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Posts posted by hodge911

  1. As a follow up to my post in july regarding my sister being diagnosed with cancer I had the horrible job of breaking into her house with the police last night and found her passed away on the sofa.

    I had become  concerned throughout the day as she always visited us on a Monday,Thursday &Saturday .

    I spoke to her on friday to see if she wanted me to go pick her on Saturday to get the usual reply of no I'll get the 9.10am bus .

    Once it got to around 10.30am I started ringing her but got no answer so kept on trying until about 5pm then I contacted other family members but still nothing 

    I went to her house and looked in the sitting room window to see her on the sofa I tried the doors but all locked tried banging on the window as hard as could but no response so called 999 and 10 mins later the police & ambulance arrived broke in and confirmed she had passed .....

    She will be massive miss in our family

  2. My son races pigeons and unless its a very expensive (to the owner) the only reason they'll want it back is to breed from .

    The fact that it's been with you that long means it racing days are now a distant memory . If you can get the details off the ring send me them and I'll ask my son what can be done but to be honest its probably already a total loss to it owner .

    My son  paid £1200 for a one only for it to not return from its first young bird race ...

    But thats pigeon racing 

  3. 13 hours ago, Harnser said:

    There are some decent people out there . A couple of months ago I saw a note on my windscreen that said that I have backed into your truck please phone me on this number . One of my neighbours had hit the back of my truck and put a rather large dent in the quarter panel . I took the truck into a body shop for repair and my neighbour paid for the repair . Yes there are some decent people out there .


    Unfortunately not many tho the same happened to me a couple of yrs ago with my new to me grand Cherokee after owning it for only 2 days .

    Cost me a replacement rear bumper & painting 

  4. I spoke to her dad yesterday and apparently its also pushed the 1/4 panel in a bit as well ... still think it's a bit expensive as the panel should pull out with a sucker cup ....

    I think because they live in a nice house with new (company) cars on the drive and the 23yr old girl drives a 15 plate bmw the guy has bumped the price up a bit 

    9 hours ago, Lord Geordie said:

    That’s a tad excessive 😮 

    i had a HUGE crease over a fold in the car door done on my 406 for under £50 I would shop about. 

    How you doing martin mate 

    I think it would deffo be half that amount up here but they live down in higham in kent 

  5.  so sorry to hear the sad news martin .

    having lost both my parents at fairly young ages [both in their 60s] it is a pain like no other as they have been with you every day of your life .

    the pain never goes away mate but believe me it does fade to an acceptable one over taken by all the good memories .  I found an initial relief coming to terms with the fact for her the suffering and fighting is over .

    best wishes and condollences to you and yours mate 

  6. Well she's had a dent repair guy out today .

    Its going to cost her £270 for the pleasure of putting right the damage caused by some irresponsible muppet who didn't have the guts or decency to admit they had damaged her car

  7. ]here to start ............apart from ………………….. there is some utter a/oles driving these days!

    my niece who lives in kent graduated from U.C.L and has grafted her backside off both at uni and work to be able to get what she wants ultimately a career in law [she has been taken on by a good firm in London].. she has scrimped and saved and borrowed from bank of nan to get her dream car a white 1 series BMW [not my cup of tea] and as of Saturday afternoon she became a proud owner of a 2015 1 owner from new with full BMW history .. boy was she happy £10k poorer but over the moon ………….. fast forward to sunday morning around 10.30am she was parked at her boyfriends grans house for their usual sunday visit  when leaving they were horrified to find out some body had bumped her car and done a runner shes absolutely gutted to say the least its not a huge amount of damage but that's not the point the car was mint until this scum felt it was acceptable to damage another persons property and abscond 

    it really boils my wee that someone will do this without a second thought 


  8. On 07/08/2019 at 11:34, rimfire4969 said:

    I am very sorry to hear your news, life is very tough sometimes.

    It you fancy a break with your wife and a trip to Cornwall I might be able to sort some accommodation for a few nights on me.


    Apologies for late reply I haven't been on as much as normal ....I have been taking my sis to her appointments .

    She starts her treatment next Tuesday 1 strong chemo then 5 radio .

    Was at the epilepsy specialist today with the wife.

