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About pauldr

  • Birthday 29/06/1974

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  • Gender
  • From
    New Mills / Derbyshire
  • Interests
    hunting / air rifles , fieldcraft , climbing , mbr dh / enduro

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  1. Cheers.. Being filling the form out for days now.. This is going to take a while i think..
  2. Hello Just got a cabinet for fac, just one question at the moment..Would the firearms officer come round to my house and check the location i wish to put my safe ? cheers
  3. i think the calibre which is best is whatever your a better shooter with, if your used to .22 then thats the best and vice versa if your good with .177 stick to that ..
  4. was thinking of putting it in my bedroom in a corner, both walls are exterior walls but am i right in thinking that when it says the cabinet carnt be fitted on a exterior wall it means outside.. cheers Paul
  5. BSA R10 all day / night / week and weekend long ..
  6. i use the lightweight see through nets and a couple of grow poles from b&q , they double up as my shooting sticks (only £6.00) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CLEAR-VIEW-LIGHTWEIGHT-CAMO-NET-PIGEON-HIDE-SHOOTING-NETTING-UK-WOODLAND-OAK-4m-/351104381305?hash=item51bf73b179:g:y0cAAOSw9mFWKPmP
  7. hmmm the hw80 without a second thought there are rifles then there are legands the hw80 sounds quite good that dosnt it
  8. was looking on the internet at the new hatsan pcp range ( very nice ) does anyone know of any shops that sell this range i was looking online for a price guide but couldnt find one anywhere cheers paul
  9. since its snowing i made an igloo hide :-) we have got some magpies flying around and the gardens big enough so i thought why not
  10. this one was £31.60 inc postage but it depends on the material that i use
  11. just made this knife for a fellow pigeon watch member i used 01 high carbon steel , birds eye maple for the handle and black fibre liners the blade is 11cm long and the handle is 11cm long it has 4 brass pins and a brass langyard hole finnished off with a leather strap i just need to polish the blade a bit more and add a few more coats of linseed oil
  12. i used a bar of high carbon steel , i shaped it , sharpened it did it all i have used linsead oil for the handle to protect it and to keep it as natural as possible
  13. just finished making this knife .. a no frills basic hunting knife .. i used rowan for the handle with brass pins and a brass langyard hole with a leather strap
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