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Posts posted by robmiller

  1. Well, just had FAO visit (well there was 2 of them). Both civilians i notice! Swung off the cabinet, noted i didnt have any dead bodies in the cupboard.


    Application for a .22lr and .243. From the initial response, both should be passed fine. Obv on a closed ticket (for land where i have permission). Have waited 11 weeks for the visit and was told that i should have a licence within 4-6 weeks!! Grrrr!


    Anyone know of a budget beginner .243 for me to possibly get my hands on or any advice on one? Bolt action obv. Have ordered a cz varmint for my .22 which i gather to be pretty efficient. I know .243 ammunition is expensive, is loading your own a bit off a faff?




  2. Back home now. Which is good. Swellings gone down but got some sort of blood poisoning.

    I think i am going to try the natural remedies, one with citronella is supposed to be a good one. Clegs seem to like me around water, lakes and rivers. Thats where i picked these ******* up. I was in barley, and as it was whisping my hands i obv didnt feel it.


    I also need to find a good pair of gloves. Fingerless but with some sort of grip on them. Anyone know of any?

  3. Hi guys, been looking at the above gun in a gun shop. Second hand. Multichoke. Supposedly only fired a few cartridges. Any idea of second hand prices?


    Also, i have never had a multi choke, what is the gun choked to without the chokes in? As i dontreally fancy the idea of putting chokes in every time i shoot.

  4. Hi

    am based in the north east. Newcastle. Northumbria Constabulary.


    I am happy to back off to a 22 centre fire. And was thinking along the lines of a .223 or a 22-250? Can you give me any advice as to kill distances with these rifles and price of rounds? I know both are good for foxes.



  5. Evening gents. Well second day in hospital! Been on I.V sincel sun evening. Steroids and antibiotics. Little sh*tters. Need to come up with something quick! Am on blackberry so will read all replies when home, plus will paste photos of my beadle hands! Thanks fellahs......,o nice nurses by the way!

  6. hey guys cheers for your help. Antihistamines arent working along with ibuprofen. Phoned the useless entity that is otherwise known as NHS direct and they have advised i go to A&E as the swelling has spread up my forearm and into my glands which are sore to touch.

    Will report back to you, i know it is probably a horsefly / cleg and when this has happened to me before (not to quite this extent) i have been around water.....swimming when i was younger.


    to be continued......

  7. I know this has been covered in several posts but not quite to answer the same question.


    I am currently awaiting my FAC, had a call from FAO stating i never put any deer control permissions down so when i applied for a .243 it would be questioned. It would be an option however to go for a .22 centrefire.


    In your opinion?! 22-250 or 223? Merits? Typical kill distances and price of ammunition etc would be appreciated! Also a note if anyone has one or the other up for sale!?

  8. Well i currently have two hand that look like a cross between jeremy beadles and shreks!


    I am allergic to horsefly/cleg bites. And they swell up quite badly and infect my glands. Does anyone have any good midge/insect repellants or even any good remedies for post bites!?


    Good to hear any ideas

  9. I have a possible permission to control a golf course in the north east


    I have not decided the best way to control, but i believe it may be to have myself on the permission and a second to cover when i cannot, or at their own convenience.


    In return for this, i would be possibly looking for a shared permission elsewhere in northumberland. I hope this doesnt seem a cheeky request.


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