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Everything posted by 30-06hunter

  1. when i was there last they told me that they owned the land, it was purchased from the MOD a long time ago. its a shame there is strict member rules, and they always hold a completion every sat and sun so for me. who just wants to sight in rifles and or just have a go at different ranges to make dope charts. was a bit too much faf. but i can understand the reason why. but great shop there called Fox Firearms.. awesome prices.
  2. chears pal. I knew a few people would just go straight to don't buy a cheap one get a zeiss etc etc and not notice i have to fork out for US and OZ trips in the next month. but thanks for the recommendation i will look into those scopes. it will just go on my .30-06 until Jan then i will stick it onto one of my rimfire etc. then get a proper one sorted.
  3. not sure you read my post all the way through. i need a scope to just last till next year. i already have a trip to the US next week and a month in OZ in november to pay for. just need a scope to down a few deer until next year. then next year i will have the cash to get a Leica or Schmit etc. as my old scope was damaged on the glass and my current "get me out the **** " scope isn't up to par. simple.
  4. no no he might be right here.. i have the same thing. an albino cock pheasant very strange very strange ....
  5. Thats good to know.. you can read what they say on the websites but at the end of the day there trying to sell it. hence why the MTC i got that apparently can go on a .50cal but didn't work out. my .30-06 is a short barrel and when using it with out a mod there is a fair wolop from it on 180 grain
  6. Now i know this is going to be a heated discussion amongst some but here it goes. First off i want to say i am someone who like to buy the best i can afford and believe in buy cheap, buy twice. But here is my problem... I need a new scope to see me through to next year on my .30-06 money is a bit tight due to an upcoming week in the US and a month in OZ all before December.. so i need the best quality scope for not alot to go on my rifle that can take the concussion of the .30-06 and hold zero and preferably have exposed turrets. I stuck an MTC on it due to the website saying.. it can go on a .50cal blah blah.. my rifle nocks it out of zero after each shot.. and you can track it moving an inch after each shot. so looking to spend a couple of hundred on one to see me till january when i plan to get something like a Ziess etc. so what have you used that you were surprised with the quality and performance for the £ that is suitable for centerfires cheers
  7. TV and commercial cameraman. You would of seen some of my adverts on TV and possibly documentarys I shot for BBC1 and discovery.
  8. Thanks for the advice, i followed it today but sadly it hasn't worked. although it has added the extra tension i needed. it still hasn't fixed my problem. it now struggles on the second load (after the +1 in the chamber), if i slam the pump back really hard it will load the first round out of the tube but then will not load the second (last) one in the tube note - i can manually eject them using the push button in the action. it feels like the tube ejector is not getting depressed when the slide is pulled back and the shell tray is lowered - see photos - pump nearly at the fully closed position to load shell
  9. hey everyone. I have a mossberg 835 pump.. and I'm having issues with it loading the last shell. any ideas.. It cycles the first 2 and when i pump for the last it just doesn't pick it up it just sits in the mag tube. any help would be great.
  10. yeah this was not all me, there is a few of us in camp. and the bears are hibernating at this point. they freeze pretty solid quite quick so a wolf would have a hard time getting at it. but they are usually content with the guts left in the field and the young deer.
  11. you should get yourself over there.. total different way of thinking about hunting over there. and the shops ! i usually come back with all new gear at half the price you get it in the UK and better quality. and flying with a rifle is pretty straight forward. this is a usual Haul for a week.
  12. yes a bit cold.. last hunt it was -10 one day. but the deer move a lot to keep warm and with the snow its a good days tracking. A buddy of mine i hunt with lives in Guelph thats not far from hamilton, but we drive about 8 hours north to the hunt.
  13. Ontario for a week every November on the White Tails
  14. I can understand any medication that would effect your use of a firearm.. like those "don't operate heavy machinery after taking" pills but all medical conditions ? are they then noted on your licence ? do you have to pay for a variation if you no longer suffer from that medical condition haha.
