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Posts posted by Cookiemonsterandmerlin.

  1. Birds are showing the same spooky nature in our area.


    The truth some flocks being shot at alot causing them to spook easy in the land I soley shoot I am having alot more birds coming to deeks but where various shooters are shooting the birds are wary .


    There has been a lack of wind for two months hopefully march winds will come and some early drilling.



  2. Has anyone else heard of this ? I heard about it on our walk about clear up day but couldnt attend as I was on shift today, apparently it was set up by the Farmers Union and supposed to take place across the country today, our shoot put out 6 guns to keep them moving but just wondered if anyone else did the same?

    I did a google search but all I got was some ****** in NewYork celebrating flying rats :lol:


    Your correct I do belive but the sad fact is that very few shooters can gain the permission to go any more.


    Before my day dad always said that nearly ever spinney or wood would have a shooter in it for the first two sats in febuary.


    Reghards OTH

  3. We us to have a company called pigeon mania who had a load of guess from abroad shooting pigeons.


    But when the shooting got boring moved themselfs from the place the guide had put them to shoot the phesant pen.


    Sorry for the guide not hes fault but was never allowed on that farm to this day that was back in the 90s.



  4. hmm not heard that one the general rule is every month with an R in it is ok and that sayn has been on the go for years!


    You seem to know alot more than me about ferreting so I think I will ignore my thoughts.


    Based on your comments on this topic and foxing topic.


    I agree with you it used to be ever month with a R but over the last 10 years rabbits with young in the early part of the year is more common than when I started so I give up when I find nearly ever doe with young inside them.


    As it just IMO drivers me crazy digging and chasing baby rabbits though the nets.


    If I need any tips in the future regarding ferretting I will PM you .


    Thanks for you replys OTH

  5. Is it best to stop end of feb when the does have had their young?


    In terms of quality of rabbits nothing much worst than pauching a milkie doe.


    But if you need to control numbers I have ferreted up to the end of march early april.


    But as a general rule we stop end of feb saves load of lay ups on babies and nests.


    Regards OTH

  6. Worst year for years in our area the best bag so far is 24 we normally average 30 plus .


    Total starting sept 2009, 509 rabbits


    Last year we had over 1000 rabbits cant see us making up the shortfall in the next two months or so.


    Having said that we have just got some new perm that is crawling .


    We lost alot of rabbits in july 2007 in the thames area and the numbers have not recovered yet.



  7. I have seen pigeon flight roughly 10 clicks many years ago it was a clear spring morning .


    I was shooting linseed on the downs outside of swindon and you could see the flight with binos coming from swindon town out off coate water and burdrop woods.


    They where in a long line for the whole length one of my first hundred bags.


    I think birds in certain areas like the fens have a larger radius 25 clicks and the same with the barron downs where roosting woods are few and far between.


    Summer time only 5 and 8 clicks like most have said.


    All the best OTH

  8. Amazing isn’t it how the biggest problem faced by people on here is getting land to shoot on, you’ve only to read the sob stories or read the shooting wanted posts to know getting land to shoot on is very very difficult (for most). Yet almost without fail posters on here will say ‘don’t pay’ usually ones with plenty of shooting permission (and probably the ones least likely to share it). :lol:



    I agree with you but I have found there is no lack of permissions to be had in my area .


    But the main reason shooters struggle to find permission is lack of trust from the landowners and shooter not moving in the right ciclres eg like the farming lifestyle.


    You cant expect a total stranger to rock up on your door and get instant shooting rights without puttin some time put in.


    And if you dont want to put the time in then pay for it no problems but it no good shooters moaning about lack of shooting if they dont put some effort into it.


    And sometimes this does mean knocking on farmers doors .


    But the sad fact is alot of shooter dont want to put the effort into securing shooting rights.


    I have pickup alot of shooting due to other failing to turn up .


    Share it well thats up to each us to make our own minds up on , I like to share but only with a select trustworth few.


    Regards OTH

  9. I think there are many factors some is where old hedges where and woods etc.


    Some times the ground conditions eg if one field is slighty drier under foot.


    I think varietys do some times play a factor some times but I think some fields produce sweeter tasting crop.


    I think that there is alot to be learnt about pigeons habits and alot of shooter due to work family etc just dont have the time .


    I have studied birds for two or three hours sometimes .


    Regards OTH

  10. Is this the farmer direct or though a agent eg like our site sponser .


    If it the farmer I would say no thanks I dont think there would be a huge demand for winter pigeon shooting and paying for it.


    I dont belive in paying but I understand why some do I think we should get paid myself and some do.


    Regards OTH

  11. oth you aren't too far away from me i live in cricklade and work in fairford. don't think i shoot too far away from you, is it you I can hear in the distance banging away while i sit there looking at some plastic pigeons and not a lot else


    Hi Nick do you take your Pigeons to Rogers ,we go for chips in fairford in the summer on the bike it nice ride out that way.


    The nearest I get to you is just the other side of leachlade.


    Regards OTH

  12. Best bit of kit I have ever bought a Honda with selectable 4x4 goes places 2 tonne 4x4 can but without masses of land damage.


    I tow it in 6x4 caged ifor willaims trailer and ride it off and then tow the trailer on the quad all my gear and dogs safe.


    The quad comes into its own when ferreting as my dad and wife dont have to lump 20 rabbits three boxes and takes the strain off you.


    Good for it you will never regret it.


    All the very best OTH

  13. Watchfield, I priced and did a big housing job for the MOD there a few years back, 290 brand new timber frame houses for Officers, it went like a dream..!!


    Lots of pigeons in that area, good luck OTH. :drinks:






    I sorry to say its not the large wood thats on the MOD site which is a real shame as there is loads that roost there.


    The MOD have just bought a hole lot on new houses on a site in Faringdon for students as the owner could not sell them for peanuts .


    I live just a few miles away from Watchfield if you ever passing pop in for brew.


    Regards OTH

  14. sounds like you are planning an attack on the pigeon with military precision there, they must go to roost quite early round you to do they?


    I love you BM and your comments.


    Just for record I done some active service and once you get to us to lingo you dont tend to us anythink else .


    1330 hrs not that early once you had a chat a bit of a RECCE thought you might like that one.


    Picked your spot watch some natural and most of all just enjoy being out there.


    How is sunny ireland all the very best OTH

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