

  1. 37 minutes ago, Miserableolgit said:

    Spain has wanted to claim back Gibraltar for very many years, likewise the Argentinians with regards the Falklands.

    same with palerstine....everybody wants something.....twiawan........Ukraine......nepal

  2. are we to look to the skies and watch paratroopers fluttering down on the Kentish weald.............and what nationality will they be ?

  3. 20 minutes ago, 7daysinaweek said:

    The mushrooms look superb!

    i fry them it a bit of oil in a small pan...then add a slice of butter and several twists of blck pepper....then when they change colour i add a few tea spoonfuls of water and put a lid on for a couple of mins....

  4. i have a blood test tomorrow......to see if im dieing.........hate people sticking needles in my viens

    1 hour ago, old'un said:

    never seen a burger served with a red wine reduction, was it nice?

    it was very nice...almost steak like.....i recommend it

  5. more and more we keep on hearing about WW3.....today Sunak has anounced that he is putting our arms industry on "a war footing"...i presume he means production wise .......or does he........?

    are we really diving headlong into a 3rd WW.....its almost like crying wolf ...you hear it every day and folk have got to the stage where they just shrug their shoulders..and dont give a toss

    is this some sort of plan by the govt to try and put fear into us (the people)....so we can be controlled more easily....so the govt can tax us even more via the "climate emergency" and now the WW3 emergency.........

    does anyone believe we are looking at a world war in the near future.........or is it a load of controlling tosh ?

  6. 2 hours ago, RCB56 said:

    There's nothing like a good steak, and that looks nothing like a good steak.

    quite agree with you............thats why its a bloody beef burger...(poor mans steak.....are you with me now ? )

  7. 12 minutes ago, simon6ppc said:

    Cheers mate

    Damn things here Ditch don't seem to bother about the spray lol and even get through my nets 😂

    in Sudan the Dinka tribe (cow herders)...cover themselves in cow poo..............they swear by it ....have you tried it ...you have access to a good supply....you will have to report back..

  8. 2 hours ago, amateur said:

    Did your nearest and dearest question the strange red rash?

    my mrs when she was alive had a wicked gallows humour .............i got NO PITY and she thought it was immensly funny...

  9. 2 hours ago, bruno22rf said:

    Funny you should mention that, I did a similar thing but with the old chap in my hand - next morning the poor thing looked like it was wearing a red scarf.

    rubbing your eyes is bad as well..........or picking your nose...................now thats really dumb:crazy:

  10. 1 hour ago, bruno22rf said:

    What chillies are you using may I ask?

    gawd knows ..they are fresh ones off the vedge shelf......4 in a pack 3 green and one red........they are not hot hot but very tasty.....i have a jar of dried whole bird chilis and they blow yer head off....when i break them up i wear latex gloves...cause when i didnt later that evening i scatched my rear end...woooooooooh big mistake...felt if someone had shoved a lit RNLI distress flare up me jacksie

  11. 30 minutes ago, Andy H said:

    They used to serve spud and egg curry in the mess when I was in the forces , A right mess it could leave as well.

    i shall report later on the possible aftermath......im hoping the porceline dosnt look as if it has been hit by a Hooti missile

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