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Posts posted by jojusa

  1. Have previously got my carts from deep blue but the annoying thing is they decide on a price when you walk in. I got some high pigeon and they charged me more than was in the book.

    Also i have had a run in with them on the price of a gun, price went up when i liked it, much rather travel to weldon.


    It was more a post to see if anyone ordered them online, or was looking to order online in the future for a good discount.


    The trouble with online purchasing for cartridges is the price of delivery, any discount/cheap price you get is normally lost in the postage price. If you do find a good supplier though, let me know. :lol::)

  2. Hi John

    i am assuming the eley first and the hull comp are clay carts


    Yeah Rob, they are clay carts.


    Have a look Rob, they've got a good selection but give them a ring before you go to buy just to check they have what you want in stock. I called in the other day for just 3 boxes for my bro and he gave them to me for £4.00 a box for Eley HB Pigeon Fibre 32g! (wish I'd asked for 1000 at that price)


  3. Hi Rob, I've found Deep Blue to be as cheap as anywhere when looking for cartridges but as has already been said it depends what your after.


    Eley HB Pigeon Fibre 32g 500 = £88.00 / 1000 = £168.00

    Eley HB Pigeon Plastic 32g 500 = £84.00 / 1000 = £159.00

    Eley First 28g Fibre 500 = £74.00 / 1000 = £139.00

    Hull Comp X 12g Plastic 28g 500 = £70.00 / 1000 = £129.00




  4. Cheers Shaun :oops: , got to follow what the lads are saying.


    Great morning, great tea, (my bro say's) great sarnies, and great bunch of guy's (and besty57's girlfriend).


    I'd never shot clays before so I was well chuffed with my 23 :) and my bro had only fired my gun twice (4 carts) before today so he would have been happy with a 1 so his 7 was tops for him.


    It was good to put faces to names (some I think I missed, sorry) and we will be back for another round for sure. Oh, and excellent shooting by markm, I don't think he would have mentioned it so I will. :oops::good:

  5. I can't get too my permission until 22nd Dec so that's when my farmer will be getting his drink, I also buy a little present for everyone in the family.


    Farmer = slab of lager (he doesn't drink spirits)

    Farmers wife = bottles of wine

    The kids = big tin of roses choccies (I bet the Farmer and his wife also get into these)

    Farmers mother = box of biscuits & choc liqueurs


    I must say though that we get on very well with the farmer and his family and always have a chat every time we go shooting. He is more like a friend now than just the man who allows us onto his land (long may it last).

  6. I will add proper direction tomoz...(wed)


    thats not a farmyard thats the home of the devil incarnate... he will strike you down as soon as look at you.


    (long story but the short version is:)


    We have been there since the 60's, he moved in approx 3 years ago....was an old pub (The Junction) converted it back into a house.... he knew we were there and we even helped him with some stuff....


    any way after about 6 months he started complaining to anyone who would listen ie county council, local council, parish council and our landlords.....wanted us shut down, we were too noisy.....he went down the road of getting his own noise equipment in...FAILED


    anyway we were asked to move by our landlords as they were putting a new road through our ground.


    they offered us land approx 2 fields further away from him......he tried everyway to block our planning application. FAILED.


    we dont like him and he hates us....


    we just keep out of each others way.


    funnily enouh this year we restarted our wednesday night shoots in the summer which we hadnt done for years.....tongue0015.gif


    We have now got full permanent planning...... :good:




    So, will he be making the tea/coffee & bacon sarnies :good::good:


    (I'll get my coat !!) sSc_escape.gif

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