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Ozzy Fudd

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Posts posted by Ozzy Fudd

  1. i breed rottweilers and like to take my big male out hunting with me. hes pretty good at chasing game out and isnt gun shy in the least, i have him trained that as soon as i shout fire he sits down immediately so he doesnt run into my line of fire. i started some retrieval training with him but broke my ankle a week or two into it and never finished it. at 9 stone hes slightly larger than your average gun dog... :lol: but he has added advantages; i made him a harnass out of an old webbing kit i had (complete with pouches) so carrying around all my odds and ends for a full day, including cartridges, doesnt bother him. also he saved my backside one night when i went shooting. i was in a field that had 20 odd bullocks in it, but because of the shape of the field i didnt see them til i was in the middle of it, 100 yards from the nearest gate. that was when the bullocks decided theyd like to trample me into the ground. all of them came charging at me at full speed, i fired a couple of shots over their heads but it had no effect, i thought my number was up til arnie charged out from beside me to meet them head on, broke the formation up and scattered them. i started making my way back to the gate, he followed about 10 feet behind me walking backwards, any bullock that got too near was swiftly chased off. :good:


    hes a big softy most of the time, i still have pics of him somewhere with 3 kittens lying snuggled up beside him and a 4th lying between his paws looking seriousley unimpressed as he licked it clean, but ill never forget him protectingme that night with the bullocks :D

  2. I saw an article the other day that said if you coat your nuts with chilli the birds will still eat them but the squirrels wont. worth a try.?


    OK OK, lets hear the wisecracks, first one gets 12 months free subscription to well known mens mag.


    well i dunno about chilli but the birds seem to like my nuts when theyre covered in chocolate.... :good::good: :look: :look:

  3. i can think of many ways - catapult with ball bearings, silenced air rifle or .22 with subbies...


    these probably arent legal so im not suggesting them!! :o


    so how about these?


    1 coat the window sill with oil - squirrels slip off and... splat! squirrel pizza!!


    2 put electrified wire mesh on the mindow sills - no need for breakfast, youll have hot squirel fitters every morning, the higher the voltage the crispier the meat!!


    :good::good: :look: :look: :look: :P???


    sorry, no real suggestions, but just couldnt resist....

  4. pestering my aunt to take me to get frogs spawn from the local forest

    thinking "going fishing" meant buying a 40p net on a piece of cane and catching pond scum

    sherbet dips!

    finding my dads .44 smith+wesson ppw revolver and flak vest behind the sofa

    thinking going to the isle of man was going to the other side of the world



    and im only 24 (for 4 weeks anyway...) :good::good: :look:

  5. i have all the different kit, rods, brushes, cleaning patches, bore cleaner, u nameit, its in the cleaning box.


    most of its overrated though.


    i normally use four of the yellow duster you see the missus with. one to dry off water, one to clean the bolt and inside the receiver, etc (semi auto), one to pull through the barrel to clean it attached to an sa80 cleaning rod (flexible wire thing wrapped in white plastic, like some of the net curtain rods) and a final one to give the outside of the gun a good polish with oil. sometimes i use a wire brush on a rod too for the barrels but rarely need it; also got a big can of oil like wd40 but you can spray on, good for reaching awkward places. all in all takes about 10 mins.


    just make sure you put the dusters through the washing machine a few times first (or get her to do it :good:) to get rid of the fluff that covers them. once every 4 or 5 months i give the gun a full clean, strip down all the parts, use a wire brush on some of the internal ones, etc.



    but every guns different, just because mine cleans up ok in this way doesnt mean urs will!! :good:

  6. im in the same boat mate. at night time and weekends the connection rate drops due to so many people logging on so that could be it; my broadbands up the left at the moment anyway,very slow connection, there working on it but no joy yet :good:

  7. thanks for the tips guys.


    im only seein her 6 months or so now, if this turns into a regular thing i do intend to stock up on the proper kit from some of the scandnavian companies (as well as buying a large bore centrefire rifle to take with me - her brother uses an sks which i cant wait to try!!).


