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Posts posted by ditchman

  1. Had a drive round this morning.....the forage chop harvester has just finished cutting a large field of maize for silage......NOT A SINGLE PIGEON


    checked a large field of beet that was harvested yesterday......NOT A SINGLE PIGEON


    Checked a large field that was being ploughed loads of seagulls ..NOT A SINGLE PIGEON


    next door is another field half way thro' being drilled.....NOT A SINGLE PIGEON


    checked the stubbles with the binoculars....NOT A SINGLE PIGEON



    is anyone else having this problem ?

  2. Would only be a worthwhile exercise if you used cold dead birds for the decoys and a fresh warm bird as the shot bird. Not worth it with placcy shells and the like.


    At 11 months it may be a little early for this anyhow.




    penelope is spot on.......i trained my dogs through "trail and error"......leave-leave-leave............gud-gud-gud......eventually the dog sussies what you want through smell...but if you chucked out into the garden a dozen old freezer birds then sat your dog up and chucked out a fresh bird....do that a couple of times ....then the next time ...a few freezer birds...then show the dog the fresh bird...then sit the dog up "blind"..chuck the bird out and bring the dog to heel...steady it and then give the command to "hunt-em-up"...you would turn it into a game which the dog would love....DONT OVER DO IT...COUPLE OF TIMES ONLY AND FINISH ON A HIGH...jobs a gooden

  3. Have any of you used a " Ballroom glitter ball " to attract pigeons before it was made HIGHLY ILLEGAL ...and what results did you get......




    getting back to the question, has anybody actually used a 12v rotating glitter ball ?....and i bet someone is desperate to toy with the idea of doing it...knowing it is illegal to buy a cheap 12v home disco ball and try it out...which none of us would dare to do.........

  4. if i remember right......the air suspension is only a load levelling device, to be used when you have put a heavy load in the wagon and it needs to go back to the right ride height.....so you press the button and it goes ding ding ding...and it levels out


    if your compressor has gone it will be making a nasty noise and will cost £ 500.00 plus to replace......i think the problem rests with either the load sensors or the wagon needs to go on the old computor and be reset...........apart from that i cant help you anymore...have you checked the load sensors, all you need is a torch, just check the wies are still attatched and the plugs havnt come out.......let us know how you get on......

  5. i take it ....that it is a disco ?.......if so it might be the self levvelling sensor arms, they are made out of plastic and have micro switches in them...mine went when i had an 02 plate disco....bags went down....i think they are about £12.00 each to replace...check that first........

  6. Before you get the drill out just try this;


    Years ago I realised how easily lead came out of my black powder shotguns when I cleaned them.

    I favour boiling water to clean my black powder shotguns. Hold the barrels in a towel and pour a boiled kettle down the barrels. Now shove a tight patch on a jag down and you should see the lead stuck to the patch.


    I think the temp change frees the lead!


    The heat will dry the tubes and whilst warm add your chosen protection.






    dont do what i did once , and that is to wash and scrub your blackpowder barrells out in the bath.............the missus went BALLISTIC.....left an indelible black ring around the waterline.............new bath !!

  7. It was one of those perfect secrets, known to just a few..... :innocent:


    A gliiter ball in a field, than suddenly thousands of pigeons milling around.....the shooting was astonishing, an average bag exceeding 700 birds in half a day, tractors delivering cases of fresh amunition, farmers begging you to bring your 'Magic Ball' to their fields......


    But as usual all good things are spoilt by some one going a step too far...yes, you guessed it, some idiot, not content with several thousand pigeons a week started adding the sound track to Saturday Night Fever. Basically the Bee Gees have a lot to answer for... Margaret Thatcher rushed special legislation through the house of commons, sittings were held late into the night, even the lords held mass protests in Trafalgar square, I am surprised none of you can remember? The coverage was only overshadowed by events in the Falklands.


    SO now, policemen patrol our leafy lanes in their silent electric cars windows wound down listening intently for the dulsit tones of Barry Gibb and 'Staying Alive' wafting over the hedgerows and the reflection of a trillion glittery lights on the trees overhead...some have attempted to flout the law, but all have ended up in the tower with just a glitter ball for company.


    Be warned.....not everything that gliiters is good for pigeons.






    In my head, it is very funny...........




    That is just sooo wrong........somebody has been shooting near a field of hemp......

  8. manchester united said they were "nervous" with the wording ...."getting behind gay "...........if it happened that way....there is always some bu***r who is going to be left out ..wailing " form a circle,,,,,oh ohhh ooohhh form a circle "

  9. well just out of norwich on the acle road there is squat ! went out yesterday as my mate was drilling the land...loads of sh12hawks not a pigeon to be seen.........last year when he drilled that field on a sunday he called me up and said the birds were pulling the grain out of the ground as quick as he was putting it in .....i went up and burnt a slab off in under 3 hours...and i went up the next day and shot anther 45 odd birds


    i see birds about in 2's and 3's all the time ....but no solid flightlines as yet........i will see about setting up on tuesday as he will be lifting his beet....i dont normally bother on the beet fields ..........maybe the birds fancy a change....lets see......

  10. I am not sure glitter balls were ever meant to attract pigeons, I believe they were used for corvids, but I have never witnessed any of them being successful.

    There are pigeon scarers on the market now , that are spinning silver balls on poles.





    i cant find any liturature as to the illegalality of them, but im fairly sure they are illegal.....i can understand the corvids would be attracted to them.....but i used to hear "pub stories" as to pigeon decoys they were deadly.....the birds would be almost "suicidal" on them...........cant seem to track down the truth of it !!

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