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Posts posted by robmiller

  1. BASC was my last insurer, i have just seen threads in parts of the site not fully supporting and wanted to get peoples thoughts.

    I can say i have had no issues with them and was very pleased with them. Plus i think having BASC means more to farmers/country men when providing permissions.

    I have jus tpicked up a golf course permission, and i just wasnt sure if standard basc would cover this, but i will ring and check.

  2. Hey guys

    i have been a member of BASC and unfortunately it expired a couple of weeks ago. Am just about to sign up again and just wondered what other people have thought of them, services offered. Or even any alternatives of other companies offering insurances.


    I am looking for an insurance that will cover golf course shooting, would anyone have any knowledge that the general insurance provided by basc etc will cover this.

    Any thoughts appreciated


  3. Have a potential new permission and i really do not want to bother the land owner on numerous occassions.

    Can i ask my FAO if they would think the land may pass to be used for a .22 RF "in principal" prior to me gaining written permission for it to be sent in?


    Any thoughts welcomed


  4. Am tempted to look to purchase some night vision scopes. I know nothing about them at all, so any advice is appreciated!


    Can you use them also as a general day scope, how much am i looking at paying? Do they warrant the cost over a lamp?


    Cheers Guys

  5. I was looking into gaining a golf course permission, and i believe it may be quite possible through a contact.


    I would like to ask any guys who have permissions on golf courses for any advice they may be able to offer? The golf course is approximately 125 acres, relatively undulating ground so it may be possible for a .22 rimfire and air rifle.


    Would you advise approaching the surrounding farmers to ask for permissions to control the bordering titles?


    All advice very much appreciate with regards to ettiquete, approaching the FAO and general practices in the field.

  6. Hi Guys

    Looking for basically the above. I am a professional reliable shooter with both FAC AND SGC. Looking for any opportunities where i could either keep someone company or work on some control issues where its needed. Any guys who have a shoot and was wanting someone to pop up every now and again, i would be willing to help as to learn a bit about shoot management myself.


    Also if anyone is looking for the company, i have permissions of my own where i can reciprocate in cumbria and areas of northumberland.


  7. i rang the week after it was submitted, all received along with my permissions. Just keen as mustard to get cracking thats all, rifle in waiting and itching to get out! One of the permissions is riddled with rabbits and the farmer keeps ringing to ask when i can get there!

  8. I was out with the girlfriends family at a barbecue when i first met them, there was a rabbit on the pavement with mixy, couldnt see, so i pulled its neck. Everyone was mortified including mum, gran, 3 sisters, nephews, uncle and auntie. She is now the ex girfriend.......but i think it was more than the rabbit to do that.

  9. I applied for a .22 rf which i dont see a problem with at all, and a .243. Have been a responsible shotgun holder for over ten years and have over 5000 acres of permission, what do you see my chances being? As in, yes for a .243 and an open ticket for the .22. It would really limit me as i get alot of invitations on the vermin side if they did.


    cheers for all your advice by the way guys, i think the site is great for stuff like this

  10. worst thing is, i sent my application and permissions 6 weeks ago.


    I applied for a .22 rf which i dont see a problem with at all, and a .243. Have been a responsible shotgun holder for over ten years and have over 5000 acres of permission, what do you see my chances being? As in, yes for a .243 and an open ticket for the .22. It would really limit me as i get alot of invitations on the vermin side if they did.


    cheers for all your advice by the way guys, i think the site is great for stuff like this

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