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Posts posted by Cookiemonsterandmerlin.

  1. Barley stubbles...??


    What are they.....:unsure:?...ah......I remember, one appeared on our patch on 28th July, it was ploughed up on 29th July, it lasted all of 24 hours.


    I wish we had ANY stubble left in our area, there are literally none left to over Winter nowadays, which is a great shame because they are a good draw for birds. :unsure:


    Numbers appear to have declined in our area since the snow, we had 8" prior to Christmas and more after, I'm convinced that good numbers of birds took off to other parts of the Country with less snow cover, what do others think..??




    I with you Cat birds have moved from here and I have found dead birds also now the snow has gone.


    Mark what are they feeding on in the stubbles there cant be alot of seed left???.


    I have some wheat stubble but the birds stopped feeding there in late nov and still some maize stubble but not alot birds on that.


    Regards OTH

  2. After crashing out a job topping a large conifer hedge in two days made some space for a bit shooting.


    Its my first day out since the snow the birds have been sat around looking unhappy but with the snow gone it back to normal .


    There is one farm which I set a friend on next to gwr line birds where moving alot we had snow but it was not settling too wet.


    I went to another set of fields 4 clicks away and we had them going between us they where using the railway line to flight along.


    Total bag was 72 between us and birds where in reasonable condition .


    I then had to give a friend a lift to a place just outside of compton just of the A34 near newbury and one field had very large numbers .


    All the very best OTH

  3. I find that it is about the second week of feb that you can get some reasonable bags on rape in the late afternoon.


    Looking back to just after the snow last feb I had five bags of fifty plus after settingup after 12ish.


    So dont giveup Imo with the afternoon idear just hold on till the day are slightly longer.


    All the best OTH

  4. To be honest OTH I think you full of it from most of your post's you seem to be a bin there done it a brought the tee shirt type of man.but I don't know you from adam so you maybe ok. Keep it real all the best john


    Fair point john you dont know me from adam ,I say whats on my mind and alot dont like that sort I live with it.


    Like you said I try not to jump to conclusions on others all my posts are to point I cant see why you are having a pop at me but this really shows what type of world we live in.


    I try to help others on forums this and others and have never had any problems with geninue members.


    Some say I may talk like ive been there done it type but ever thought that I have knowledge that can be useful to other and I like to share it ,I have gain knowleadge from others on forums and old timers and I have never thought that old guy who has done ferreting for years is full of bull instead I have watched and learnt from them,which is how knowleadge and story are passed on.


    Not everbody who talks about been there done it is talking bull some have been there done it you know.

    Like I have said before I would be willing to share some of my permissions with others but comments like yours is the main reason I am wary of doing so as you have made your mind up what type of bloke I am already without even knowing me.


    If you dont like me or the way I post and reply so be it I will not have too many sleepless nights.


    Kind regards OTH

  5. Never seen the point in shooting hedgerow rabbits as 99% the rabbits just hole hop IMo very dangerous for ferrets.


    Now shooting rabbits in open land warren is one of the best sports to be enjoyed where the rabbits head for another bury in the distance.


    Stay safe and always make sure your ferts are alway from the shooting area seen 4 dead ferts though shooting the box.


    Regards OTH

  6. I am more worried about shooter paying for pigeon shooting than shooters getting paid to do it.


    What strikes me as odd is you guys are saying you do it for free as vermin control.


    I dont see any other vermin control doing it for free eg rats farmers pay alot of money for there services .


    So why not pigeon shooting as like most poster say they only do it for vermin control not sport.


    It cost time and money to do any for of shooting so if a farmer is willing to pay or give cartridges then crack on I say.


    Whats your thoughts then guys OTH

  7. ya think thats the approach im going for this weekend they should be well on it now as the snows still around. its old wheat thay feed to the cattle i think so your safe on your breakfast :good: !!!!!


    Still should be covered even more so if going for animal feedstuff salmonella is a real concern if proper foodstuff hygenie is not held.


    All the best OTH

  8. spoke to the farmer i shoot for yesterday and theres about 300-400 pigeons feeding on the rape. but the birds are also helping thereselves to the weat in the open store shed on the farm so going tomorow to set up on the rape next to the shed witch might help produce a bag let you no how i get on :good:

    I did;t think you was aloud open grain stores anymore due to the problem highlighted with bird mess I hope my shreaded wheat dont come from that farmer store.


  9. So £100 plus £2.50 for each rabbit you catch/shoot? A farmer pays you £125 per day to shoot pigeons?

    Not so much pigeons but I do have two farmers who pay me the only reason this started is when I became part self

    employed ,a farmer ask me to take some real problem birds out.


    I said I am booked up with work and could not do it for some time he asked me how I charged for a day labour so I told him £125 and he was willing to pay that if I could show regular good bags of pigeons and rabbits.


    Now before some you all scream thats bull etc etc the reason I get paid is I am well know in the farming cicrle .

    And the reason most struggle to find perm is that the landowner does not know most shooters who turn up on there doorstep.

    Would you let a guy/girl walk round your garden with a firearm if you did not know there life history?:good:?.


    Now most of our paid work is rabbiting in private gardens where huge damage is caused by rabbits on young trees and shrubs.

    All started on frilford golf course when some of the locals approached myself and wife to clear huge amounts of rabbits from there lovely sandy gardens.

    Which it snowballed it still a hobbie more than a business but it pays for the ferrets and if my work is quite a income of sorts in winter .


    All the best OTH

  10. £125 a day is average daliy wage but you need to be able to show good bag sizes which is a struggle in winter.


