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Posts posted by Evilv

  1. Hey Ivan, no need to apologise for anything to me mate. I just thought maybe we ought to keep remarks about wives out of it, but that's just my opinion. So easy to misinterpret a humorous jibe when you can't see the other guy's grinning as he types it.


    The really good thing about this forum in comparison to some others, is that the people here are good lads. Believe it or not, I'm banned from Airgunbbs because I crossed a bunch of tw*ts there who like to take the **** out of any ordinary bloke who turns up and makes a spelling mistake or asks a greenhorn question. Anyway I'm sure we all mean to keep this forum the friendly and welcoming place it is. Take no notice of my grumblings. People who know me think I'm a ranting old ***.

  2. Wooooop woooooop woooop (attention getting siren on WW" naval destroyer).


    [Voice on tannoy]


    "Hear this: disagreement among the ranks is strictly prohibited. All shore leave and personal privilleges will be cancelled if there are further outbreaks of bickering and oversensitivity.


    There will be double grog ration today in anticipation of full compliance.


    As you were men."

  3. Took the new Axsor out yesterday and shot a bunch of rabbits - thirteen all told, there's a few of 'em below, photographed while I was having a cup of tea at the half way point. The gun is pinpoint accurate, and a delight to shoot at longer ranges, since it doesn't move a bit, unlike the springer I've been using up till now. People said that a PCP would be a revelation to a spring shooter - it's true.







    And here's a view of the shoot. The house is at 1155 feet above sea level.



  4. Does anyone know where I can get a fac hammer spring for my s 200. Increasing the tension on the normal spring only gives me about 14 F't lbs.

    Can anyone explain the process once you have got a FAC of making changes to a sub 12ft pound rifle you already own?


    I used to have an open FAC years ago, but owing to pressure of work, I sold up and let it go. Now I have more time, I'm thinking of getting another FAC and upping the power on one of my guns. I was just wondering if having got the FAC slot, you can just tell the Firearms DEpt you want to raise the power on an already owned one, register the number etc and do the work.

  5. Hi evilv,


    i think i might have got confused with the adaptor you might have needed, from what you just describd thats the fill adaptor you need that plugs into the gun itself?


    i thought you were after a male to male thread adaptor to convert the thread size to accept the fill adaptor.


    the fill adaptor is speciffic to webley and they are only available from them :lol: sorry to have got your hopes up :lol: apart from the bit that plugs into the rifle most other parts are available from other sources.


    ROB :lol:

    No problem Roblade - it was my fault for not making clear what I needed. I got it this morning and once I'd twigged that I had to tighten up the union quite hard, it stopped hissing out when I worked the pump, and made than nice healthy squeak as the air goes into the chamber. That one runs at about a ton and a quarter pressure per square inch, so I hope the bugg*r never explodes in my face!!



  6. I don't know how to do as you ask, but it is normal for a rifle to show different energy levels with different pellets. Try some others and see what effect it has.


    By the way, I doubt the rabbits would know the difference between 10.4 ft pounds and 11.6, or 13, come to that, but the cops sure would if you accidentally over adjusted it and got pulled. As I understand it, if they have reason to test a rifle, they run a variety of pellets through it to see if it can be coaxed above the legal limit. I expect they'd need a good reason to want to throw the book at you for something before going to this trouble, such as inappropriate behaviour with it, but it's a situation best avoided. Leave well alone maybe...


    Mind how you go.... Cheers.

  7. evilv.    old rooster sounds like a good egg  :lol:

    Aye - he's OK... :lol:


    You won't get his joke about eggs, he was complaining that I hadn't brought him any from my hens at home - I thought of trying to pay for the gun in omlettes and cabbages, but didn't think he'd accept, so I left 'em all at home.


    Cheers all.

  8. Yup Axe, if you'd seen it you might have relented. It's a very nice example. As Rooster says up above, I think he put to bed the idea that you can't shoot at distance with an airgun and cleanly dispatch the quarry... I saw several examples of smackdowns and staydowns at the longer ranges from him. Me though - I'll have to stick to 40 as my top range, until I'm used to the new gun.


    Thanks for the offer of making a fill probe and adaptor Rooster (handy lad he is with that lathe) but I'm sorted now, and also got a plug to keep muck out of the filler orifice.


    I'll spend tomorrow trying things out up at the rabbit infested farm... Don't send 'em word though - I want 'em sitting out sunbathing when I get there...

  9. Hey - thanks for that info Roblade. The Webley part is a sort of hole drilled in the end of the air chamber, maybe 20mm deep by about 4, or 5 in diameter. The fitting, which I saw at Rooster's place, is like a brass rod with two small holes in the centre and two 'o' rings either side of it in grooves. Five quid sounds more like it to me, unless it's a small production part, unique to Webley - on the other hand, I know where the gunshop is. Maybe I'll take a look in the yellow pages for 'pneumatics' and hoses and such.



  10. Must have been a slow news day Axe. They made the point that the old Romans introduced the bunny to Britain, and that now it was undermining their archaeological remains - the kind of twist that appeals to 'em, I suppose.

  11. I've 2 Axsors and with the purchase of the new Daystate won't need them both, you can have one of those for £275 with scope and sound moderator, I've already posted info on their peformance with a few pics of bunnies that won't be getting shy ;-).


