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Posts posted by hodge911

  1. I'll see if I still have the picture on my old lap top ... a couple of years ago my nephew sold a full sized floor standing pub duke box (cd playing type) the guy who bought it came a couple of hundred miles to collect it .

    Now the funny / stupid bit he collected it in a vw polo he put it on the roof and held on by winding down the 4 windows and putting ratchet straps over an through the windows meaning the doors couldn't be opened & he had to squeeze in the window to get in (his mrs was going crazy because she couldn't get out).... it took 4 of us to lift it on and the suspension was well compressed ..... but he did put some polythene over it in case it rained on his way home ...

    Just to add there was no roof bars / rack just a blanket on the roof .

    AND BEFORE THE "WHY DID YOU HELP PUT IT ON THE ROOF " CREW START NIT PICKING my nephew got the guy to sign a disclaimer on the lines of he didn't agree with the way it was being transported and only helped once the buyer understood the blame for transporting in the way it was was 100% the buyer responsibility and it was loaded after he signed it 

  2. Now that is good news ...

    Its probably got a lot to do with martins will to get what he wants with as little help as possible ....

    Fingers crossed he keeps on fighting and improving ....

    I'd hate for him to end up like my poor brother-in-law he's been in a really bad way since having his stroke 14 yrs ago .

    Mike get jackie to pass on PW best m8 

  3. On 24/05/2020 at 07:29, Vince Green said:
    On 24/05/2020 at 07:29, Vince Green said:

    It goes the other way too, some MOT stations "find" problems then charge you to fix them before they will pass it

    That is also a big no no in vosa rules .

    If you think that a vehicle has failed on something it shouldn't you can request vosa to check vehicle and if they find in your favour the garage will be in the do do .... a mot station can NOT make you have the repairs carried out by them its up to the owner where the repairs are done .

    The station I was at was a dedicated one only carried out the test no repairs 


  4. THANK YOU SIR !!!

    That sounds just as I remember my old 2stroke crossers a strange but enchanting wurring but the best sound of all is when they get warmed up and you start hitting the power bands through the gears on a long straight so you can get them full chat .....


  5. Yep segs remember getting lines off headmaster of junior school many times for having them ones in the heel and one in the toe of the sole of my rider boots also had the smaller wedge shaped one around the outside of sole all way round ... they were banned from our school as they destroyed the Victorian wooden floor ...

    Ahh those were the days .....wet the leather really well prior to hammering them in on a last watched over by my grandad (who was a cobbler)

  6. first thing is the BIG NO NO  is for a garage to issue a mot pass to "promote the sale of a vehicle" whilst not making the vehicle is 100% acceptable to mot standard (which by the way is itself a grey area as it states the vehicle reaches the minimum standard to achieve a pass ) vosa will immediately suspend the station from testing if it is found to have passed it just to make a sale . most paces like you describe i.e car sales incorporating workshop and mot station will not list the advisories (even tho they should by law) as most people will see the listing of things that have been advised and query why its passed or add hey will not continue with the deal until all the advisories have been repaired therefore reducing the profit from the sale .

    but having said that there is more reputable dealers than not but you never know . 

    when I tested... the car sales pitches in the area that used the station I tested at hated me as I would list everything that needed to be listed .

    on more than one occasion they would ask if it has advisories to just put them on a "bit of paper" and not to list on the pass certificate as nearly always the buyer would take a vested interest in getting all the advisories fixed .

    if you have any worries my advice would be get your mechanic to give it a good going over or better still if your in the AA or RAC get them to insect the vehicle prior to purchase  as an mot is an examination to make sure the vehicle reaches the minimum standards to be safe to use on the road and only that it reaches that standard at time of test and should not be taken as a statement into the overall vehicle condition 

    I was a tester for 25+ years before my back packed in 

  7. the threaded fittings look like brass [ I haven't actually got it yet my mate got it from a farm he has permission on] I am thinking of removing them and giving them a good polish .

    I,m also thinking of giving it a soak in rust remover before  a good wire brushing but what would be a good coating to rustproof it if I don't paint it with a colour ?

  8. On 19/05/2020 at 19:40, ditchman said:

    ........what about an I-Pad so at least we can abuse him on Pigeonwatch and make him smile...

