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Guinea Fowl

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Posts posted by Guinea Fowl

  1. We have to have a new heater unit fitted every twelve months or so due to excessive limescale from the unbelievably hard water in our area.


    Why don`t you get a Electrolytic Scale Inhibitor, it inhibits limescale formation in your water systems. Fits in-line on the incoming mains and treats the whole house. Works without using chemicals or salt.

  2. Well I`ll write the letter and take it from there, as I am not just going to give it up cause it`s might be for nothing. Winning to me could be anything from them paying for damage to just causing them a big headache.


    The HSE sounds like it`s worth a try, or maybe just lock my self to the container that is the site office, like all the tree huggers and make a big stink like that. or would the locking to the container thing put a SGC at risk.

  3. Thanks mungler.


    I was thinking in the line of what you just said, unfortunately I had no camera on me at the time, I might just have to go and sit next to the local canal and scout them out while fishing with camera in hand.


    Grrr, I feel like pulling that fence apart late at night ( not that I would even consider something like that!)

  4. I was driving to the local lake to take my daughter and wife for a walk, came around a corner and there was construction work going on next to the road ( A big housing estate and marina, I think).


    Anyhoos, the lads were putting up a fence at the time, when one of them was chasing some sort of channel against the fence line with a angle grinder and some of the debris came flying-up and hit my car.

    There is now a few small chip marks in a tight group on the windscreen, not chipped right through the glass but deep enough to make it obvious and ugly. The windscreen have a heating element in it so I don`t even want to know how much it would cost to replace.


    I stopped and went to ask the one bloke if I could speak to a site supervisor and he told me where the site office entrance was, just a few yards down the road.

    So of I went and spoke to a lady which took my name and address, she then took me to who I think is some sort of site manager.


    This ***** then just said to me, that it could not be possible as the lad in question was working behind a van and that no debris could of gone onto the road. Well **** me when I turned around to stop when it happened the same lad was grinding at such an angle that the spark`s went from one side of the road to the other, all this dude then said was that I should write a letter and then if his lads plead not guilty then I should go to my insurance company and if the lads say it were them then they will pass it back to their insurance.


    Like they would ever take responsibility, when me and the wife then drove out the site the lads had a bloody screen up in a flash protecting the road, a bit ******* late if you ask me!


    So what is my chances with these folk, because I don`t want to make a claim on my insurance thus effecting my no claims and so on, Could there also be somewhere like the Council to report this matter to or not.


    I just think that they were cutting corners by not protecting the public by not putting up safety screens until the damage was done, and therefore they should pay for damage caused not me.


    Kind regards, GF.

  5. I had them 2 months ago, started just with a slight pain, a couple of hours later I were all over the carpet, I could not stand, sit hell, I just could not do anything.


    The wife phoned the NHS direct, next thing I knew they parked-up with a ambulance, took me to A&E, I was vomiting all over that ambulance, then got to A&E,vomiting all over that, it felt like I were sucking dents into the gas bottle but nothing help till the doc got there and gave me 10ml of morphine, that helped a lot with the pain.


    The doc thought that it was my appendix and said she will have to do a internal.

    **** me, before I could give it some real thought she had her thumb smeared in lube and up my bum it went, at that point I had no more dignity left.


    Next day, had all the x-rays with the dye and 3 days later I was set free, never ever again do want this, was not pleasant in any way, shape, size or form.

  6. It makes no difference, all animals deserve respect whether they are quarry, vermin etc. If you are going to kill one it should be as humanely as possible.


    Well, do you want to tell me that rat poison is humane, it`s one of the worst ways to go! but I agree to some extend and I see what you are trying to say.


    I do think Halal is cruel, but its a legally sanctioned cruelty, decapitation isn't considered a humane method of killing in this country, for slaughter purposes or euthanasia.


    The scientific facts


    A team at the university of Hannover in Germany examined these claims through the use of EEG and ECG records during slaughter. Several electrodes were surgically implanted at various points of the skull of all the animals used in the experiment and they were then allowed to recover for several weeks. Some of the animals were subsequently slaughtered the halal way by making a swift, deep incision with a sharp knife on the neck, cutting the jugular veins and carotid arteries of both sides together with the trachea and esophagus but leaving the spinal cord intact. The remainder were stunned before slaughter using a captive bolt pistol method as is customary in Western slaughterhouses. The EEG and ECG recordings allowed to monitor the condition of the brain and heart throughout.



    The Halal method


    With the halal method of slaughter, there was not change in the EEG graph for the first three seconds after the incision was made, indicating that the animal did not feel any pain from the cut itself. This is not surprising. Often, if we cut ourselves with a sharp implement, we do not notice until some time later. The following three seconds were characterised by a condition of deep sleep-like unconciousness brought about by the draining of large quantities of blood from the body. Thereafter the EEG recorded a zero reading, indicating no pain at all, yet at that time the heart was still beating and the body convulsing vigorously as a reflex reaction of the spinal cord. It is this phase which is most unpleasant to onlookers who are falsely convinced that the animal suffers whilst its brain does actually no longer record any sensual messages.



    The Western method


    Using the Western method, the animals were apparently unconscious after stunning, and this method of dispatch would appear to be much more peaceful for the onlooker. However, the EEG readings indicated severe pain immediately after stunning. Whereas in the first example, the animal ceases to feel pain due to the brain starvation of blood and oxygen – a brain death, to put it in laymen’s terms – the second example first causes a stoppage of the heart whilst the animal still feels pain. However, there are no unsightly convulsions, which not only means that there is more blood retention in the meat, but also that this method lends itself much more conveniently to the efficiency demands of modern mass slaughter procedures. It is so much easier to dispatch an animal on the conveyor belt, if it does not move.



