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Posts posted by ditchman

  1. 1 hour ago, discobob said:

    Not my land unfortunately- I have told one of the owners about it


    Not if it is still alive 😜

    and crawling with fleas and mites

  2. 1 hour ago, old man said:

    Utter filth ditchy boi.

    to each his own............Masala has medicinal properties..:hmm:

    (and i dont mean shove it up yer jacksie.....must be used in your cooking )

  3. 2 hours ago, London Best said:

    The eggs were fine, but I only ever tried eating one Moorhen!

    the eggs were superb for making cakes and scones.......all the old country girls in the 60's where i lived ...at nesting time used to get their "net spoon" on a long stick and go around the ponds and river margins..

  4. 1 hour ago, old'un said:

    Its difficult to compare wild bird meat to any of the farmed meat you mention, I would agree with Weihrauch17 in that the taste and texture of wood pigeon is a little like beef if cooked properly, the only way you will know is by trying different birds, each as its own flavour, is it only bird meat you are interested in?

    PS, don't bother with Coot or Moorhen, unless you like tennis balls.


    they taste much better if you call them Mexican partridge

  5. 8 hours ago, Gameking said:

    Looks like you used the leaves as well  never done that before always used the white flower portion only .

    If so, what did they taste like - they are really tough raw when you chop them off the flower - did you pre cook them or cook the whole thing longer because of this ?

    i cut the spine out of the leaves and cook the fleurets with the the leaves.......use the more inside leaves

  6. 4 hours ago, Robden said:

    When I first tried KFC many years ago (God was still a boy) the very first piece I bit into, the chicken was very pink.  Never tried it again, so maybe it's time I did. The Co-op's looks quite good.....not sure about the coldsore though.


    when i was working a short while in the black country....i went to a newly opened KFC.....and like you ended up with a pink inside chicken....went back and showed the manager ...he gave me 10 free meal tickets that were valid for 6 mths.....they ran out before i could face another KFC.....

  7. 1 hour ago, Red696 said:



    if our pensions are linked to the arms sales, then they need to get their fingers out and increase those rates significantly.  

    The pensioners of this country are still paying for the previous wars the country stuck it’s nose into..  we need to start looking after our own before poking around in other peoples issues.

    unfortunatly war is good for buisness...☹️

  8. 6 hours ago, BobbyH said:

    Looks good to me, apart from the Slaw.

    Boundary road’s KFC in Norwich was the first one I tried, and I’m not a huge fan, but do enjoy it from time to time!

    the first one was at the bottom of Prince of Wales road ..before the bridge............is it still there ?

  9. 1 hour ago, bruno22rf said:

    Try Lidl beans, you wont be disappointed.

    the co-op beans are ok ......the bean size is a bit smaller...but they are still good.............i bet heinz are taking a big hit on their bean sales at the moment........

    i remember when Heinz beans were like Branston are now............wonder why they changed

  10. 1 hour ago, Duckandswing said:

    Again - your scran always looks delicious and just what I fancy. I love southern fried chicken

    when the big and small supermarkets tried to copy KFC all them years ago ....it was total tastless rubbish....but they learnt and most of the chilled southern fried stuff is really good...i buy a 10 pack and get 3 good meals out of it......they would be great served with a salad on a summers day and a rice salad :good:

  11. 2 minutes ago, old'un said:

    Talking of 35 minutes in the oven, have you not thought about an air fryer? Heats up food in half the time or less, and a lot cheaper to run, perfect for KFC.

    cant be bovered with them sort of things...im happy as i am

  12. 1 hour ago, old'un said:

    I love KFC and have tried lots of so called KFC rip-offs, not found one that comes close to the real things…..But...I have not tried the co-op KFC.


    they are on the chiller shelf.......as "Southern fried chicken"............35 mins in the oven ...bang on 

  13. 25 minutes ago, amateur said:

    Forget Ditchie's recommendation.

    You sank that cost years ago.

    Now sink the investment!

    when i cleared out my pantry i found a tin (canister) of Mc allen ....several of which i had been given over the years by contractors...i dont drink whiskey so i sent it to Whiskey auction....it went in the next sale and after charges etc i got £983 quid for the bottle.............

    quaff away ...sucker

  14. 3 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    Looks lovely apart from the dreaded "Coleslaw"

    i love ye ole coleslaw.....with fried chicken.....when KFC first started in Norwich in the early 70's....the coleslaw had shrimp in it...and very nice too


    to each his own

  15. 31 minutes ago, billytheghillie said:

    Looks guid Ditchy, tell me what kind of bread you use, never really made owt with breadcrumbs, is it easy?

    i buy mine in the supermarket its in a cardboard tube called "golden breadcrumbs".....if you spinkle it on cheese..and put it under the grill it goes loverly and crispy

    your can make your own...just put slices in a very low oven...then put them in a tea towel and smash em up with a rolling pin.....

    its easier opening a tube 

    with the left over cauli ...i will do a chicken Biryani...

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