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Posts posted by hodge911

  1. 2 minutes ago, Dekers said:

    Always sad, they really are mans best friend!

    Oh yes !

    I burbled like a 10yr old when the vet came into the room to tell us there was nothing could be done as if they operated she was that poorly she wouldn't survive it 

  2. Thanks to everyone for your kind words they are much appreciated.....

    I think with her being a house dog from day one had made the bond a lot stronger and as I've said before she was definitely MY dog and preferred my company over the wife's and always pushed her way in between us if my mrs sat next to me .....

    Even down to a couple of times when the wife was standing and I put my arms around her waist from behind to give her a cuddle jess would bark at us 😁 and have us chuckling to ourselves with her jealousy

  3. On 20/05/2019 at 16:20, steve_b_wales said:

    As I mentioned in my last post, 'The Last Battle' poem is good to read.

    Eventually built up the courage to read it didn't get past the first couple of lines before the eyes filled up (what a wuss I'm turning into)

  4. 12 minutes ago, Scully said:

    I still have the ashes of my Border, Lucy in my Gun room. We’ve never discussed what we should do with them, so there they still are! 

    we,re  putting a bit of them in the in her favourite place where she used to lay in the garden along with her favourite toys 

    some is getting scattered up the estate where we spent most of our shooting times

    and the rest will remain in her casket and go into my gunroom

  5. 3 minutes ago, Agriv8 said:

    Come on hodge911 I am out having a quit pint waiting for eldest to finish scouts having to pretend I have a sudden attack of hey fever watery eyes while thinking about your Jess post !  Mans best freind is an overused term but when they have been there through thick and thin. Never saw my old man shed a tear until his dog passed suddenly. Time will heal and remover the good times Jess brought to your life.

    Atb Agriv8 

    sorry to spoil your pint mate !!

    when the courier knocked on the door this afternoon with a "parcel" the Mrs looked at me and spouted out what the heck have you been buying now ..

    since the people at the pet crematorium said it would be 10 days approx. for the ashes to reach us it never sprung to mind it could be jess .

    but when I cut open the packaging and seen the her name I instantly filled up and shed a few more tears 😥

  6. right all of you gurus that can work wonders with metal I need a small brass frame making for the front of jess,s casket with her ashes in so I can put a photograph of in it .

    what I,m after is a 55mm x 55mm outside size square brass frame with a 50mm x 50mm hole in centre I can drill holes and countersink them for screws to hold it place 

    in an ideal world if it could have a small lip machined around the inside edge of the opening so I put a thin layer of clear plastic over the picture like a picture frame [ if that makes sense] 

    so if anyone can make it for me drop me a pm with a price please 

  7. thank you to all who replied to my post on the passing suddenly of my companion and family member Jess .

    well one week to the day that she left us she has come home for the final time [ she can still bring a tear to my eyes] 




  8. It's also been televised numpty packham breaking the law by releasing grey squirrels back into the wild .

    Not just him mind .

    It boils my pee when these wildlife rescue programmes go rescue a grey that's been tangled up in a washing line take it back to hq check it over maybe give it an injection and then go and release it back into the wild .

    Funny when it's law that they must be despatched 

  9. Well im taken aback with all the comments and descriptions of people in the same boat as me at this time of losing what was a family member rather than " JUST A DOG" as someone said (not on here) .

    I think because jess was kept indoors from the day I got her and not kenneled that there was a stronger bond between us and jess definitely attached herself more to me than the mrs .

    When my 4yr old grandson come to visit jess would make sure she was up on the sofa pushing her head in between us to make sure she wasn't left out in any way .

    I have yet to TRY and explain to him where she's gone as she & him also clicked and she would lye with him resting his head on her for as long as he wanted .....

    I'm having her cremated and getting her ashes back to spread some in her favourite  place in the garden and some up on the estate where I drive the game cart during the season and allowed to shoot on as well as that's where we spent nearly all our hunting outings .... the rest will be in a beech casket with her name & kept in my gun room ....

  10. 13 minutes ago, bruno22rf said:

    Got a 13 yo Springer here very much on her last legs - she collapsed this very morning and we had to carry her near half a mile to the car, after a good rest she has perked up but I fear the inevitable looming. Really feel for your loss - if you find a way of avoiding becoming a blubbering wreck please let me know, in the meantime my thoughts are with you.

    Sorry mate no ideas on holding back the tears yet .

    I must be getting soft in my old age tho it takes the slightest thing about her to tear up (not good for my 17.5 stone 6ft Geordie image 😱😭😭)

  11. Thanks for all the kind words peeps 

    Yea its still raw and hurtful and probably will be for a while yet .

    I never thought I'd get so upset over " a dog" but then again she was way way more than just a dog .

    I think because it was so so unexpected it hurt more than if she'd been I'll and under a vets supervision and what more so she had her booster and annual health check in march .

    But I understand that this problem would not be detected without a scan so I apportion no blame to that vet ....


  12. well its finally happened I found out how much of a upset it is loosing my best friend/shooting partner . for the last 11.5 years she has never waivered from the moment the person I bought her from opened the kennel run door she has been by my side and wouldn't leave it .

    she was the easiest dog I have ever trained and learned everything I wanted from her only took a couple of attempts and it registered with her [it only took 2 days to house train her ] and in the years I had her she never faultered  ….. 

    but she was way more than s hooting companion she was a big part of mine and my mrs lives .

    my wife suffers from quite bad epilepsy and during a fit jess would climb up on the sofa next to my mrs and sit gently placing a paw or three on my wifes arm until she came out of her fit and if I was not in the room when this happened would howl until I came in to see them ….an unbelievable animal .

    so it is with watering eyes and running nose that I am writing this .

    on Friday night we were having our usual toy throwing session in the garden came indoors went into kitchen to wash hands followed closely by her so she could sit and stare at her treat tin after washing hands and telling her it was too early for her nightly treat we turned and walked into the sitting room when all of a sudden she slowed up lowered her head . I thought she was going to be sick but she just collapsed to the floor and was not responding to my prompts to get up . I instantly knew something serious was wrong as I could see her deteriorating before my eyes .

    phoned the emergency vet who said take her straight in so from collapsing to going through vets door 20 mins later she was sliding away .

    the vet took her straight into his room and put her on oxygen and i.v fluids [or something like that all a bit of a blur really]  and an hour later came to say she was sorry but there was nothing she could do and jess had passed .

    so what happened ?

    she told us that they had scanned her abdomen took bloods ect and without opening her up to get 100% diagnosis her opinion was going by what they seen on the scan was some sort of growth on her spleen had ruptured filling her abdomen with blood .

    I did not want her opening up to prove as all that registered was those horrible words " I am so sorry but " so all I now know is this house is a much less fun place to be at the moment as for the last 2 mornings when I open the door from the stairs to the sitting room my little companion is not there toy in mouth tail going like mad wanting me to let her out into the garden 




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