    .they've reached the limits to what they can give her medication wise ..... until there's any new ones come out . They can't operate so for now where we are at is it ...... which in all honesty is OK  considering she used to have 20+ seizures a day now she's down to around 10-15 a month a few less in a good month ....

    I'll tell her of your more than generous offer rimfire4969 

    Again thank you 



    (Unfortunately I know how hurt works with things like this having lost 2 children to sudden likenesses)....

    I just hope I can help her as much as possible in the time she has left .

    Being the youngest of 6 (54yr old) I've had to deal with losing both parents & my next in line sister but it never gets easier .

    All of your kind words are greatly appreciated

  10. My mrs suffers from amongst other things pretty bad epilepsy that the Drs know will never cured they try to keep the fits as well controlled as they can via meds but she still suffers multiple fits a month and cannot be left alone ...

    So to enable me to have a break from caring for her (have been since 1996) my sister will come and sit with for a few hours ..... and what a god send it is ..... until today .

    She was told at hospital yesterday that she has lung cancer that has spread to the lymph nodes and only has 3-6 months left with us ....

    I'm still a bit upset over losing jess the way I did and know its different losing my dog to my sister but I'm just a bit pee,d off off  with all the poop at the min.

    Sorry peeps just venting  

  11. I visited kent gunsmiths on Monday and had a chat with the lad behind the counter . at the moment he has a small sock level as he has not been trading for long but he is expanding the premises so he can enlarge his stock . he does however have an excellent workshop set up and I think will turn out to be a very good addition to the shooting industry

    and he is a nice guy to talk to. I will most certainly visit each time I come down to my sisters 

    only down side is its a begger of a place to find for the first time customer 

  12. On 15/06/2019 at 16:36, London Best said:

    This is in no way aimed at  guzzicat’s post above,

    but, whilst we are on the subject,

    I have always regarded the mot as being just about the minimum standard to be just about fit to be allowed on the road.

    You are my friend 100% correct .

    It even used to say on the old certificate "AT TIME OF TEST" 

    And during all the refresher courses I was on while I was testing it was ALWAYS stipulated that the mot test was to make sure the vehicle met a basic minimum standard to be allowed on the road .

    (mot tester for 20+ yrs)

  13. On 18/06/2019 at 17:35, rimmie said:

    Hi all, 


    im looking at a ranger 55 plate 66,000 miles very good condition.


    anyone got any good/bad points ? Never owned one so all opinions welcome

    My brother has a 05 plate and regrets ever buying it (haha I told him not to ) its had the cylinder head replaced with a brand new one along with all bolts gaskets radiator & water pump & timing belt kit only for the head gasket to go again 13 months later .

    So I took head off again ! Sent it for skimming pressure testing thinking it may be a faulty head all ok with it so rebuild with new bolts gaskets & another belt kit (due to belt getting very hot) and told him to go part ex it but has he listened ....... has he hell .... .

    I've told him if owt goes I'm not doing it I've spent enough time on it for "love job"

  14. I've had a t30 2.2ltr  bought second hand kept it for 5yrs until timing chain went & wrecked the engine (14 months after getting a full new kit fitted) had a td5 (that's all I'm saying on that 1) shogun 2.5td was good until bottom pulley went , toyota hilux surf needed an engine replacement after 6 weeks of owning it got a good S/H one & fitted myself kept it four yrs then sold it on still going strong .. automatic vehicles I've had a jeep grand Cherokee 2.7crd and regret every minute of selling it then had a couple of 2wd cars now got a Volvo xc90 d5 auto 

    My order of likes

    1 jeep grand Cherokee (not as good as the t30 on fuel)

    2 xtrail t30

    3 Volvo xc90

    If they done the t30 in automatic diesel that's what I'd have now but they don't and the Renault engined ones aren't a patch on the 2.2td nissan unit (as long as you keep on top of the chain)

  15. 51 minutes ago, JDog said:

    It looks like Himalayan balsam. If it is you ought to pull out all you can see before the seed pods ripen and the seeds spread.

    is that the stuff which has the seed pods that explode when touched ?

    the waste land near where I used to work has something like it on it and gets more every year 

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