    I drove five hundred miles in the last two days to meet up with Rooster, and buy one of his Webley Axsors. It was worth every single tedious mile. The rifle is 'mint' and performs beautifully - I love it!


    After looking over the gun and parting with the readies, Old Rooster was decent enough to take me out shooting with it on one of his permissions, and we spent a very pleasant evening putting out the lights of a few bunnies. I am very impressed with what I brought home today, but having seen his new Daystate and watched him perform brain surgery on several rabbits at extened range, I can see why he wanted to change to his new machine. The amazing thing about it is the almost complete silence when it's electronic gizmos open the valve and let the pellet go. Since it has no hammer, all you hear is a sharp wizz and a loud thwack from the rabbit's brain box as they roll over and go to heaven. Quite a remarkable machine.


    Later we had a few beers and a ****** take away.


    Thanks for your hospitality Rooster - I appreciate it.


    By the way mate - the Hills pump, I picked up in York on the way home, is almost brand new, and all I need is an adaptor for the female hose fitting (about 12mm) to change it to the Webley fitting. The local gun shop say they have them for about £15 - seems a bit steep, but won't break the bank, so I'll toddle around there and get one tomorrow, then I'll be toting the pristine Axsor about on 'them thar hills....'

  12. You could shoot them from the mock-up Roman watch towers and the full height reproduction of Hadrian's Wall. It's right near where I live - about half an hour. They'll probably gass 'em though.

  13. i use the rws super domed and verminpell in my ratty, with pin point accuracy at 15 yards with both pellet brands, my chosen limit for rat bashing, ,rws super domed and bisley super field in my stingray k the air arms are also quite acurrate in my stingray, but half of the tin was damaged, so i was gettin a fair few flyers and my poi was all over the place with them, so i probley wont buy them again...

    anyone use these air arms field?

    Brilliant in my TX200 if I could only hold the ****** up. I'm thinking of having some kind of cantilever vest made so my arms don't get too tired, that, or either a pilon strapped to my back so I could hang the rifle down the front like a crane jib. It's an ******* heavy bit of kit that as I'm trudging about the slopes of my mountain shootin. I checked on a map yesterday and found that the 1155 ft contour goes through the farmhouse and theres at least another 200 feet above that level.

  14. I've seen a black rabbit like that on my newest shoot- seen it twice actually and took a special deek at it through the scope, just to make sure it wasn't a trick of the evening light. I wondered if it was a cross of some domestic type that had escaped, since I've looked after just such a rabbit for a friend when she was away on holiday - funny that, feeding carrots and stuff to a friends pet rabbit on the way home from slaughtering a dozen of the same species on the farm.... Food fer thought - nah - I've just had most of a bottle of wine and am getting a bit maudlin... Slurrrrp.



  15. i practice in the back garden @ 10m with a B2 chinese type airgun, its got iron sights but weighs about the same as a centerfire rifle or rimfire, so its good practice and builds up the correct muscle tone.

    How do you get on with the heavy triggers on those guns Nick?


    I've got a B3, as well as the TX (and soon I'll have a Webley Axsor courtessy of Old Rooster). The B3 was FANTASTIC value for money and it shoots nice groups at 60 feet with iron sights, but the trigger is hellish stiff you never know when it's going to go off, then THWACK. Problem is, when I go back to the TX with it's light trigger, it goes off while I'm taking up the slack, and I need to fire a few just to get back into form.


    Take your point about the way the B2 feels though. The B3 feels a lot more natural to me than the TX which is quit an armful. I'll probably sell that when I get my new gun.

  16. Talking of wearing bright orange - anyone remember that sad case last year when a kid was shot while out lamping with his father? Terrible thing that - I think it was the dad that fired the round, but am not certain. There must be a high chance of that when people in groups are shooting in the dark. Maybe fluorescent reflective jackets for lamping expeditions???

  17. I completely agree. As well as my TX200, I have a b3 air rifle. I bought it for my son. I beleive its the same powerplant as the b2. It has no more than 6-7 foot pounds. Nevertheless, I shot five rabbits with it the other week and my son shot six.


    The issue is distance. It will kill rabbits convincingly at sixty feet. Stop at that range. You could probably kill them further out, but the curvature of the pellet's trajectory would be far too hard to learn. Try it on a large sheet of card. Zero the rifle at 20 paces, shoot a group on your card at a point marked at the top of the card, then having shot that group, step back another ten paces. Shoot another group, and see how much further down the card they come. Then do it again at forty paces, all groups aimed at the same point at the top of the card. Maybe you'll be surprised at how much further down they strike.


    The b2 in .22 has about 410 feet per second muzzle velocity. Get a copy of chairgun and put that figure into the table. Then you'll see the way the pellets drop off. Confirm it with the card shooting method I posted up above.


    If you work within the guns limits, you'll do fine. It should shoot pretty flat between five and twenty two yards, but by forty yards it will be nine inches down on your aiming point.

  18. Been through Alston on way to lakes a few times mate you need to be part mountain goat on them hills.

    rather you than me i can tell you. ???:):shoot:

    Baaaaaaaaah, snort, where's that prrdy li'l nanny..... Ok, that old ewe will do....

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