    i know the army kit isnt 100% but my thinking was itll only be for 5 or 6 hours tops; ill have a thermal t shirt, long sleeve t shirt, norwegian, jacket liner and a 95 jacket on top, thick double layer trousers, thermal long johns plus the trouser liners, then all the usual insulated hats, scarf's and gloves, etc.


    ill be there for a couple of days before going hunting so i can test the kit out first. if it doesnt work i can either borrow some stuff or buy it when im there, but was hoping it might do the first time im out :good:

  8. northern ireland - first licence application submitted 4/1/06, licence received 12/9/06. one on one off swap for a bolt action .22lr to a semi .22 lr, done on 6/11/06, was told would take 3 weeks, got the new licence through on 13/2/07!!


    having said that theyre supposed to be alot faster now, a friend bought a glock 17 9mm a month ago, got the licence back within 2 weeks, it was so fast the gun hadnt arrived in the shop for him yet lol :good::):good:

  9. ok im leaving myself open for trouble here so im going to point out a few things first before i continue.... :angry:


    1) i knew the land like the back of my hand, it belonged to my then gf's family, was only 50 acres, it surrounded our house (i mean i jumped the garden fence and was on it) and i was the only one on it every day for 3 years, so minimal danger of anyone else being there or of shooting something i shouldnt

    2) only guaranteed, 100% confirmation of target and kill shots were taken (meaning 3 shots the entire time!)

    3) shots were only fired "up in the air", not horizontal, and away from hillsides; no danger of hitting humans or livestock!!


    so, now ive pointed that out, has anyone ever tried shooting in thick fog? its one of the most amazing shooting experiences ever! i did it at the start of last year, found myself off work for a couple of months so was out shooting every day. one morning i got up at 6 to head out and visibility was down to 10m of clear view, was foggyish from 10 to 20m, then from 20m or so it was a pure white wall! i left it til 9am, had been having trouble with crows around some early born lambs and decided to head out, thinking the fog would soon burn off. it didnt....


    first off the surroundings were eerie as heck! there was an old abandoned house and farm yard a hundred yards or so up the lane from our house, it was central to all the land i shot on so always used it as my start point before deciding what way to go. so i headed up there as normal, but the place looked like something out of silent hill - dark gloomy buildings, skelegton like trees, all suddenly appearing out of the fog, everywhere dead quiet due to the muffling effect of the fog, no bird song, nothing :lol:


    i went out through the fields anyway and kept to one of my normal routes til i got my first encounter with a pigeon that day, it appeared over my head and was gone in a flash before i could even lift the gun. it had been sitting in a tree id walked beside, scared it out of the branches beside me, so after that i really had to switch on! i would walk for 15 or 20 paces then pause for a few seconds to listen before moving off, thats hows i got my first kill, a massive grey back crow. heard it cawing a hundred metres or so away, just kept getting closer and closer, i stayed put and raised the gun and it came into view; i took a second to make sure it was a crow before blasting it out of the sky, it never saw me :good::good:


    the rest of the day was like this, very exhausting shooting in this way, extreme concentration required and fast reflexes to get a shot when the opportunity presents itself, but if you ever have the chance (and i dont just mean thick fog, i mean that you can confidently tick off the 3 requirements i posted at the start) go for it. i will point out safety is not just a must, its the absolute underlying requirement, alway make sure everyone knows ur doing it. but youll never have as good a day, even if its only for the feeling that your walking through a film set for some supernatural horror film :hmm::):hmm:


    ps - one further warning. gun shots can startle livestock, and white fluffy sheeps wool is the perfect camoflague for hiding in white, fluffy fog. plus, scaring sheep and making them charge out of the mist at you at full speed is also a pretty good cure for constipation :lol::lol:

  10. i nearly got in trouble that day when russia invaded georgia. four of us were sitting watching the tv news cheering on the georgians (as you do) when my girlfriend walked in.


    i should explain, shes from latvia but half her familys russian.




    ps im going for a rem 700 too but probably wrong

  11. probably shouldnt say this but i regularly blast crows that are sitting on telephone lines (not the same i know, but still...). i was edgy at first but the farmer who'sland they cross told me to shoot away, he was more worried about the crows than anything else! having said that most of the lines are armoured so shotguns dont do as much damage as most people think...

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