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Everything posted by millrace

  1. very optimistic with so few birds down to get such returns on such large area they walk for ulster.............lol well mine do!!! put 50 out very local for fun this year all gone last ceen bout 4/5 mile over road.....on reg shoot we do 750 birds with 7 guns over 11days max return of roughly 60 % and this in bout 60 acres of good holding ground......just cant cee how it would work for what sound like a lot of money...it would be hard shooting to get few birds,,,,any 2/300 bird down local shoots are bout 300 per gun more if more feed needed..
  2. well now if anyone fancy's bit of diy.....get couple of pallets cut and fit light ply deck....4x1 rough sawn with edge just bout 1'' above ply...add some builders insulation shts inbetween runers to make it float and put it on pond with all the rotten choped spuds you can get,,either peg them in or use rope and make them retractable...and watch them spuds goe.....and i b very surprised if your duck numbers dont increase...works treat with me and also feed with wheat round edges...but its the floaters that really do the buisness....they feel safer feeding in the middle i guess.....
  3. just got varation on mine thru in 6wks for addding semi auto to my cert....last yr got it thru in 4 wks around same time for s/s add on...cant complain really!!!!...anyone know of any sx3 in local shops???
  4. cheers...that what i think my dealer doesent want to tell me......any alternatives to the sx3....in that price range with 3.5 chambers....all opinions welcome?:unsure:
  5. my thoughts...more investagation needed............... :blink:
  6. was wondering anyone heard of any industrial action at browning,,,,,,,,,,,apparently its delaying my sx3!!!!!!!! any truth?
  7. when not on game shooting we do lot of foxing with terriers great craic...... have found when waiting for fox to be bolted if on known path no6 do great remembering foxy aint got great eyesight if you stand very still he will run right past...keep 2nd barrel with 36g no 1 0r 3 gives option for something further away......if it gets past these then fair play.......he live to fight another day!!!!!!
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