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Posts posted by hodge911

  1. 21 hours ago, Lloyd90 said:

    Ai but will they have separation anxiety and god knows what other problems? 

    I don't think so as I'm at home 24/7 looking after my Mrs so can put the required time in to settle the dog in and get a good start on it bonding with me and the Mrs as,well as other people that sometimes visit and of course the grand kids

  2. 12 hours ago, Dave at kelton said:

    Was only thinking that myself although I am one of the culprits. Good bit of educational debate mind you😁

    Exactly !

    thanks all who posted I am enjoying the comments (even tho its turned into a debate on trailing) .

    My financial circumstances (I am only in receipt of carers benefit as I look after my disabled wife) dictate that at the prices people are asking for pups even cross breeds its going to be a long time before I can afford a new companion ....

    Unless the gods smile on me and there's a young dog needs a good home 

    13 hours ago, bigbird said:

    Anyway this discussion has degenerated into something completely unrelated to the OP’s question and I think we should get back on track.


  3. If ur not that bothered about breeding or health tests 

    after having jess for 12+yrs and the way she worked for me and let the grandkids pull her round the sitting room and use her as a pillow 

    breeding / bloodlines for me don't come into it 

    On 19/06/2020 at 13:57, scotslad said:

    not that bothered about breeding or health tests ( personally don't see them as a must if u know the dog and breeder and it genuinely works) surprising wot u can pick up

    after having jess for 12+yrs and the way she worked for me and let the grandkids pull her round the sitting room and use her as a pillow 

    breeding / bloodlines for me don't come into

  4. Jess was my first dog in years had terriers when fox hunting was allowed properly.... so 12+ yrs ago i was in a small syndicate with a few mates . One of the other members had a bitch G.W.P and a dog English springer that he used to work on the shoot and when the GWP came in heat it was the spaniel that got her .

    She had 9 pups and I bought jess from that litter ..... well I visited the lad and when he let the litter out of the run they scattered to the 4 corners of the garden apart from 1 that made a B line for me and stuck like glue all the time I was there so when I left she was with me and thats where she was,for the next 12 yrs .

    She was the easiest dog I've ever had to train and was an absolute amazing worker .

    Hunted and quartered like a spaniel then went on point once she knew something was in the rough .

    She ploughed threw thick & brambles like they were candyfloss  on command 

    (Right that's enough about her as I've got dust in my eyes ..... well that's my excuse)..

    All that for £150 ....... if only there was another litter of that cross I'd be over the moon ...

    I know I'll probably ever get another dog like her but it would be a starting point I suppose .... 

  5. Its a year gone may that I lost jess suddenly and my mind is starting to think about maybe a new member to the household ... I have had a basic look around and can't believe the prices people are asking for pups these days . I had jess 12+ years and paid £150 for her (gsp x english springer ) at the prices people are asking it's going to be quite a while longer before I can afford to get a new shooting companion / best friend .... 

  6. 11 hours ago, grrclark said:

    Great news and more importantly I very much hope there is no reoccurrence of the symptoms that led to the seizure in the first place.

    The consultant thinks it was a "stress related episode" due to within a couple of weeks my dog died in my arms suddenly (ruptured spleen) then had to break into my sister's house & find her passed away. All while waiting for the results from my wife's Parkinson's disease tests...

  7. Well eventually after 6 & a bit month I have my driving licence back:yahoo:.

    Back on the 8th of November 2019 (the day before my birthday) I suffered a seizure and had my driving licence suspended .

    I had a barrage of tests all of which came back clear .

    So today I phoned DVLA again and was told my licence had been reinstated as of the 14th of this month and I was clear to resume driving ....... 

    It took a few seconds to sink in as I was used to them telling me they were looking into it but this time the guy on the other end said " I have some good news for you "

    Like passing my test again 

  8. 2 hours ago, Lloyd90 said:

    His sisters don’t get to decide who visits him

    I've wondered this from the beginning .... correct me if I'm wrong but do partners even if not married have the rights to visit when they want ? Ans surely if martin in improving how ever slightly it may be if he is in control of senses in some way can he not say who visits him by way of some type of response to questions asked of him ? ......

    Knowing him as I do he'd be livid at what's going on 

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