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Posts posted by mickeylove

  1. Ive just bought a set of snow chains for my tranny, im off snowboarding up aviemore at the weekend and dont want to get caught out. Ive got mud terrains on my lightweight but dont fancy the motorway journey in that (plus it would be a bit cold kipping in the back).

  2. "The 50 bmg is banned in Europe under the Geneva Convention, because of the danger of the bullet as it travels through the air - more specifically, if you miss your target by an inch or two (say a human head) the air pressure the bullet creates is enough to suck the skin off your face and kill you anyway."


    No its true!



  3. We sell LPG, beverage dispense, and industrial gases. Patio gas is one string on our bow. We also convert vehicles to run on Autogas, retail autogas, and LPG equipment.



    You sound like hank off king of the hill

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