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Posts posted by ditchman

  1. Guys,

    How do I upload images? Can't seem to work it out.




    open post......click on browse....that will take you to your pics.....choose pic....click open.....then attatch on post.........




    if you want to "size" your pic cause its too many pics.....e-mail it to yourself, and click on save attatchments


    jobs a gooden

  2. i remember the first cammo net i used...i made....i was shown by an old boy in the village...........i started off with a large rectangle of tarred net...(on hot days you got black sticky hands) then i collected ladies tights (not stockings as they were silk and always mended) ..cut the tights up into strips and tied them on the net after i had a good covering i mixed up various colours of drab paint and roughly covered it..it worked well until one of the boys who used to work up at the camp..(runway) pinched a bit of real cammo net which i had for years after.........

  3. I have an old pressed cardboard decoy with brass eyes if you want a photo of it



    I have an old pressed cardboard decoy with brass eyes if you want a photo of it





    that is interesting....how old is it ........go on stick a pic up of it.............Hanser was posting a topic about using drawn pigeons injected with formalderhyde and sprayed with his wifes hair spray........

  4. ive been combining and carting for the last few days...all the stubbles have very few birds on them, half a doz here and there.............lots of birds flying about tho, stubbles about here arnt very productive until there is enough rain to start rotting stuff down and germinating, thats when things brighten up .....rain is forcast for the weekend we still have 15 acres of wheat to cut on a half cut field as we had to go and harvest someone elses field first...so it looks like next week before its good to go !


    im still finding bits of eggshell in the garden from woodies, rekon they have nested 3 times this year...im sure good times are ahead...trouble is at the moment there is just tooo much choice for them around here as the fields are small and in a square mile there can be woodland, peas, beans, barley wheat oats grassland (long lays) it goes on, just have to wait........



    one thing i have noticed which is different from last year is there is LOADS of acorns this year...which will be great for margin shooting



    i think the best shootingbat the moment is in the wide open fields of cambridgshire south lincolnshire and just west and north of the wash



  5. before you make any decision, about changing cartridges and shouting the odds at the supplier, get your gun checked properly, firing pins are not the only cause of a misfire, the wood might have swollen in the heat and the action might be dragging against the wood internals, im not a gunsmith but i have known 2 or 3 instances where this has happened to well known quality guns, where PDI's were not as good as they should have been.......i used to shoot nothing else except hull, but a few years ago they lost the plot...and when they had recovered i had moved on to another maker........it does happen, what is annoying is that you start to get the "worm" in your brain about the product...........as i said get your gun checked properly first then you know where you stand........

  6. there are 3 reasons a cartridge wont go of..



    1 firing pin


    2 primer seated wrongly


    3 cartridges stored in danp conditions





    your gun is working so get a straight edge and lay the edge across the bottom of several cartridges and see if there is a difference in the depth of the seated primer, not all gunsmiths a good at storing cartridges, i used to know of a gun sellar local to me who used to store the boxes on a cold damp floor for ages !


    regardless of where i buy my ammo i have always stored it in the airing cupboard.


    i used to buy Hull cartridges and i had a few missfires...that was due to poor seated primers....i was working in hull at that time and took the slab back to them...and they showed me a good time and around the works whilst they tested them......they explained that the cases and primers were made and assembled in france at that time and they did the loading......a batch must have got thro that wernt up to spec....they gave me 2 slabs and a bottle of whiskey and sent me on my way...



    when you buy a slab look on the end of the box and check the date stamp ....some gun sellers have tried to sell me 4 year old ammo....if they are kept well thats not a problem but they have to be kept in a controlled humidity for that period of time.



    check the seating depth of the cartridges and on some makes you will be surprised how they differ from cartridge to cartridge




  7. Thanks all just a light resto for a vechile that has been stood 8-10 years I tax it online spoke to dvla and they said if I do it online it can take 5 days to come thru and I have a grace period of 14 days where I don't needs to display so she now on the road well apart from a damn headlight that blew this evening


    Cheers all






    noticed you have the same spots as my landy.......do you have them on a relay ?

  8. Had this problem on a car once that the hazards worked but no indicators asked at dealership they said its your indicator switch so I took it off and tried it on another car worked ok. Then went to see old friend who trained as a mechanic then took over his fathers car assys shop he gave it some thought then asked me if the car had tow hitch to which I said yes it has, he threw me a new flasher relay saying try this, bet you got heavy duty relay and 2 bulbs not enough power flowing to make it work but under full load of hazard 4 bulbs it is, he was right so kept heavy duty relay for when I towed a trailer and the standard relay in normal use.







    got a towing hitch........no prob there......mind you i have a big expensive heavy duty boshe battery fitted 7 years ago........its just the hazard switch breaking up...anyway prob sorted now.......



    cheers for the input guys



  9. My landy was forever getting moisture into the indicator lense!!! It rusted the connectors.....I ended up packing them with vaseline! Did the trick.



    yeah ..done the same thing............i made a good job of glueing the hazard switch back together......its nice and sound now












    its 60 quid to replace !!!!!!! :mad: .........JSF in norwich refuse to stock the cheap ones as they only last 2-3 weeks !!..the old one is a lucas....its done 30 years so it dont owe me anything........

  10. job sorted....wipped the hazard switch out.......i thought it was a simple switch ..but it aint.it has loads of gubbins attatched to it...as it was so old it had started to break apart.....squeezed it together and ..hey presto.everything works again.....jobs a gooden.....i will just glue it together and replace it with a new one when i get it..........

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