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Posts posted by ditchman

  1. to consider..........

    i had my sxs barrells regulated...........using a particular name and weight and shot size of a cartridge...........it was regulated to those cartridges

    if you are a cartridge tart and swap around to other fancy coloured cartridges.....your regulated barralls are not regualated anymore......ie: waste of time

    stick to your cartridge that the barralls were regulated to

     NOTE       "regulated" usually means the alignment of barrells....but can also mean the honing of chokes to give the desired pattern with a chosen cartridge

  2. 37 minutes ago, serrac said:

    I think you will find old age and disease take the biscuit for that..
    Communism would likely take 2nd place if you factor in the consequential deaths of events like the Great Leap Forward.

    you are being fernickierty............i should have added the word "avoidable".....:hmm:

  3. 18 minutes ago, Miserableolgit said:

    Which one as there were a couple in the sale. The XXV Churchill style sidelock made about £410 I think. There was a tidy looking AYA boxlock too but would need to check my notes to see if I made a note of what that made. 
    Some of the Victorian taxidermy made strong money.

    the churchill rib one...............if it was in good condition that was a cracking price

  4. David Lammy (shadow foriegn secretary ) speaks..................ooooohhhh dear..........statesman he is not...bit of a joke really ...like Cameron...(Obama called him a lightweight)

    christ we have a govt and opposition...........a surfeit of wasters comes to mind

  5. 30 minutes ago, Yellow Bear said:

    No - that's the labour party's line.

    :lol:............Pigeonwatch the home of observational wit...

    bet 10 Downing street has PW on speed-dial....so they can pick up hints on how to manage the country

  6. its all gone quiet now....all the teddies have been thrown outa the pram.....................

    i think (looking from the comfort of my sofa and gin &tonic and retired and beyond futher military service)...............Iran need a damn good shellacking.....(will make a change from "Loose women"...and "the repair shop"..)

  7. all these "war reports".........its all USA....UK.....did this ...did that with whoever...blah blah blah...........and the EU has got its head down behind the sofa..with no firm commitment or statement

    no wonder the UK is skint we are always shelling out for other countries benifit....so much for the United Nations of this world

  8. 36 minutes ago, old'un said:

    If that's the best Iran can do then its a pretty weak attempt at a payback but Iran's mission to the UN cited the UN Charter provision for self defence, under Article 51, and said that it considered the "matter... concluded" this was just a warning shot across the bow and they have now made their point, However it warned it would use greater force should Israel respond in kind, watch this space.

    Air defence.

    Its a pity we don't give Ukraine the same numbers and systems to defend its air space as this is where the real danger lies.

    there is talk that the UK is going to give Ukraine the latest LASER system to help tackle drones......how accurate that report is i dont know

  9. 11 minutes ago, London Best said:

    My god’s better than your god. 
    And my god is the only real god.


    everybody is kicking each other and everyone else for the right to own the "god franchise"

  10. 1 minute ago, Weihrauch17 said:

    I would imagine the Drones are to use up Air Defences and then the Cruise Missiles start.

    BBC has just mentioned cruise missiles and a 2nd wave of drones to come.....so you arnt far wrong

  11. it is highly unlikley any of the drones will reach their target...........BUT if one does...it will give Israel carte blanche to relatiate in their own time and to choose the leathality of the response............

    Iran has a few low grade "dirty" missiles /war heads and my worry is they will use the drones as a blind to launch a limited dirty strike on Israel.............if that happens...

    watch the skylight up as the nuc's drop it on their targets

    total madness

    RELIGION STINKS it always has been the cause of most of the deaths in this world......

  12. just been reported and confirmed that Iran has lauched "dozens" of drones to Israel which will arrive later to-night early hours tomorrow

    This is not good..............

    it will only escalate and result in total destruction.................

    the world has truly gone mad

  13. 12 hours ago, Old Boggy said:

    Hi OPP, I realise it was a tongue in cheek remark but just checking whether that was the guy you meant.

    I know that The Repair Shop is very orchestrated but still find it good to watch, especially that Suzie Fletcher, she could tan my hide any day:whistling:.

    Sorry to the OP for slightly derailing his thread.



    if you watch closely you can see her false teeth move..

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