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Everything posted by ellebarto

  1. I'm finding it difficult to find any online sources for shot, wad, primers, powder etc? I'm guessing they arent allowed to supply most of that online but I cant even find uk sites to get prices and an idea of the kit I want. Anyone know a good online resource for this kind of information?
  2. And this! http://www.uttingsoutdoors.co.uk/Product/2...esignator-nd-3/
  3. Is this the same thing? http://www.scottcountry.co.uk/products_det...?productID=3945
  4. Probably like a scope mounted lamp and you zero the beam to the scope!
  5. Interesting find then and something I havent seen before! Warrants some more digging around! Ive want the NV scope but just to improve my night shooting but Ive never liked the size of the scope you need and the huge investment in one piece of kit, replacing your existing and in my case expensive scope! This looks a very interesting alternative. If anyone does decide to try and import a few then I'll definitely try one!
  6. OK, and what makes that different/better than say the mini lamp I have mounted on my scope now with a filter on it? In the utube cli its like they are unaware of the light shining at them where as with my lamp they get skittish with the light on them and you dont have long for a good shot before they samper off! I mainly shoot rabbit by the way and am working up to foxing!
  7. I'm confused about what this actually is. Is it just a different type of light from a torch type setup that you then pickup through your scope? A type of light that the critters dont see? I'm on the verge of splashing out a grand on the pulsar N550 night vision but this is looking like a cheap alternative, if my Leo scope is up to it!
  8. It's just space I'm short of. Just watched a load of utube videos on reloading .357 and 12g an I've *** the burning urge to have a go now! Good to know we have a few helpful reloaders on here though. Feels like a skill you definitely want 1st hand advice on before you start!
  9. Ooos!! Ruffled feathers! Lol. I understand you and shoot with a few blokes who think like you an I have no problem with that attitude. I just think it's the responsibility and attitude of the shooter that's vital. The gun is massively 2nd. Other than a couple of nice woodstock rifles you'd hate most of the guns in my cabinet, especially the GSG .22 yet I have an excellent relationship with the farmers on my permissions who always seem interested in my latest 'gizmo'. I won't be comando rolling through the undergrowth. I will have a specific use for the gun being like this! Thanks for the comment though buddy!
  10. Yep this is plan B. Just bouncing it off other shooters to kinda reality check my own thinking on the subject!
  11. I don't believe so. That's the crucial part I guess! Anyone have one and can tell me if it's fixed, as I think it is!
  12. Yep I read that so if mossberg as standard is 57" I'm taking it from that the gun without it's stock has to be more than 40" assuming the stick couldn't possibly be more than 17" an so adding anything, even if it were a folding stock I wanted, would still be legal. I think Edgar bros are more concerned in case it ends up on anything else!!!
  13. Yeah i thinks been the issue. Edgar brothers think I'm after the foldable stock. I just want collapsible. I like the look but more than anything so I can get it in my cabinet!
  14. Ha yeah im the same. Some things just appeal even if I don't always have a use for them! Actually looked at this one last week but was too big an clunky! That's why this mossberh appeals because it's taking something a but unwieldy an turning it into something with a proper use!
  15. When you say 8p a load I assume you keep your factory cases (previously shot) and take that cost out of the equation but everything else included it costs 8p a round? So my £16.50 box of shells would be £4. If thats right I'd make the initial setup money back in 6 months then its all gravy after that!
  16. I've noticed that. No big flocks at all around here at the moment and its just passing trade and no big bags! Got a day planned tomorrow over fresh cut barley stubble which I woul dhave thought would be rammed but looked very quiet when I checked it out earlier!
  17. Minimum overall length is 40" I think and as the moderator is fixed its well over that even without a stock! Didnt take the traditionalists long to weigh in with the 'opinions' Thanks for that!
  18. Yeah the sight is overkill I admit but as I said, the whole guns marmite. I'm interested in the legalty of putting it together!
  19. I saw a gun featured in Gun Mart that I really fancied because it was moderated and appealed to me. Its a marmite gun for sure and the traditionalists amongst you will almost certainly hate it. Anyway this is the link to the feature. http://gunmart.net/gun_review/hushpower_mo...action_shotgun/ I basically listed the parts I needed, including the gun and sent it to my friendly dealer and asked them to get it all for me so I could put it together. Thye have replied and I'm told that fitting a collapsible stock to a shotgun is ilegal and that Edgar brothers can supply but if I fit it and get caught its 5 years in the big house. Now I thought the law said barrel length over 24" and non detachable magazine but other than that it was fairly loose for shotguns. That and the fact this bloke in the UK has a feature in the national shooting press explaining what he has done with pictures. I'm still fairly keen to put this together but obviously need to stay on the right side of the law. Can anyone tell me if they are right?
  20. Now thats impressive. I would guess there is a lot of know how and setting up behind that but even so gives me food for thought!
  21. Cheers mate. Yeah I'm saving my brass for when I decide to have a proper go! Is that 8p to load each bullet?? Does it require much space?
  22. Haha! Fair enough! I hadn't thought about continually swapping filters though but will probably pick a few up now! Cheers chaps!
  23. MMM! Right OK. So its kind of a recognised thing that bunnies arent as scared by the red light and I'm not just imaginging it?
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