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About urikastu

  • Birthday 01/04/1940

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  • From
    avon and somerset
  • Interests
    I do like winding up boring old farts. This world we live in is far too serious as it is.<br />I'm far to old to give a toss these days!

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  1. I'll take a copy if you don't mind
  2. Get the best and biggest you can afford, bearing in mind you can use it as a safe for other valuable items ( A tip from my FAO )
  3. Try there website, I think it gives you the info you need http://www.rioammo.com/target_bird.htm
  4. There's a nice DVD out "Wildfowling The Whole Story" by Chris Green, only got vol 1 But well worth it and very informative too, he actually built one
  5. A past quote from you GJ:- BASC because it's the most expensive (you get what you pay for I have found in life), they provide the most cover. They seem to be professional. They also have 100 years behind them My point is , By your standards if it's the highest priced item it's got to be the best common sense tells most people this is not nesesarily so
  6. I love people like you. Yes this guns three grand to you (Thinking I only paid three hundred for it). Still he gets what he pays for! Ripped off without even knowing it!
  7. Agree entirely, should be asking the right people (Local Police Authority) they know the letter of the law!
  8. Just makes me wonder, if insurance was compulsary, wouldn't you scan the companies for the cheapest cover as 99.9% of people do now for car insurance. Your natural instinct would take over about being ripped off regardless of what extras you might get!!
  9. Now that is a bit tasty
  10. Sounds like another question you asked GJ (Can't carry a shotgun with ammo in your car all at once? ) Don't, make'm get the bus B)
  11. certainly provoked a lot of replies
  12. search the threads I'm sure this has been done to death before
  13. I go away for a couple of hours and look what happens Yea. I wish I hadn't opened my big mouth about a subs freeze. Alas I did Now PLEASE CLOSE this thread it's getting rather boring
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