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Guinea Fowl

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Posts posted by Guinea Fowl

  1. Uh oh you're gonna need stitches to stop that wallet emptying faster than the british economy :yes::D


    oh yes, you are spot on there sir. Cost me 400 quid on just a couple of rods today, nothing els yet :rolleyes:

  2. By bugs, i mean the fishing bug.


    The last couple of years i have been doing mostly fly fishing and sea fishing, so i decided to get rid of the carp tackle, as i was not using it at all.


    Then a couple of month`s ago we moved from Manchester to Leigh, Thank F*&*, and as luck will have it there is a nice big lake just 5 min down the road.


    Now my problem is this, that bloody carp slash pike bug got hold of me this afternoon. Normally this would only be a small problem with a slightly bigger problem on the wallet.


    But no, this time it aint that easy.

    The wife came along for a walk by the lake as i was fishing, and then ask if she could have a go, no problem i said.

    And then 15min later she screamed at me, "FISH, FISH I GOT A FISH, HEEEEEEEEEEEELLLP".


    I thought oh ******, the stick i am going to get now for the rest of the day, as i only manage to catch a tadpole.

    It was a nice little pike of around 5 pounds.


    Now she want`s her own carp tackle and this and that and this and this and that, Bloody hell calm down dear!!

    Does she have any idea how much carp tackle is and for two?


    The only good thing i can see about this is, is that i will not have to justify spending 20 quid here and there on bait and so on as she will be using it to!!


    And if she have to catch a bigger one then me, i will go mad. God help us!

  3. There is no fun in gas!!


    I am a real man so ill be making fire. Yes, gas is easy but there is nothing better then standing around a fire.


    Oh and i do like the look on the neighbor`s faces when they see the 6 feet flames going up in the air, when i use petrol to encourage the wood to burn!! :wub:

  4. Thanks for all the advice. :lol:


    I think ill go for the leasing or long term rent as you guys mention, i am in no rush so will have a look around and do some more research.



  5. I need to buy a van, I am thinking of going self employed over the next thew months so i will need one.


    I have been looking at leasing, but i don`t know much about that so if anyone know something about that then please let me know.


    Or even just where to get a good second hand one from.


    Also is there any good places to get insurance from for vans?


    Regards GF

  6. There used to be a gun shop on the left at the top f leith but it wasn't much cop. Edinburgh is not great for Gun Shops or atleast it never used to be. Dixons which is along rose street Junction with Frederick stree is a good shop but probably wont be cheap.




    Hmm, I think you did not read my post right. but ill have a look if i am in that side of the Country.

  7. Would you like it if ships from Somali and other African and middle east countries come ' and start destroying english boats, guilty of piracy or not?


    That is what a liberal will say.


    If the "English boats" like you say was guilty of piracy then it would be for the benefit of the English to get rid of the piracy, Does not matter how.


    Piracy in Somali is not just a type of crime, it`s not a Somali matter, it`s a international matter, some of these crimes are made outside of Somali waters, If you destroy Somali that not even bacteria can survive in Somali for a thousand years, that don`t mean they will stop, they will just use another Country as a base.


    We can argue till we blue, but the fact is "Diplomacy don`t work" at least not in third world Africa. And i think you sir are intelligent enough to know what option is left.

  8. As the attacks keep happening, i.e one a month and in some cases more frequently.


    Why the **** are the shipping agencies not employing private security/mercinaries that can do the buisness on the pirates, chuck em over and sweep the whole thing away. HAvn't they realised the threat... why are they not acting on the problem?!?!?!?!?!?!


    They cant, thats why they don`t even have firearms on board, it`s creates to much trouble when they go to dock in foreign countries.


    Just think of it like this, Would you like it if ships from Somali and other African and middle east countries come to dock here, with private security forces and armed guards, no you wont like it, it`s to much of a security problem.


    The only way is, is for the international countries to send their ships there, and operate on a "search and destroy " mission.

  9. Acualy itz speltd pigion i asked mi mum 2day


    It runs in your family then, must be something genetic.





    1. any bird of the family Columbidae, having a compact body and short legs, esp. the larger species with square or rounded tails.

  10. Its the first time i see this thread and what do i do after reading this thread from page 1? I light up!!


    The thing that gets me is, when i started smoking the first cig was so bad i chucked the packet away, just to buy one the next day!


    Good on you chaps for stopping, I think(know) its time for me to stop to, and not stopping till the next one!!

  11. Shame you are not closer :good: we would of had him


    Hi evilstoat.


    Like i said i am prepared to travel a good distance to get him a good home, so if you want him i will take him to your house, i think you are about 150 miles or so from me.


    let me know if you still up for him, i see under your interests you do ferreting, so i if you have other dogs just introduce them slow like i said he was fine with the lab but other dogs in the park he did not like them.

  12. Hello.


    I hope there is someone here that can help me.

    I need to find a home for a pedigree west highland terrier, he is about 2 years old if i can remember correctly.


    It was a neighbors dog, but when he moved to Oz a thew months ago he was going to take it to the dogs home, i then told him that i will take him, since i don`t like to see dogs going to the dogs home.


    My problem is, is that we are moving now and we can`t take him with to our new house, they don`t want dogs because it`s just been done up.


    He is a lovely little dog, has got a bit of a temper, growls at anything that moves but he is not aggressive, grumpy if you ask me. I have a 3 year old child and if i thought she was not safe with him around then i would never have took him on.


    The neighbor also had a lab and the westie was fine with the lab, they were always playing together, but when you take him for walkies, he thinks he can take on the world! and barks at other dogs.


    The neighbor spend most of his time at work so the westie is not really trained, i started training him in the 2 months i have been having him and he knows the loo is outside and starting to learn what sit means, i think with some time and effort he will be just fine, he has learned a lot from the lab the neighbor had, she was a rescued dog.


    I got the dogs pedigree certificate from the neighbor and he had his first 2 sets of jabs by the look of it.

    but its not up to date.


    I really started to bond with him so i don`t want to let him go but the family comes first, I really don`t want to take him to the dogs home, so if there is someone that will take him on and will be able to put some effort in to get him trained, please let me know as soon as possible.


    I am prepared to travel a good distance if needs be on my cost, in order to get him a home.


    If no one can take him, does any one know where i can take him that will be able to find him a good home, any advice will be appreciated.



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