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Everything posted by 30-06hunter

  1. i got this from an american website about hunting from a helicopter Texas is home to a serious feral hog problem; nearly 3.4 million at the last count ranking as the largest feral hog population in the nation. Feral hogs wreak havoc and cause extensive damage to property, livestock, crops and pastures across the state. The Texas Agri-Life Extension Service estimates that statewide annual economic damage caused by feral hogs is near $400 million and expected to worsen in the years ahead. In an effort to help control this ever increasing population of feral hogs, the State of Texas allows certain helicopter operators to provide aerial hunting of feral hogs under permit from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Current laws allow for private landowners to contract for a helicopter service to perform this aerial hunting service, but the landowner, or any other hunter they may designate, is not allowed to shoot the hogs from the aircraft. “There are about 170 permits that have been issued to companies in Texas who are authorized to provide aerial hog eradication” states Mike Morgan, President of Houston-based Vertex Helicopters “Unfortunately, many landowners find that the rates for hiring a helicopter are too costly, so they try to hunt the hogs on their own from the ground, which is slow and cumbersome, and honestly doesn’t even make a dent in the population.” Our helicopters are flown by highly trained pilots, and the gunners are trained specifically to perform aerial hunting from a helicopter. This isn’t something that the average hunter is trained to do.” states Morgan. “Hunting from a helicopter requires strict coordination with the pilot, and also requires many different skill sets that are vastly different than normal hunting techniques. We're not exactly shooting from a pickup truck. Shooting from a helicopter isn’t as easy as people think.” Vertex has developed an Aerial Hunter Safety Course that is specific to hunters who would be hiring a helicopter service to hunt hogs. "This isn’t your normal ‘Hunting Class’, either." continues Morgan, "This is an intensive safety course that will prepare the hunter to be able to know everything that they need to know about shooting from a helicopter, what do to in case of an emergency, and even helps them to understand the liability implications of worst case scenarios.” "What happens if they accidentally shoot a rotor blade? What happens if they drop a magazine and it goes through the tail rotor? Things like this can destroy a helicopter. If it happens, who is liable? Our course gives the hunter detailed guidance on everything from the type of helicopter to contract, the best choice of weapon, how to shoot effectively, how to communicate with the pilot, and state laws governing hunting from a helicopter. The most important part of our training course is the hands-on actual firing from the helicopter at ground targets while the helicopter is moving.” “We look forward to seeing this bill pass, but we feel strongly that there need to be very strict safety parameters put in place. Many of these aircraft cost in excess of $300,000, so if a hunter isn’t operating safely, or accidentally causes damage to a helicopter or injures someone then it’s all over the news with negative publicity. Our goal is to help prevent these problems and to make helicopter hunting a safe venture.” Vertex Helicopters offers their Aerial Hunting Safety Course at least one weekend per month at a cost of $350 per attendee. The course is an all-day course with 4 hours of classroom instruction in the morning and hands-on training in the helicopter on an active range during the afternoon. Each class is limited to 12 people to keep the instruction more concentrated, resulting in more interaction and additional time for hands-on training. Depending on the location, VERTEX Helicopters will travel with one of the aircraft to perform the classes for larger groups at remote locations when scheduling allows.
  2. i know just what you mean.. i go to Canada yearly for deer season ( white tail ) i hit a buck square in the hart and the same obliterated it! but he ran on pure adrenalin.. took us 30mins to find in the thick woodland. so it is of no surprise to me that this man shot a Hog and it kept running.. it was only him that kept putting rounds in for what i can only assume as making sure he hit it good. many of my friends in Canada ( Ontario ) hunt with shotgun slugs... they hit right on the kill zone it bolts they try and put another shot in just in case.. and anyone on here who has shot anything bigger than a fox will know. i have had deer and elk drop on the spot and others run. i feel it depends on his state before the shot. in my experience iv had a deer already charged from running towards my stand from being spooked by something, you shoot it and its already got that adrenalin and it bolts.. other times its been grazing on it just drops where it stands. so if a helicopter comes over the horizon id run, id get hit and probably keep going
  3. i was talking to my buddy in NZ about this and he pointed me in the direction of this video that shows shooting from a heli, dispatch and pick up again its not me, its not my buddy just a video for reference. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fd0YFVkkgE
  4. wow wasnt really expecting this sort of reply on this video :blink: i have how ever seen plenty of videos on this as i know people in the sates and NZ who do this. i however do not know the person in this video i was only putting it up to show you.. as that is what this section is for. the people i know tell me it is extremely heard to shoot at running game in thick vegetation whilst in a moving helicopter and not to mention the down force of the blades whilst your hanging out of a door. so i can easily imagine you need to take 5 or 6 shots at an animal before you get it. im sure if we put a few people on here on an olympic grade trap they will miss it a few times before they get it. the people i know of actually run 2 helicopters one runs and guns the other follows, dispatches ( if needed ) then hooks them up and when they have a few on the line return to the LZ and offload into a trailer. i think that is fair enough.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwTNQbWNadw&feature=related its popular in the US to skin Coyote's
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfvnniNZmqo&playnext=1&list=PL6729FD991E5B3E74%20. anyone fancy Hog Hunting from a chopper ? well you can in Texas
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kq1dJbMIFqU or this way :blink: separate the skin from the meat with air ! (i dont do this)
  8. something like this i expect Breastman http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1161175/Meet-Eyeborg-Filmmaker-plans-secret-surveillance-using-prosthetic-eye-camera.html
  9. http://http://www.youtube.com/user/theslowmoguys#p/u/5/U_2gNhjAkjo not sure if this has been on before. (not my footage) but here is some clay shooting filmed on a Phantom HD highspeed camera probs shooting 1000 fps to 1500fps i use these cameras with work and its great fun slaping a mate and watching it in slow mo
  10. theres a fox.. licking my window ! (not my footage)
  11. would it be possible to see any pics ?
  12. a little more info would be nice is it a 500 ? condition? wood , synthetic? cheers JD
  13. Hi all not sure if this has been posted before but i came across it today. its a website for the dvd series Hunters Video Adventures. no doubt people in the deer stalking world have seen them. well its a website listing all the dvd's they produce and they all have pretty good quality previews of them so if you ever wanted to know what there like before you shell out for one give this site a look. http://www.huntersvideo.co.uk/index.php?pt...ist&lang=UK JD
  14. my first gun was actualy my 21st birthday present. it was a browning B525 ... lovely gun and will never get rid of it. was funny though talking to the people i was in uni with at the time 'what did you get on your 21st... a car how about you .... and shotgun what!!
  15. nice one!! my farther did that with me and i will do that with my son (when i have one)
  16. have you got auto focus on the camera? if so try turning it off this will stop it focus on the object in front of it (the scope lense) and manually focus the camera if its possible.
  17. here foxy foxy.... BANG !!!!
  18. hey richard thanks for the web link it was very useful cheers :blink:
  19. Hi all im looking at getting into a bit of wildfowling in wales ideally in the north. and was wondering if anyone new of any clubs or anything i can get in touch with and have a chat. thanks guys JD
  20. i have used this in canada on a deer hunt and they were affective, but when im out hunting with the older guys we just do it the old fashion way
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