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Guinea Fowl

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Posts posted by Guinea Fowl

  1. Having a BSC Honours degree in Conservation and environment, ive tended to have been given and researched a fair bit on the the environmental benefit of this. Im totally skint and am in big time dept and drive daily, but still I think its a good idea.


    The fact is, is that without doing stuff for the environment within 50 years we are all going to die anyway.




    A degree looks nice on paper, but if you dont support global warming then you will get no funding and thats a fact!!


    Yes there is climate change but its not because of humans and our ways of doing things.


    Look at this video, it was a documentary made by Channel 4. "The great global warming swindle"



    They have some of the worlds best experts on there including the IPPC

    This video was all over the internet but it`s getting harder to find good quality copies.

  2. try posting a picture on here of the berry, the leaf and the entire plant odds are somebody on here will know. I do a bit of foraging myself and have found very few books (maybe zero) dedicated to berries about the best i can think of from the top of my head is food for free mainly because the pictures are quite good but still only a few of them



    Thanks mate, it`s not a berry in particular, I went for a walk today and saw about six different berries, I identified two berries but thought it will be nice to learn about all of them and other wild foods in general.


    So a good book of some description would be nice.


    Ill check out that book you mention.

  3. Thanks for the reply, but on most of those links, they don`t go into detail and all those gardening forums when someone put a image of some berry on for identification there is 10 different replies. I need to be 100% sure, I will not be a guinea pig!


    And google is not my friend in this matter, the sites that do pop up tells you what a black berry are and then want you to go on a foraging course.


    Regards GF. :good:

  4. Need some advice from the foraging experts on here.


    I am looking for a good book on wild berries, with proper identification instructions and with good clear images (don`t want to eat the wrong things :yes: ).


    Or a good website will do to.


    Thanks all. :good:

  5. I don`t know what allergy it is, but in most cases the best remedy is just to keep on playing with the pups.

    Your system will get immune to the allergy.


    I had two friends with an allergy, one with dogs and the other with cats, the doc just gave them something for the itching and told them to go and cuddle up with their pets, thew weeks later and allergy gone, hope it helps :good:

  6. My mates dad and two of his friends walk down the road one day when two black guys tried to rob them, my mates dad and friends would not have it and decided to rob the black guys rather then them being robed.


    They gave them a good kicking and took their shirts and pants and left them naked in a right old mess in the street. :P


    They were all ex SF.

  7. This was in the Sun news paper yesterday.


    Horrified trucker Bryan Foreman, 50, found the critter with its head in the cereal box.


    He and wife Susan fear the rodent is one of the vicious Siberian chipmunks which The Sun last week warned were set to invade Britain.


    The creature left Bryan and Susan's two cats shaking - and they and the family's dog now can't go into the garden.

    Mum-of-four Susan, 44, from the Isle of Sheppey, Kent, said: "It was terrifying. I've never seen anything like it.


    "We could hear it banging about in the kitchen and when my husband went in it had its head in the cereal and was munching away.


    "He shouted and it ran back out into the garden.


    "We think it had a good go at whatever else it found in the cupboards as well.


    "My cats are traumatised. We're too scared to let them out in case it's still lurking."


    We are talking of a critter here that is smaller then a squirrel, these people are so scared of it, you would think we are all going to die because of it now :lol:


    The good news is, is that we wont have any trouble getting it on the general license :good:

  8. well I have been up since 0700hrs on Monday. I finish work at 0600hrs this morning, by the time I get home it will be 0645hrs, then the hound will need walking so no chance of bed for me until I'll have been awake for nigh on 50hrs.


    Guinea Fowl.. Your comments are true to a degree but it is also well documented that after an orgasm the brain releases endorphines that perpetuate sleep......


    Reading before bed isn't always a good thing as this can stimulate the brain also, Darkness and quiet (or a steady continuous noise) are the best things for sleep, and a coolish temperature, as you go through the night your body naturally loses heat and expects to, if your room is too hot you will have a fitful night also.


    I might sound like a sleep gimp but I don't sleep much and work some pretty random shifts. I have become accustomed to taking sleep when I can at what ever time of day it happens to be.


    Black out blinds on the curtains, but always a window open too. if it is noisy outside some gentle "spa type" music in the background and you'll be asleep in no time.


    Don't however download a track for your ipod that is beach sounds. I thought gentle crashing of waves would be a steady background noise to sleep too ,and it was, until a seagull squarked in my ear


    Alright then, my comment was just taking the mick out of toombsy.


    But yea, i don`t get enough sleep to. I work from 5-30pm to 2am then get home at 3-30am get in bed by 4-30am and then get forcefully waken up by my 3 year old at 7 or 8am, so i get three to four hours sleep max a night, it can`t be good for my health, but gotte do what a mans gotte do :good:

  9. I love fly-fishing, i was brought up on a trout farm, it`s one of the most exciting ways to fish.


    We had this lake near us, that was infested with carp, from floods breaking dam walls 50 miles away, most folks i know that does fly-fishing will pull their noses up, but hooking into a carp of 20lb with a 6 weight fly-rod on a floating tube is something els.


    The best tip i can give you is practice the casting, most folk get fed up with fly-fishing because they can`t get the cast right or they try to cast to far and then muck it up.


    A well presented short cast is much better then a mucked up distance cast. And remember it`s all in the action, you don`t need to use a lot of power trying to cast.


    And don`t forget to post your pics, especially if it`s a nice big wild brownie. :good:


    Good luck!

  10. It`s a well known fact that watching porn for prolonged periods can cause your blood pressure to increase,

    and thus causing you problems sleeping.


    Swap the porn for a long walk in the afternoon and get yourself a book to read before bed, By book i mean, something with a PG rating and not a magazine :good:

  11. I got FREE AA membership with my bank account, it`s not the full membership, but they have helped me twice already.

    Once they fix it on the roadside and the other time they took us home.


    Hehe, and once we were in the car park by a shopping mall and there was a old guy, must have been 80 something, that had car trouble. I offered my help but could not get it fixed, so i just phone AA and said, i am with my granddad and the car is broken, they came out and fixed it in double time.


    They did not ask questions, it covers you even if you are just a passenger. :good:

  12. Any luck?


    I managed to download malwarebytes, but i can`t get it to open, took it off and downloaded again and still won`t open.

    I don`t know if this thing is preventing me from starting it.


    Ill just get a friend or someone with a bit more computer know how to have a look for me, but thank you all for trying to help, might just be me that keep on messing things up, time will tell. :good:

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