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Ozzy Fudd

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Posts posted by Ozzy Fudd

  1. I will now be browsing the Net looking for another Insurer, I hope this increase is not a symptom of the "Credit Cruch", or I am unlikely to find a suitable alternative.


    sorry mean to comment on this.... :lol:


    the credit crunch is causing major problems with insurance at the minute; all premiums are starting to go up and its mostly due to an increase in claims.


    people dont have as muchmoney now as they used to, so whereas 2 years ago they got a vet bill for £100 and their excess was £50, most would pay it without even thinking of the insurance, theyd only get £50. but now people are claiming for small amounts like this (not just pet insurance either, all types of insurance - car, house, etc) and so its forcing the prices up. simple logic - if more money is being paid out of the insurance pool, then more money will have to be paid into it to cover the out going, so that means prices are going up ;)


    id advise everyone to shop around, especially on the net, to get the best deal. just be careful, some of the policies out there arent worth the paper theyre printed on (or the email theyre sent in), so read the cover details and not just the price; i probably cant name any names of companies to watch out for, but simple logic will keep you right. :lol:

  2. house insurance can be vague, normally it only covers the dog around the house, id advise you to get seperate insurance on them.


    damn, i have arnie and jess insured with healthy pets, it was £40 a month to start with last year but dropped to £27 this year (covers both of them), its not due for renewal again til april so ill look around then if its gone through the roof. ;)


    but then im probly in a better position than most people here when it comes to finding cheap pet insurance - i work in an insurance brokers :lol::lol:???:hmm::hmm:

  3. i went for the cheap and cheerful method for the two pens i had to make. have you ever seen the galvanised metal fence sections around building sites? theyre about 12 ft long by 6ft high? well those are perfect to make a run. put stakes in the ground (metal iron bars, should slip up inside the steel tubes of the sections) to hold them steady and concrete them in as well; might need to put a beam across the top to add strength to the sides. can either leave a gap to make a permament gate or leave one of the sections so that it can swing open. ;)


    simplest way ive found so far to make a pen if - its going to be permament anyway :lol:

  4. You learn something new every day.!! I thought rough shooting was when you went shooting without having a shave first. ;)


    thats never a good idea, the stubble gets caught in the neoprene shell holder on the stock, after a few hours it feels like your face has been blow torched.... :lol: :lol: ???:hmm::hmm:

  5. i still get runners, last day i went shooting i had to hit a pigeon 3 times with a 12 bore using no 6's. first one at 50ft took a load of feathers off and left it fluttering about over my head, fighting to stay airborne, 2nd shot right over my head took more feathers off and forced it to land in a tree about 20 feet away at eye level; 3rd shot knocked it out of the tree (while taking yet more feathers off), but i still had to try and wring its neck, he refused to give up the fight. didnt take him home, id scuffed a hole in the dirt under the tree and put him it it before covering him, sounds daft i know but a bird that put upthat much of a fight deserved a decent burial ;)

  6. i only shoot dtl for a bit of fun or practice, im not sure if this is in the rules or not (so dont shout if it isnt allowed!!) but i keep the gun pointed at the top of the trap or the housing its in (only do this with an automatic trap), i keep my eyes on the trap as well (basically looking down the barrel where the gun is pointed). by doing this i can see the clay coming up, out of the top of my eyes, so its easy to pull the gun onto it and blast the clay, normally i get around 20 outta 25 or so, so it works for me :hmm:

  7. for clays i wear trainers or whatevers handy! :hmm: for hunting, depending on how wet and boggy its going to be, a pair of cheap wellies from b+q for very muddy and boggy, good old british army assault boots for when its not very boggy but you might get a few patches, and a pair of goretex ankle boots for when its hot weather

  8. justify? what does that mean? i just go and buy them, and ignore any **** i get.... :lol:


    lol ok im joking, what type of guns have you got so far, and what do you hunt? (do you hunt?)


    my favourite is the old "but i need it because the old gun is not that accurate and it doesnt kill the target straight off, this new one will prevent any suffering...." :blush::P:D

  9. camocowboy.jpg


    halloween 08, was very drunk, i had been dressed as a vampire but we were going to pull a major prank hence me dressing in camo gear so i wouldnt be seen. i almost worked too, apart from the fact my face was painted with glow in the dark white paint.... :blush:

  10. hmmm i think if i was getting paid to shoot pigeons all day id gladly take a pay cut!!


    stupid question, but have none of you guys got holidays from work?


    think about it - take 2 weeks off work so get holiday pay from work, plus the extra pay from shooting the pigeons, PLUS if you get ear ache from the other half you can claim its only for the money, its a paid 2 week shooting holiday!!!!

  11. spent an hour trying to work out that wiki post, then was all chuffed with myself because i found this simple explanaion in it... :yes:


    If an optical instrument — e.g., a telescope, microscope, or theodolite — is imprecisely focused, its cross-hairs will appear to move with respect to the object focused on if one moves one's head horizontally in front of the eyepiece. This is why it is important, especially when performing measurements, to focus carefully in order to eliminate the parallax, and to check by moving one's head


    unfortunately baldrick just posted this :good::yes::yes:


    anyway, simple way to eliminate this problem is to keep you cheek on the same position on the stock everytime :hmm:

  12. No sacs did not pay his costs he paid his own but his lawyer told him that he should take up a sacs or a sgc membership they would not have let him down had he been a member of one of them. Sarcasm dose work i laughed till i cried (fools follow men Walk there own path )


    can i just point out, totally off topic, but that last comment does NOT work when crossing a minefield.... :hmm::good::yes::yes:

  13. i love benellis, i have a benelli montefeltro 12 bore. i use it mostly for hunting tho, ill just warn you that it doesnt cycle light loads so well for clays (28 gram 7.5s); maybe all montefeltros are like that or maybe its just my gun, but its something to keep in mind :hmm:

  14. Looks like BASC will be getting my hard earned £££ But will have to wait till after Christmas, unless my good lady decides to stick it in my stocking :):lol: I did mention it, but she's not the type to take hints too well :good:


    just do what i do, buy yourself what you want and tell her she just bought you your xmas present and owes you £xxx - it worked with my mossberg :):lol:;)

  15. ah clays are easy, nothing compared to pigeons once they light theyre after burners.... :good:


    just rejoined basc, was in the same boat as stamford, let it lapse at the start of the year due to moving out of the countryside and thought wouldnt be shooting anymore, started again during the summer tho :)

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