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shot shot

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Posts posted by shot shot

  1. does the club name not give it away?:lol: rifle pistol club. sorry babby i`ve been a member on here for quite a while now and every time i read a post of yours one word springs to mind. CLOWN!!! i enjoy my shooting sports as much as the next man but sometimes i feel your post content is n`t for a public forum where antis can read about zombie shooting etc etc.



    Having met Oz in person, I can with out a doubt say he is not a clown, he doesn't have a big red nose, big red smile or a red afro..


    If he wants to have a section one shotgun, why not? If he wants to have a dirty harry "you feeling lucky puck" hand cannon, why not? We have enough difficulty getting firearms in this country, my own certificate is away 4 months now, and havent heard so much as a word (since they cashed the check :hmm: ). YOUR attitude is that which is held by too many here, fragmenting the shooting fraternity and allowing government to sap funds from the firearms dept. When was the last time you applied for a variation, that took nigh on 6 months? you can blame yourself for that one, and you know what, I blame you two.


    I believe that the numbers of firearms per head are higher here than in anywhere else in the uk, and yet I would wager that we have a firearms dept that is smaller than that of most counties on the mainland. Our waiting times for variations and grants is (by a gigantic margin) the longest in the UK. And yet we do what we always do, murmur under our breaths, cursing and carrying on.


    So next time you decide to slate a chap in full view of the public, readable world about, get your facts straight about the guy or gal you're insulting, and think for a second the image you are portraying to people about those privileged enough to own firearms in this country. The last thing we need is for more funding to be taking from the department. They're understaffed as is. They're backlogged to march with all the ppw's renewals that came in this last year as it is, which means that over 6 months will have passed before my application is even started.


    So next time you accuse someone on here of having some fun, here's a word of advice, grow up! :blush:

  2. The "shuffle your steering wheel" as you put it is not a test requirement! its an old wives tale, crossing your arms etc is not a fault unless your control is poor - why do you think it will result in damage to the car?, I would suggest that there is something more than steering at fault there :blush:



    By hinderence do you mean sticking to speed limits? I can not think of one part of the test that makes a student a hinderence?, perhaps during training we can be a little slower,but we have all had to start somewhere! but i fail to see why you think the test causes a problem?,

    If the wheel shuffling isn't a requirement for the test, then curses to my instructor :good:


    And it's not the adhering to the speed limit that's the issue, as most of the driving is in towns, the 45mph isn't an issue

  3. I am a driving instructor and am constantly amazed by how my students and I are treated on the road - I do my utmost best to convince the kids the safe way is the best, really work hard to change the attitudes of the wannabe Button/Hamilton, which I promise

    is really really difficult!


    In my opinion, courses like IAM are very good and make anyone a better driver if they want it too, IAM (am a member) is very basic, ROSPA is a true test of skill and knowledge and one that you have to be assesed on regurlarly making it far superior then the I "passed the IAM in 1978!" brigade, although I totally respect anyone for taking part in it!


    I think speeding is an issue especially with youngsters, but in my (again) opinion its the complete and utter lack of knowledge of the road and laws that are a real problem, I would like to see some kind of eye test and theory testing brought in, perhaps every 2 years or so?., with perhaps a 3 attempts and your out, going onto retesting.


    Ps: while I am moaning - It bugs the hell out of me when parents moan about lesson prices, one student the other day was whinging, I know she has guitar lessons at £25 for 30 minutes, she is not going to be killed potentially by playing a bleeding guitar!

    as someone who passed their driving test less than 5 months ago, let me add my 2p. Yes, lessons are extremely important, especially for the more dizzy blonde/arogant boy racer out there. BUT, alot of the stuff required to pass the test is utter bovine feces and causes you to be a hindrance on the road at best, and a danger to yourself and others at worst. Too many of my friends (mostly female if you must know) have ended up in accidents because of following the test protocol to the letter. The shuffle steering, whilst meant with the best of intentions, only leads to traffic build up, panic, and subsequent displacement of wing mirrors and quarter panels.


    The test is flawed, and needs changing to reflect real world situations. Regular testing with the current system is unviable and nobody would pass after more than a week of driving on ones own

  4. Having lived and worked in a country where it is normal to carry firearms, but they had to be concealed, its not all its made up to be :hmm: The majority (99.9%) of UK citizens/general public are not mentally capable of carrying firearms for self defence let alone using for that purpose, its a different world, lets keep the UK the way it is, its not perfect but its a million % better than so many other countries.

    Unfortunately there will always be tragedy with firearms as we have witnessed both recently and the past, but lets leave it to those trained to respond rather than the vigilante approach.


    as above



    too many idiots spoil a nation

  5. Leave the boy be. Us under 21 year olds can only dream of a three figure BHP car. Insurnace bends us over and takes full advantage ( dry ) with us running patheic 1.2's . :blink: Maybe its because we insist on rolling them? :huh:

    yup, over the barrel we is.

  6. The old TVR V6 was the Essex block IIRC, about 112 BHP ? Pretty bomb proof though, just rattly tappets after you had thrashed them.

    112 bhp?? oh come on, you can get that in a vw lupo!!

  7. Funny this has been mentioned. Out 1 night last week, lamping rabbits, had 2 missfires with blue tips|(not the ones you perves think about :good: ) Just a dull sound, but barrel clear on inspection and empty case on ejection(Checked) Next 3 shots, 3 dead buns. Hate to say, was the £12 lot that I shouted about a couple of weeks ago, but thought, just rifle need a clean as had a lot of work over last few days previously and maybe a clean need. On paper next day, all ok, after giving rifle a clean anyway, just to be sure, still ok after a few shots to foul barrel and no problem with carts. ODD?



    It sounds like that particular batch had some issues with the quantities of powder in each case. I would send an email to hornady (be polite) expressing your concerns about the further use of their ammunition


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