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About bobjamo

  • Birthday 15/01/1955

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    cheadle staffs
  • Interests
    mad about claypigeon shooting then pub

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  1. Good rat gun ideal for gardens, on a shotgun certificate
  2. Anschutz 9mm Garden gun bolt action for sale £30 stoke-on- Trent Staffordshire
  3. Cheadle, Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire Miroku is now sold 3 gun cabinet and 9mm garden gun left cheers Bob
  4. Miroku has now been sold, 3 gun cabinet and 9mm Anschutz garden gun £50 thanks for looking Bob
  5. Hi thanks for the offer, but a local guy has offered to buy the miroku and is coming this afternoon. If he doesn't I will pm you Cheers Bob
  6. Hi someone local is coming in the morning for the miroku Thanks for the offer
  7. Miroku 30 ins multichoke sp7000-1 4 chokes +Anschutz 9mm garden gun + 3 gun shotgun cabinet
  8. Yes I would split and there are more pics on my previous posts cheers
  9. 7000-sp1 30ins multichoke 4 chokes, full ,mod, improved x2 not had a great lot of use
  10. 7000-sp1 30ins multichoke 4 chokes, full, mod ,improved x2 not had a great lot of use 7000-sp1 30ins multichoke 4 chokes, full, mod ,improved x2 not had a great lot of use
  11. Miroku sp7000-1 +Anschutz 9mm garden gun + 3 gun shotgun cabinet £400 Stoke on Trent Stoke on Trent
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