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Posts posted by hodge911

  1. On little bit more of a serious note ...... I went to the local supermarket for our fortnightly shop yesterday and o.m.g since the "easing " of the lockdown people have gone stupid .!!! 

    Prior to the easing when on the "shopping run" it was quite sensible .... people forming an orderly que and in store most people tried hard to keep the required distance recommended by the government . Yes there was the odd moron who completely ignored the instructions given over the tanoy but overall it was quite sensible. Fast forward to yesterday and it was like a black friday sale . The Muppets were all over the place picking up stuff putting it back coming and standing right next to you twice some chuffing idiot actually touched my shoulder and asked if "they could be in to get something " .

    I did eventually lose it and give one of them a mouthful instructing him to stop being a **** and do as the instructions given over the speakers instructed......

    And the powers to be expect it to be all rosey 😠🤐

  2. So its now just been on gmb that the batch of ppe brought over from turkey is not fit for purpose .... complete joke ..... makes me think (I may be wrong) that it was a ploy to keep face and should a buyer not have been sent samples to ensure the suitably of the product for use . So the cost of sending the plane over to collect it was a complete waste of time / money 

  3. So according to news this morning we now have highest deaths in Europe ... one of the top scientific advisors resigned for allowing his lover to visit therefore ignoring the rules that he had the government enforce... and so on 

  4. Who would have thought that !!

    The number has fallen below the governments "manipulated"Target number of the last day of the month they predicted that 1000k tests a day would be carried out ...... 

    Yes the government has done something's positively but why o why all the manipulation and out right lies ?..

    Possibly to keep the general public in line but would the truth not be better .

    I.M.H.O  it would ...... & yes I know any party in power would lie to us THAT'S WHAT POLITICIANS DO


  5. On 01/05/2020 at 17:00, Gordon R said:

    He can come across as thick, but the UK has him beaten hands down in the "thick stakes":-

    Ed Millband, Jeremy Corbyn, Diane Abbott, Sadiq Khan, Nicola Sturgeon, Chuka Umunna, Anna Soubry and many more.

    I.e most of the political body in the uk ..... not too many of them make sense they are all unable to ANSWER a question with a straight answer but keep reeling out about "what about blah blah blah " avoiding the actual answer to the question

  6. And how come there's numerous interviews with people been on tv who have the ways & means to produce ppe but can not get the govt to reply to their offers to supply them ..... 

    YES the govt has done good on some aspects but has serious failings in others .

    Each country has different hurdles to deal with in the way it deals with the pandemic and can't accurately be compared with each other

  7. 15 minutes ago, toontastic said:

    Perhaps you should complain to the counties who don't count them in their figures, instead of whinging about our GREAT COUNTRY who do.

    Perhaps you should take notice of reported facts that they weren't counted until recently

    This to & frow can go on for ever . Its human nature to disagree and interpratate things differently you have your opinion and I mine 

  8. 14 minutes ago, old'un said:
    27 minutes ago, hodge911 said:

    So its ok for the people in charge to disregard people that this terrible disease has killed just so "THE FIGURES" look good for them ...... for flip sake if the truth be known the uk has the 2nd highest death rate in Europe "as reported numerous times " . The powers to be have dealt commendable on SOME area's during the pandemic but lacking in many more .... the main area I.M.O the speed they dealt with the procurement of ppe for the nhs ..

    So how long should procurement have taken? Should we have had a

    Actually there was a tv documentary on last week confirming that "I think " 4-5 yrs ago the government had a meeting about just that .... yes it was a different government but surely governments should pass on important findings from 1 to another .

    Unfortunately I can't remember the exact name of the program but its findings were well reported on both bbc & itv morning programs .

    Good morning britain had an interview with a gov't minister that was in the "meeting " and she could not an answer on why the findings of the "said meeting" were not acted on 

  9. As stated loads of times on news , tv programs covid specific programs if the uncounted deaths had been used not just people who died in hospital of the virus we would be 2nd .

    Its well publicized that people who died out of hospital from covid like symptoms were not tested so therefore its a 50 / 50 chance if covid killed them or not but there's a good chance that a percentage (that we'll never know ) were victims .

    It doesn't matter if they had underlying illnesses if it was covid that caused their accelerated passing they become a statistic of this terrible disease and as such should be counted...

  10. 46 minutes ago, toontastic said:

    On care home deaths, many other countries don't count deaths in care. They also don't count deaths of people who were already seriously ill. That is one of the reasons some countries have suspiciously low death rate

    So its ok for the people in charge to disregard people that this terrible disease has killed just so "THE FIGURES" look good for them ...... for flip sake if the truth be known the uk has the 2nd highest death rate in Europe "as reported numerous times " . The powers to be have dealt commendable on SOME area's during the pandemic but lacking in many more .... the main area I.M.O the speed they dealt with the procurement of ppe for the nhs ..

  11. 12 hours ago, panoma1 said:

    Medical PPE gloves come in boxes, they are not in pairs!.......they are single gloves that fit either left or right hand....why would anyone count them in pairs?

    You dont see many 1 handed Drs /surgeons its all in the way the government manipulates the information it gives the public . Its on news now they counted tests that were "sent out but not received back " so how the heck can they count them when there's the possibility of a percentage not being sent back , getting damaged in transit & so on .


  12. 12 minutes ago, strimmer_13 said:

    it COULDNT of been stopped. End of. 

    Correct it couldn't !

    I didn't say that .

    I.M.O the truth has not been told 100% of the time .

    It is going to have an effect on the country / world for a long time yet without a doubt .

  13. Counting gloves as singles and not a pair so it would increase the numbers of ppe . . Not counting deaths in care ..... saying ppe was not a problem 

    I have a close relative who is on the front line in one of the big hospitals in london that caught it due to the LACK of ppe when the government were saying there wasn't a shortage . Ect ect .

    Everyone is allowed an opinion and if you believe that they have been completely upfront and honest during this covid19 pandemic than thats up to to you . I however believe they haven't ...

  14. How come all of a sudden on the last day of the month miraculously the covid19 testing reaches .... in fact goes well over the 100k when it has been struggling like a 1 legged duck swimming up rapids to get anywhere near.....

    More porkies  from the government !!

  15. Wow what a kick in the nads ..

    I've been to Martin's house a few times as he to mine I've helped him with car parts (my trade discount passed on to him) and he has done favours for me ..... truly gutted he's had a rough ride of late and now this ! I hope that he does manage to pull through . 

    Mike (hawkeye) if you speak to jackie again please pass on my regards / best wish & hopes

  16. On 29/04/2020 at 08:06, oldypigeonpopper said:

    hello, in 2008 a reporter caught a EU citizen cooking a Swan, Hasan Fidon in 2014 was fined for doing the same, it is seldom you hear of British citizens living in uk doing this, 

     I was just about to add a comment on that very thing ....

    Not accusing any nationality specifically ..... but what sprung straight to mind when I read the o.p . I wondered straight away that due to the number of birds injured "I am not going to say SHOT" and the lack of people birdwatching if the eastern European swan eaters aren't taking advantage .. but it could just as well be idiotic british people / youths committing the awful incidents

  17. Not just plaster . I'm busy in garden (like most of the country) and just bought a ton of sharp sand last one I got a few weeks before lockdown was £36 the ton I got last week £65 . And cement I paid £4 a bag so that's ok still but while looking around gumtree there's a guy selling the exact same bags for £10 a bag second hand ....... I hope they go off on him !!!

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