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Posts posted by jojusa

  1. No I haven't, this is why I was calling. They told me last week it's with an officer but wont tell me when I can expect to hear about the visit or let me speak to the aforementioned officer.

    I'm afraid it's just a case of being patient, I waited 4 weeks then one day got an answer machine message from a young lady informing me of when the visit would be.


    The FEO did say the dept was very busy and running behind as they were also getting ready to move the whole dept, there would also be a bit of a delay to get the SGC through the door (5weeks).

  2. I found this site on another forum BSA owners go on its great for working out how many acers you have in total i just worked out how many me xscode and baku share we have 204.477 acers so far why dont we all do i poll to see what all our members have in total so just add your total to the running total the site to work out your acers is ....




    the running total is 204.477 acers

    LoL :look: , it was me that posted it on BSAOG. I'm pleased you like it but I'm sure it was on this site (PW) that I found it. :look:

    What goes around, comes around. :D

  3. Just do a search for military surplus in your area and you should find something. Failing that there's a good shop at catterick but I can't remember it's name.



    Thanks for that DaveK, I was hoping to find one local today so I could go and try some on but it's looking like an internet purchase. :good:

  4. Only I know where the keys are, and was also advised by my fao to get a digital safe for the cartridges and keep keys in there too .. Only just had my visit for ticket..

    I also bought a digital safe to keep my spare keys in but my FEO said he would prefer if my keys were hidden as the safe would probably be the first place any naughty boys would try to get into. I can see his point, it means your digital safe is the strong point in the link and I'm not sure what is the strongest ...... the safe or the gun cabinet. :blink:

  5. We all go through this check and to be honest, it's nowhere near as bad as you expect it to be.

    Be polite and answer all questions with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. :yes:


    Don't panic about it though, it is basically to check your cabinet and home security ........ don't forget to have the kettle on.

    (if it helps, I was also very nervous before my visit but it was over in roughly 20 mins and I was left wondering why I had worried)

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