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shot shot

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Posts posted by shot shot

  1. Clearly Spain are a bunch of overpaid and overrated muppets, as are Italy. As they've both had poor results in their first match of the tournament, against 'lesser' teams, they obviously have absolutely no chance of winning the World Cup and will be ridiculed and written off by the armchair experts...

    same goes for england :good:

  2. One of the cars I'm insured on is my Mother's 207.


    It's only the 1.4 petrol but it isn't too slow and certainly handles nicely. Very low geared though.


    FM :good:

    the 1.4 pug is a good engine, my 99 206 has it. You're right about the low gearing though. It isn't such an issue here, as you're ownly (legally) allowed to do 45mph for 1 year from the passing of your test.

    that and it makes for very lazy start stop stuff in 2nd gear :hmm:

  3. last week i got 145 miles out of £25 quid , at 1.18 per litre in my trooper 3.0l LWB


    some one work that out for me , i cant be :rolleyes:

    25 quid/1.18 = 21.19l


    21.19l = 4.66gal


    145miles/4.66gal = 31.13mpg


    A levels, good for something :yes:

  4. I'd reckomend a honda engine at the least. Mine is some cheap shell, but with a 5.5hp honda bolted on top, motor starts first time every time, and it's 15 years old. My garden is about a half acre, and when I lived in a mobile for 2 years, it was used to cut the silage field that we were resident in :hmm:


    The drives done, the shell's rusty, the basket is broken, several wheels have fallen off, I nearly lost a foot due to the blade coming off, but the motor runs sweet as a peach :hmm:



    Honda all the way :hmm:

  5. There are a few things needed to get this country back on track and Dave showing a bit of national pride is kicking things off nicely, even though my view on people flying England flags from their cars is quite low :drinks:

    I aint no englishman :blink:


    but it's a step in the right direction


    In all fairness, you lot on the mainland need to grow a pair, we fly whatever flags we like over here :good:

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