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Posts posted by hodge911

  1. 10 hours ago, hawkeye said:

    Springer spaniel got him at 2 years old lost him just before his 9th birthday never once heard him bark..

    One of my neighbours did not even know i had a dog ( had him nearly 6 years ) at the time she only new when my back garden fence blew down in some strong winds 

    and when she came out into her garden to inspect damage the dog was sat on my lawn watching he..she would not believe i had him for nearly 6 years at the time as

    she had never heard a thing from him..

    and a little belter he was to boot !!! cracking boy

  2. My first dog for years (she's 10 now) jess a gwp x English springer she is the easiest dog I have ever trained you get the best of both (along with the worst) she hunts & quarters like a spaniel then if she comes across something stands on point until I tell her to "get on" then flushes it .

    And even at 10 will go all day  

  3. On ‎10‎/‎09‎/‎2018 at 19:15, Lord v said:

    I would take a couple if you do fat boy sizes. 

    they do I can speak from experience ...............

    I need some new ones at xxl  1 black 1 dark green

     but must add they have lasted  very well

  4. 14 hours ago, billytheghillie said:

    Thanks for that, but they are bit pricey, guy on you-tube built one for £30. :good:

    not ben funny but youtube is full of fake videos I made a couple and spent ages hunting the net for the bits and no where could I get all the bits to make a working one that gives you a decent image for that price I think if he has not listed on the video where he got the bits from and the cost

    I would tend to think hes stretching the truth a bit mate ..........................

    just my opinion

  5. 11 hours ago, Gordon R said:

    Anonymity by letter or in person wearing a mask - shows them to be the spineless cowards that they truly are. Report it to the Police.

    yep could not agree more my thoughts exactly

    going back a good 30+ years when myself and another 3 lads used to work terriers for a local hunt we had 1 or 2 run ins with the muppets but as it was in the days before mobiles with video cams ect it was not unusal for them to get a stern :whistling::whistling: :mad: talking too if you get what I mean

    may I add I do not condone violence

  6. can,t remember where I got this from but I,ve had it a while now .

    I,m no art expert but I think its either oil or acrylic on canvas but I do know its deffo not a print

    a spaniel lifting a woodcock size frame 22.5" x 18.5" painting 20" x 16"

    no idea who painted it or what its worth so I,ll say £35 posted  or if you know better let me know



  7. 17 minutes ago, steve_b_wales said:

    You'll have to state a price please. What would you be happy with?

    Ok .

    Looked around the net at places selling army surplus and nets of this size are surprisingly expensive at 3 figures so I'll say £50 

  8. Mods please remove or move if this not allowed .

    I have a LARGE cammo net size is approx 30+ft x 25+ft .

    Would cover vehicle I would think

    I don't think I'll ever use it and have not the slightest idea on what its worth so if anyone with more idea of value for sale could let me know please I would be grateful 


  9. hi rob how u and the bairns doing ? signed it bud

    don't forget you got my number and I,m always at the other end if you need to let off steam or even just a natter

    keep plodding mate it never goes away but does become a little more bearable as time goes by but one this for sure you,ve always got the friends you can talk to

  10. was  a gold card member of the AA for over 15 years used them twice in that time both times were a complete farce

    1st time took us 9 hrs to get recovered about 40 miles

    2nd time really p,d me off and was the reason I left ................... 14.5 hrs 7 recovery trucks to get us 204 miles and to really rub salt in when I rang in to cancel my membership I explained why and never got one word of an apology

    joined rac and broke near to stanstead airport  (while collecting something form a PW member) they hired me a car to get home in and brought the ranger home the next day ..................... XLNT service


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