    Unfortunately in hospital you can't get onto PW as the internal settings block the site .

    I know this as every time I've been in and tried you can't and get a message something on the lines of "due to content acess to this site is not allowed" . Not sure about recovery hospices ect .

    Mike keep the updates coming mate its good to hear jackie is getting news on martin and he is showing signs of improvement no matter how small .

    and hopefully it won't be too long before I get my driving licence back and I'll come down for a natter .... adhering to social distancing of course .


  9. 14 hours ago, AVB said:

    No I am not saying it is ok but people get apoplectic about relatively few people not following the guidelines. We have been more compliant than the Government expected us to be and more compliment than other European countries. There will always be the odd muppet so just chill. 

    This conversation explains imo the meaning of "personal opinions".... mine been its no way acceptable to ignore the guidelines put in place to try and prevent the spread of this terrible disease . You say "relatively few" but relatively few here relatively few there & so on adds up to more than "few" and does become a large risk to public health as will be shown in the second spike ...

    Me personally having one of the conditions that puts me at an increased risk ... I'm not in the slightest interested in what other countries are doing I am however VERY INTERESTED in what this country is doing 

    Along with all the muppets overcrowding places and ignoring the rules..... 

    As a finishing note I have family experience of this covid19 in that my nephew's wife works in one of the large hospital's in london and spent 8 days in intensive care with it having contracted it while working on a "covid ward" .

    So if that means I have a twisted outlook on it so be it 

  10. 13 minutes ago, AVB said:

    There are 60+ Million people in the UK. 

    Minus nearly 35000 .

    So its ok to ignore requested actions to prevent the spread of this terrible disease and put people at risk because there's 60+ million in uk ? That's the same attitude as the muppets overcrowding places . Its not a national holiday its a national emergency...... next you'll be quoting the tosh that the dead people are only a minimum % based on per 100000 people  in population bla bla bla

    Get it .... doing stupid things like they are is putting people at risk .... and that's the bottom line ... 

  11. 49 minutes ago, AVB said:

    You only read about the relatively few people who flout the guidelines. The vast majority of people are abiding by them. 

    Nope !! Our local news showed local beauty spots / country villages (rothbury) just about over run and if social distancing means 6-12" then yea its working ....... not 

    And the local supermarkets were the same ...... my sister lives in Whitstable kent and the seafront today was very busy she turned around and didn't take her little dog for its normal walk today because of them ...so based on visual fact not just read 

  12. 2 hours ago, henry d said:

    Just spoke with him, he's fine and gets out to the park without too much bother and his work is still shut down which is good.

    My daughter is in South Tyneside too, but quite healthy and working from home thankfully.

    Good to hear I hope it all stays that way for them along with everyone else.

    I am getting fed up with all the lies manipulation and blaming by both the government and the media . Any party in power would have the same poop to deal with in a situation that the like has never been known .

    But I do believe that they are easing things a bit early as its clear joe public haven't got one eyeota of common sense in the current climate

  13. 2 minutes ago, henry d said:

    That's not good news, my brother lives there and has underlying health conditions!

    Its not mate .... both me & s.h.m.b.o aren't in the best of health ... the reason I get so agitated by the muppets is I suffer from asthma and due to my mrs health problems I have to do the shopping run.

    What part of gateshead does he live mate

  14. On little bit more of a serious note ...... I went to the local supermarket for our fortnightly shop yesterday and o.m.g since the "easing " of the lockdown people have gone stupid .!!! 

    Prior to the easing when on the "shopping run" it was quite sensible .... people forming an orderly que and in store most people tried hard to keep the required distance recommended by the government . Yes there was the odd moron who completely ignored the instructions given over the tanoy but overall it was quite sensible. Fast forward to yesterday and it was like a black friday sale . The Muppets were all over the place picking up stuff putting it back coming and standing right next to you twice some chuffing idiot actually touched my shoulder and asked if "they could be in to get something " .

    I did eventually lose it and give one of them a mouthful instructing him to stop being a **** and do as the instructions given over the speakers instructed......

    And the powers to be expect it to be all rosey 😠🤐

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