    Appearances can deceive


    Not all is what it seems, then. Those who want to outlaw Islamic slaughter, arguing for a humane method of killing animals for food, are actually more concerned about the feelings of people than those of the animals on whose behalf they appear to speak. The stunning method makes mass butchery easier and looks more palatable for the consumer who can deceive himself that the animal did not feel any pain when he goes to buy his cleanly wrapped parcel of meat from the supermarket. Islamic slaughter, on the other hand, does not try to deny that meat consumption means that animals have to die, but is designed to ensure that their loss of life is achieved with a minimum amount of pain.



    The holistic view


    Modern Western farming and slaughter, on the other hand, aims at the mass consumer market and treats the animal as a commodity. Just as battery hens are easier for large-scale egg production, Western slaughter methods are easier for the meat industry, but they do neither the animal nor the end consumer any favours.

  7. 1700 jobs is a massive blow anywhere - very sad, especially at this time of the year.

    The UK is one of a very small number (2, 3 or perhaps 4) of major economies still not out of recession.


    The UK is the only major economy, that is part of the G-20(Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors)

    that is not out of recession.


    The only other economies in recession are small economies.

  8. Where can I buy hay or straw bales in or around Leigh, Wigan in Lancashire? I don`t mind a bit of a drive to.

    I saw a farmer advertise it at his farm gate but can`t remember where I saw that farm.

    It is for bedding for my little girls pet rabbit (my lawn mover :yes: ) and I don`t like to pay silly money at pets at home.




    EDIT, forgot to say not the massive big round ones, I`ll never get that in my car :good:

  9. Do what you like best, no point in doing something you don`t like.


    But if I were you ill go for fisheries management, it`s worth many more billions of pounds and the market is growing everyday.

    So for a financial point of view and for future job opportunities fisheries management is at the moment one of the better career paths out there.


    Good luck tho.

  10. I do wonder what the BNP are really trying to do in politics because they could never actually run the country, know how to start running the country or have much dialogue with the rest of the world (that we would want to be in discussion with!) How much insanity does Nick Griffin have? How much is ego driven? because I am very confused by his motives since he has unsound and frankly pathetic arguments for any of his points.


    I don`t have the answer to that, but ill tell you this, Nick Griffin might be a nutter, his ideas and ways of doing things might be to far-right or to extreme for you, But I think you all should be happy that there is a bloke called Nick griffin and that he is as bold or as nuts as he is.


    He is a man that cares about his own people and his own people only, yes white people that have been here for a very long time. The thing is the other politicians don`t care, they will do more for other races and nationals then for their own.

    They will put political correctness before their own history, culture and religion.


    I am from South Africa (White) and our history, religion, culture and our language is being destroyed, school text books is being burned so that our history gets erased, the thing is we would like a guy like Griffin because only then will there be someone that constantly reminds everybody that we or in your case the English are still here and that you guys should not be treated worse then the other guy.


    Look in France there are now more foreigners then the original folk, in the USA the black population is almost getting bigger then the white population the same in the EU and slowly but surely in the UK, when that happens the original group gets made second class people and their history, culture and language gets taken away for PC or what ever, now some of you folk might say that`s being racist, well what makes another race better?, why then do we want to save the polar bear when there is other bears that is more easy to look after, because every one specie is just as important as the other.


    You need a guy like Griffin to remind the other politicians that it`s okay to fly the St Georges flag when England is playing football or rugby, hell I could go on but some of you guys still need to learn to appreciate what you got and realise what you got that is in danger of being lost.

  11. I would of had one, but i still need to build my ferret hutch, i don`t think my daughter will be pleased if I put a ferret in her rabbit`s hutch :blink:, on second thought I quite like the rabbit to as i use him as a lawn mower.

  12. Bit off topic here, A few years ago a needed some pheasant feathers for fly tying, just could not find the feathers I was looking for in the tackle shops.


    Just as luck would have it, I spotted one in the road, took aim and went for it, just as I was about to hit it the wife could not life with it and I had to slam on the brakes, shame really, it would of made a nice meal and some fly`s.


    And my vote is yes, if I hit it or see it being hit and it is not mince then I`ll have it.

  13. Skukuza, is a really nice place, I have some family that live out there.

    What makes it nice having family there is, is you can drive around any time, day or night, you don`t have to be in camp before dark.


    We also went out fishing for cat fish and tiger fish on all the rivers out there, which is nice because it`s a National park and only residents and friends can fish in all that thousands of hectors.


    There is no fence around the staff town, and once we went to the local staff shop to get some cigs on our push bikes and there was some elephants coming up the road, if only you could see our faces, hehe.


    I also went and help with catching elephants and some other wild game for relocation, and as my uncle was part of senior management we could leave the mane roads and drive to places the normal folks will never get to see.


    Nice to see you enjoyed it out there.

  14. The whole idea is to have a LTD company at the end, I was just unsure if I could run a company while I am still in full time employment.


    The business I can get now in my spare time is good enough for me to start up but I still want to be employed for now, for financial reasons.


    But the moment things pick up, which right now looks quite promising I will leave my current employer and just carry on as a LTD company, I was just not sure if it was possible to do it like that as the accountant at work was not sure how to do that.


    If all of you fine chaps say I must speak to an accountant and the accountant at my work did not know, then I might mention to her to ask for her uni money back as she don`t have a clue then :good:


    Thanks for all the advice :good:

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