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Posts posted by Cookiemonsterandmerlin.

  1. With the bath empty screw the feet down to the correct level.

    If the floorboard are moving screw the feet up and place a sturdy board beneith them.

    Dont whatever you do jack it up if its a fibreglass bath alright if it cast iron.

    Regards OTH

  2. Reading my question again, you would be quite right Poacher, but what I meant by not a lot of cash at the mo was that I didnt want to spend 100's and 100's of £'s on a kc registered dog from a money driven breeder. If/when I do get a dog it will be insured as all my other dogs have been so there care is not in question.


    The main reason for the thread was that I was unsure what breed to get, should of made it clearer , spaniel or lab ? It will be used for retrieving on driven pheasant shoots and duck shoots so will need to swim :good:


    I dont mind taking on a dog that is 1 to 4 years old that has been partly trained, it would also be a family (adult,no kids) dog so will have pride of place in front of the log fire. :good:

    Have you seen the cracking spainel in the other sale forum side £550

    Regards OTH

  3. Under the circumstances you describe it might not be a good thing to get a dog right now. You are likely to need spare cash for the circumstances that crop up when you own dogs.

    Agree and also nobody sells or gives away a good dog at two years old unless its for alot of money.

    The sort of dog you talk about would fetch a grand min if you bought it from a pro trainer.

    But if you go for it I still dont think you can beat a lab for day to day living and shooting.

    Regards OTH

  4. My idear was to ask RAF benson if I could put a couple of birds on the end of the blades of the merlins.

    As they use alot of land around here for practice and birds have got use to them flying about save all that climbing trees etc.


  5. I saved McF's marriage and sanity; I'm now working on saving my own.



    Who needs women when you have woodies too shoot I am very lucky to have a great wife who lets me indulge my passions.

    Good boys and keep up the good work OTH

  6. Truly a lucky escape. :blink:


    It always amazes me how many shooters don't have marked maps of the land they have permission to shoot over.

    An Ordnance Survey map book (not the useless folding type) is quite cheap and it also demonstrates to the Farmer that you are a responsible type, when you ask him to mark down his land.

    Best way as cranfield says

    Also most farms have names for there fields like hassocks etc if you can get then names when the farmers phones up and says the birds are hitting hassocks then you know for certain where he wants you.

    Regards OTH

  7. Eeeeeeeeh Webber old boy reading them posts again made me chuckle rest assured i wont be paying for any pigeon shooting ever again, but will be sticking to what we did this year very enjoyable and a decent pint afterwards.


    For those thinking of paying for it, you pay your money you take your chance there is no gaurantee of the amount of birds or shots you will get.

    Will & Phil seemed nice guys and sorted our B+B out, unfortunately from my point of view he booked in more guns than he had land with pigeons on to shoot over, hence in desperation he stuck Webber + Mike in a field near were pigeons were feeding hoping they would get some shooting under a flight line to it, but didnt bother to check up on them to see how they were doing very poor in my opinion.



    Mcf your reports are more like the ones ive heard and I have heard a few good ones as well mostly from magzines for some reason.

    And being local to me I here it all bring backs days of pigeon mania .

    Regards OTH

  8. Foxes aren't always in fox earths. I know the ones my father has bolted and shot with the ferrets have been bolted from rabbit burrows. I'm sorry but if you had common sense like you say you do, you will realise that from time to time different animals will share the same earth and from time to time that will be fox and rabbit.

    One key word SMELL

  9. Not necessarily, I have bolted foxes out of 18" diameter road drains with two ferrets and also had one bolt from an earth that was the other side of the bank from a warren I was netting.

    These occasions were accidents and its not something I would do deliberately.

    I may have misread your post cranfield

    But it reads if you have entered your ferts into a drain and the accident was that charlie was In the drain .

    And you was entering them into a drain after rabbits.

    Regards Simon

  10. I stand by my reply be it a normal poster or a mod I dont confess to be perfect but stay well clear of trouble like burys near roads drains or fox earths bagders .

    There is plenty of rabbiting without getting tangle up with problems that can be reduced by common sense.

    And just because you have been doing things for years does not mean you know what you are at .

    You have ferreted 500 in five weeks thats cracking going and good luck I dont get into number any more on this forum .

    But like I said 26 years ferreting and never bolted a charlie have caught and still catch rabbits in the numbers you talk.

    Regards Simon AKA OTH

  11. Joe very sad story but like you say its the gun holder who is dangerous not the gun .

    I think in the hole the firearms appilication and sgc is good with the correct amount of checks to see if you are fit and well mentally.

    But I think in the five years of inbtween appilications there should be some way the NHS doctor could link up with the police if you go to your doctor for say depression .

    As alot can change in five years to your mental state that the granting officers did not know off.

    Regards OTH

  12. You will be very very lucky to get a decent disco for under a grand, most under 2K are dogs.

    Your not looking in the right places I dont think your going to find anythink under a grand with FSH and show room conditon .

    Just pickup a 300 tdi on a nreg 130k 12 MONTHS ticket no tax for £750 .

    Regard OTH

  13. surley it going to be the thinest hungriest birds that do the most damage.....

    It not about damage when birds get thin it about respect for your quarry .

    Time will tell in 3 months time if the cold is still here then we may see a large drop in numbers .


    Regards OTH

  14. Never have done in 26 years of ferreting due to good fieldcraft if you put your ferts into a bury and bolt charlie then you are not doing your job propley IMO .

    18 inch road drains I never heard of such poor animail care Imo what if that road drain heads 30 feet under tarmac and gets laid up .

    My number one goal is to insure the care of all my working animails and to reduce the risk to them and putting ferts in drains is no way to treat a fert,just like running a running dog into wire .

    Harsh I know but a fact.

    Regards OTH

  15. Imo read my post on talk from the field thin pigeons.

    I think if any animail is struggling because of weather be it game wildfowl or even vermin or pest.

    We should leave alone and let time take its natural direction and if the animal dies or lives we will know that we have not had a hand in its death from say shooting and keeping them of there feeding area.

    Regards OTH

  16. If there getting that thin I think its time to give it a rest I shoot the same numbers of birds you do it would apear from your posts and am not having a go .

    But its a long time since pigeons and even in my short life we have had winter like this so early plus we could have another 3 months of this .

    I know from a farmer point of view they want them shot but it does no good for the image of shooting if we shoot hungry thin birds.

    Just out of intrest have you weighted the birds ,I am blessed in oxfordshire area no snow and no thin birds and plenty of feeding rides to keep the birds in good coindtion.

    All the very best OTH

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