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Guinea Fowl

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Posts posted by Guinea Fowl

  1. I am a bit lost here and just cant seem to find the info on the net that I am looking for.


    Can I be in full time employment and be self-employed at the same time?


    I work 40 hours a week at my place of work but I can get some business in my spare time and on weekends.

    So what I want to do is, is keep my normal job for now and just do my own thing in my spare time for now till business pick`s up a bit before I go self-employed full time.


    My company said they can treat me as self employed and then it`s just up to me to pay taxes and all that, but by doing that I`ll loose a lot of other benefits which I don`t want to do right now.


    So am I barking up the wrong tree here or what?

  2. I have 2 full tickets for Alton Towers and 2 one child entry for £9-50 tickets.


    These tickets is ONLY VALID ON THE 10/10/09 on Saturday , not on any other date!!


    £20 posted ill post it today for next day delivery, if no one takes up the offer today then sale is of unless you can collect the tickets on Friday other wise you wont get it in time.

  3. This is the best ever, who needs shotguns?


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  4. From the Telegraph.

    Opening up the phone to a third operator will almost certainly result in a price war that will see more than £100 knocked off the price of the iPhone.

    "There will be a price war," said Steven Hartley, analyst at technology research house Ovum. "Research shows that in every country where there is more than one operator selling it, it is cheaper


    Now that I like. :blink:

  5. I knew this would come up, and to be honest I played with far more dangerous things at 10 and 12.


    I agree with you there mate.


    I started shooting with my granddads pump-action when I was 6, by the time I was 10 I did pest control on the farm on my own.

    But I knew how to use the gun responsible and that safety came first no matter what.


    I`ll rather not say what other things we got up to.


    I will never put all the kids in the same boat, some kids are more responsible and more mature then others, in my experience kids from the Countryside know a lot more about live and it`s responsibility`s.


    I am not saying that all kids should play with air-guns and that it`s safe to do so, it`s still a gun and could kill, but I know some kids I`ll rather give a gun to, then some adults I know!

  6. the whole idea is flawed as I'm sure Baldrick will be able to tell you, if you buy British the chemicals you're able to use are far less potent than the ones you can buy in B&Q, what matters is what chemicals are left in the food we eat and the simple answer is not a lot.


    however look where food comes from abroad and see what they are still allowed to use in the foods that end up being nearly given away here and the story gets more worrying, beef growth hormones were big business in the US etc as they promoted growth but have really dodgy side effects as they get passed onto humans, Argentinian beef is another dodgy one that you do still see imported. So basically buy British but don't get hooked up on organic, if we all went organic we'd starve as there isn't enough land to be able to do it.


    Even there you have to be careful.


    A lot of companies buy meat from foreign Countries, as long as it get packed or processed here in the UK they can stick the British product label on it, there is a big loop hole that needs fixing.


    Just remember the label states that it is British beef or what ever, not reared in Britain.


    So if you want to buy British, make sure you read the label right or ask the a shop assistant to confirm by his managers that it is in fact a proper British product.

  7. I'm from the Lake District! Thats North. I doubt you can beat that.


    Like i said in my first post, there is some amazing places up here, and the Lake District is one of them, i am not arguing that fact. As a matter of fact, i will give my left arm to live in the Lake District or Peaks or the Dales, but after seeing Cornwall ill give my left arm and leg to live there.


    It is just my personal view, so like i said don`t get me wrong here!

    And for those that says Lancashire is not proper North, well my mates from London says anything North of London is North :yes:

  8. We wanted to visit a place we have never been to, we have been all over the Country and thought we will go to Cornwall.

    But money is tight in these economic conditions, so this year I did the unthinkable and booked a £9-50 holiday with the Sun.


    Not expecting anything grand, But my GOD, it was amazing. We saw more countryside in one hour driving down the road than driving through the whole of Lancashire! and the beaches were just as amazing!


    Cornwall have got all the hunting, shooting and fishing you can dream of.


    Now, don`t get me wrong here, there is some amazing things up North but Cornwall takes the biscuit!

    So my question is, why the hell is the North populated when there is such beautiful places down South?


    Oh, by the way, if anyone on here from Cornwall want`s to give me a job, I CAN START MONDAY!!

  9. They appear to be one of the only animals on this planet, (apart from humans), who will kill simply for fun.


    If left undisturbed they will come back for everything mate, they are one of natures best hunters and make good use of the opportunity to kill. They don`t kill for fun! but it has been proved that dolphins kill for fun!

  10. At my place of work we have a bit of fun to, like hiding someone`s car keys or mobile when they leave it in the the open, or we have to put on safety boots at work so the night before we will fill someone`s with water. It is such an ***** walking around with a wet sock :lol:


    But my best one is, is to open a window or a door with a magnetic sensor just after the supervisor have lock up all the doors and inspected the building, so when we go home and she sets the alarm and lock up the alarm goes off, and she have to go and inspect every door and widow again and it`s a really big building. By the time she gets everything locked up we are home already :no:

  11. :good:


    Just yesterday in the Sun News paper there was a bit where they say that kids think meat comes from a packet and milk from bottles and the kids that do go to farms on school trips think that a cow is a cow and have no idea that you get different breeds.

  12. Raja Clavata


    Chard is spot on there, but the science behind the tablets has somewhat improved since your last trip in 1996.

    I have family members that is in the travel industry that do tours in 9 African country`s and non of them or their clients have complained about side effects from malaria tabs for the last few years.


    But saying that, some folks might not take well to them, I know a guy that get headache from paracetamol.


    Just make sure you get the right stuff, and in Sub-Saharan Africa the once to watch out for is Plasmodium falciparum is the most dangerous of the four species of human malaria (Plasmodium Falciparum, Plasmodium Vivax, Plasmodium Ovale, and Plasmodium Malariae).

  13. I cant find the video now, but there is one on youtube where the guy use 5 rabbits and it looks like it is working really well.

    When you chuck the dummy just behind the rabbit it is only natural for the rabbit to sit dead still, and will bolt just as the dog gets to it. So in my opinion it will work well, but i am no expert!

  14. Under the Hares Act 1848, it is an offence for 'anyone to use any firearm or gun of any description at night for the purpose of killing game'. This is an additional offence to night poaching where game is being shot during the night which begins one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise.

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