  15. Id imagine if you have been invited it could be by a friend ? If so then maybe you could possibly talk to him about sharing a gun for you're first visit. so you can swap shooting on each drive. then you will be under supervision and able to use his gun. Then that will give you adequate reason for submitting your FAC for a caliber reasonable enough for Boar. Then the next time you go. which i can assure you, you will. you will not have any issues. I think the main problem is not having an FAC. if you did then the lending of an estate rifle wouldn't be an issue. hope that helps Edit - if its for a trip next year.. put in your FAC now with proof of invitation from the hunt master etc you could possibly get it in time.
  16. Hi i have my FAC which amongst others include 243 and 30-06 for which i use in Canada. but are open, not restricted to Canada for example. I guess taking a DSC wouldn't hurt in this case and would probably open a few more areas to me. if not at least let me meet a few like minded people in the area. Thanks for the info Guys. If anyone is thinking of going to Canada for a hunt, then feel free to ask me about the permits and outdoors card etc.
  17. sorry if its a daft question as iv never heard of this.. when you say BP tablets I'm assuming thats blood pressure tabs.. why would that need to be on you're renewal ?
  18. thats what I've heard.. but the police can still see things even if you have all the privacy settings on. but true don't except people you don't know..
  19. Hello Everyone. Ive been Hunting White Tail Deer in Canada annually for the past 5/6 years. So not exactly new to the concept.. but I'm thinking of doing it here at home too. my question is, do i have to take and pass the DSC's or is that just to get people who have never shot at a deer before up to speed with how things are done. If i book myself onto a Stalk will they ask for a DSC? Many thanks
  20. this whole "its easier to get a minibus licence" is a load of tosh i quickly googled minibus licence and got this from the Gov website... Driving a minibus You might be able to drive a minibus if you hold a car driving licence and meet certain conditions - otherwise you’ll need to apply for a minibus licence.View your driving licence information to see what vehicles you can drive. If the minibus is not for ‘hire or reward’You might be able to drive a minibus with up to 16 passenger seats using your current car driving licence as long as there’s no payment from or on behalf of the passengers (it’s not for ‘hire or reward’). Conditions you must meetYou can drive a minibus within the UK as long as the following conditions apply: you’re 21 or older you’ve had your driving licence for at least 2 years you meet the ‘Group 2’ medical standards if you’re over 70 - check with your GP if you’re not sure you meet the standards you’re driving on a voluntary basis and the minibus is used for social purposes by a non-commercial body the maximum weight of the minibus is not more than 3.5 tonnes - or 4.25 tonnes including specialist equipment for disabled passengers, eg a wheelchair ramp you’re not towing a trailer so according to the government i can be let loose behind the wheel of a mini bus without even needing a minibus licence. yet in the meantime my friend waits 6months for his FAC and has been interviewed by the police and they have checked his medical records.. I wish newspapers were like dissertations and they have to show there sources of information. Because they seem to be plucking stats out of thin air.
  21. very true.. although you would like to think the person followed the rules and put his guns with a firearms dealer to hold until he was back in the country i do agree with not sharing the classic.. "look at all these" pics. but if your passion is hunting, should you not be allowed to share that trophy shot with your like minded friends online ? freedom of speech ? i suppose 98% of us have shared a pic or two but if it comes down to acting like a gun toating nut and the FEO has had some complaints.. its an easy one to use to remove his guns.
  22. When I got my FAC back in 2013 i was told by my the FEO to not share hunting and shooting stuff online which at the time sounded like a general rule and didnt bother me too much as id rather keep somethings off Facebook anyway. but recently iv heard of a bloke near me who had a knock at the door, and the FEO had a file full of pics from his facebook and instagram of him shooting and his guns etc.. and he lost his licence. has anyone else heard of this ? if true, probably a bit worrying for some. from what i was told he wasn't being threatening or suggestive but was showing of his collection like many of us do on here, and to the FEO that was a reason to take them away, any thoughts ?
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