    On rabbits I charge £50 for each of us there is two me and my wife is the day charge to cover transport and then £2.50 per rabbit I catch and show to customer .


    Good on a 30 plus day not so good on two or three day.


    Regards OTH

  11. Quite interesting reading this topic so I am offering my opinion on pigeon shooting.

    By shooting pigeon in winter I believe we conserve the woodpigeon from total starvation of our local flocks as there are fewer mouths to feed with limited food. Not really doing the farmer a favour in the long term then are we. Yes they are an agricultural pest and have caused many farmers the costs of reseeding at times therefore for financial reasons they must be controlled at the time of doing damage. Do I shoot them for crop protection, well not being a farmer I have to say no I don't in the first instance, if I did shoot them to protect a farmers crop then I would charge him for the service, Why then have I been a pigeon shooter for over 30yrs. I enjoy the craft and the shooting, the farmer has the targets and the means to allow me to pursue my interests and I do him a service in return. Many places charge guns for a days pigeon shooting. Why would anyone pay to protect anothers crop it's ridiculous, they pay for the sport and the targets which allows the owner to make and save money at the same time. How many would pay their employer just to work for them, no one I would guess unless maybe the benefits outweighed the cost. I don't kid myself as to my reasons and have invested a lot of money in my guns, deeks, magnets, landrover and all the other bits and bobs that goes with the the pursuit of pigeon, why then would I consider myself a kind of unpaid employee of the farmer bent on protecting his crop. We serve each other and it will be a cold day in hell before I pay cash as well save his crop.


    Cracking post with alot of sense spoke .


    I belive one of the sole reasons fox hunting got ban was they claimed on one hand it was pest control.


    And on the other hand they said they did not catch many so it was not cruel and they done it purley for pest control.


    I know that cost of keeping a hunter for 12 months of the year outweights the damage a charllie can do.


    Regards OTH

  12. Now if you charge £2000+ for a £800 retail boiler - where do you tie your horse up a night times??


    I carry out similar work, I charge the right price, make a profit, get plenty of recommendations and I dont need anywhere to stable my horse at nights.




    Boys am I reading that part right .

  13. Don't use it anyone else's property without having a license. BIG NO NO!

    I agree but one of the strange things I find is that you can use a hedge triimer or mower or bruschcutter without tickets.

    But the hse web site states

    You do not need a ticket for use in business context if it for agri use hedgecutting fallen trees.

    The work is being done by the occupier or there employee,s

    Or if the user has use a chainsaw before the 5th 12 1998 .

    Regards OTH

  14. I have three day a week part time job but I am a self employed from corn carting,ploughing,drillling etc.

    Garden work from late feb I have a large estate to work on always something to do.

    Also tree work we have a small wood of ash beech I harvest to sell logs in winter I have not been able to keep up with trade this year.

    And I help a guy who makes willow hurdles for thames water I still no good at it no matter how much I try.

    Regards OTH

  15. Farming decisions are made with thoughts of years ahead, sometimes generations ahead. Who would ever plant a tree if they could only, selfishly, see 6 months ahead?

    Rabbits recovered slowly because of the large (99.99%)proportion that were wiped out and the slow evolution of their immune system to myxi.

    Surely you know about the evolution of drug resistant bugs because of the mis-use of antibiotics on livestock farms, and third-world countries.

    Research has shown that the pigeons that are shot, would have died this winter anyway, but they can do a lot of damage whilst starving to death.

    When I wanted pigeons shot on a kale crop, if someone said "Wait until the numbers build up so that I can have a good day" I got somebody else (from in town) to do it.


    As far as I am aware its not often that any pigeons becomes immune to 32 grams of lead shot .


    I dont think I am being selfish by airing my views of what the future of our sport Yes SPORT hold.


    Its not me who is only thinking of todays bags .


    And after reading some of the comments after posting this it very hard to have meaningful conversation with some in a adult polite way without childish comments.


    I dont think anybdoy is trying push there views on anybody as clearly some of use have a completely diffrent outlook.


    I try to respect others which if some could on here it would be a start no wonder the world is in the poo .


    Kind regards OTH

  16. Wrong..... Sorry anser I dont agree


    In my humble opinion....


    We are shooting pigeons because its good sport and we enjoy it.... crop protection is a secondary consideration always has been and always will be. There are a few who have a vested interest who might hide behind the crop protection banner but IMO thats total ******** and always will be.


    If anyone feels they must shoot pigeon weekly even in this foul weather at least have the balls to own up to the fact that you are doing it for your sporting pleasure.


    Cheers FM

    Agree there is not one person on here who shoots pigeons for pest control solely ,pleasure yes some for money .

    Not one person on here who would go out and shoot pigeons who does not get enjoyment from it.

    Pest control is a good reason to do it but it is secondary for most if not all pigeon shooters.

    Thats why shooters pay guides money to source and provide pigeon shooting not because they want to control pigeon numbers ,thats why we have french shooters here.

    It cost money to shoot alot at the moment with cartridges so high so why do it if you dont pleasure from it.

    All the best OTH

  17. Went to my mother in laws at xmas she normally over loads us with rubbish.

    But this time we come back with two very large white hobs and a lovely jill they are 1 year old worked well handled none biting they where not using them enough so we took them off there hands as we have more contacts.

    Due to having 15 hobs we are keeping the jill to breed from but two hobs need to go ASAP .

    Looking for a good home more important than anythink else and donation to help the heroes fund.

    Its upto you how much you donate All the best OTH

    PM me contact details and location etc.

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