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Posts posted by invector

  1. If you think about it I suppose the best piece of pigeon decoying equipment is your brain! Too many people set up and hope for the best when they should be thinking about the situation,and minimising the variables, while using fieldcraft to put themselves in an advantageous position.


    I would also be lost without my binoculars. They tell me where the birds are, where they are coming from and going to, where the sitty trees are, which direction the birds use to land, etc. etc. I would rather be without my plush seat than my binos.

  2. Like all wildlife, pigeons learn from any out of the ordinary occurences. I believe they are gradually learning about magic roundabouts, and when to avoid them. I once read that the first recorded sighting of a great ***, pecking the foil top of a milk bottle, was somewhere in the south of the country and, within ten years, was copied by other tits much farther north. Might be an urban myth, but quite plausible.

  3. Lurcherboy,


    This took place a long time ago, and he never was my choice of shooting partner. He got a job on a large local estate, in forestry, and is still there. He beats for the shoot, but I don't think he shoots these days. Probably because there are no Soay sheep on the estate!!

  4. Some years ago, a friend rushed in to tell me he had just shot a deer. I heard about the difficult stalk, along a ditch, in the snow, the shot, (12 bore!!) and the fact that he had sent the antlers to a taxidermist, for mounting. It turned out he had shot a Soay sheep!!!! As a final balls up the taxidermist had mounted the horns (antlers??) upside down!! This same bloke called young hares levericks and slices of bacon were rations, not rashers.

  5. The problem I have with my .22 CZ Varmint is extraction of the unfired round. I was advised on a US site not to use CCI ammo, but the Eley Subs I now use cause the same problem. Edgar Bros advised using fine emery at the start of the rifling, because there might be a burr!!


    The US site said I was better with the bullet engaged with the rifling as it may add to the accuracy, and to fire any round left in the rifle into a safe backstop, before leaving the field. These days, as I get to the end of the outing, I tend to push the bolt forward whilst carrying the rifle, only closing the bolt when I am ready to take a shot. I was loath to send the rifle back to Edgar Bros because the emery work put me off, plus I heard about this problem being difficult to put right and, in one case, another rifle was despatched, thus requiring FAC variation. In every other way my .22 CZ Varmint is very accurate and I don't have any problems with my CZ Varmint in .17HMR.

  6. What's the difference between PMT and BSE?


    One is mad cow disease and the other is an agricultural problem.


    One man is being given a **** job, by an 80 year old woman, and the other is walking a tightrope, stretched 80 feet above the ground. They are both thinking the same thing.






























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