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Everything posted by ellebarto

  1. Steady!!! Lol. Tis overly shiney and not Charlton like!!! Cap an camo veil then!
  2. I will bow to your advice an leave the gun an concentrate on sorting my big bald head then!!!!
  3. Yeah I don't disagree and I do indeed sit still but you know what its like when you are trying to improve your game! Being mat black probably not visible anyway!
  4. Doh! and double doh!!!!!! I've been going through all the little elements of my decoying and I was reading how the woodies can be put off by the colour of your gun against the green of the hide. With this in mind I was going to swap my mat black auto for a camo jobby. Ive seen various socks and tape that all look a bit cack!! Might have to go back and try that again, cant be bothered with the hassle of the swap if I have to go through that!
  5. If I want to swap my FAC shotgun for another FAC shotgun is it the same hassle as swapping a rifle, i.e I sell the gun, send off the licence to free the slot and then buy the new one? Or (please tell me its so) I can just go into the shop and literally swap them? Anyone done this? I half know the answer but anyway???
  6. Sat in meetings this morning I had a 5 minute switch off while I dazed out of the window at the increasing numbers of woodies and crows buzzing about. Most of the Barley is up now and the beans during this week and you can see the activity increase tenfold! Vaguely heard my boss asking questions as I went bang, bang pair (in my head of course) Back to my desk and Friday booked off!!!
  7. Ah yes got it now! I was just being thick as I suspected!!! Cheers
  8. I'm guessing Im just being thick but I cant find a discount code for this place anywhere and I'm trying to buy a new magnet and some decoys. Anyone help? Cheers Lee
  9. Shot over Barley stubble in Cheshire at the weekend. More Crow's than woodies and I must have got my pattern horribly wrong because even those on the flight line over my hide darted off when they saw it! Like you, ploughed in rape 3 fields away (not my permission) was getting battered! Better luck this weekend!
  10. Thanks chaps. Lots of new ideas there for me to try. Much appreciated!
  11. Anyone know a good resource for helping me set a good decoy pattern in relation to my hide an the wind? For years I've been setting up a basic dispersed V pattern with the head of the V into the wind and it's never brought me anything bigger than a 40 bag of stragglers. Big flights just turn away. Only using shells an a few cradles with dead uns at the mo. Just wanna learn a few new tricks I guess!
  12. Well we were setup by dawn and were busy for an hour or two before the rain came in and the wind got up. Finished on 31 Crows and 9 pigeons. Pigeons decoys were hopless today. I think I had them badly setup. Still I'm happy with the amount we saw to shoot at in that time frame.
  13. Just seen uttings have a special on the pulsar n550 this weekend! 15% off!! Now that's night vision. Ok not cheap but nit bad for that quality! Think I'm gonna get one at that price!
  14. Aiming for a dawn setup over Barley stubble tomorrow, in Cheshire. Forecast says 11-14 MPH winds, heavy cloud cover and possible light showers. Reccy during the week suggests mix of Crow's and pigeons but not in any great numbers and definitely needing to be decoyed in rather than hammering the cut Barley in numbers! My permissions been a bit thin on pigeon and crow this year and my instincts are telling me its gonna be a lot of work for a dozen or so kills but even so I'm lucking forward to getting out there for only the 2nd time this year!
  15. Is it actually a laser I wonder? I saw these today in my local gunsmith which seemed to be the same thing only using LED's!!! http://gunmart.net/accessories_review/debe...utm_campaign=rl
  16. MMMMMMM!!! Way to help an support a newbie!! I wonder if you dispatched everything quickly and cleanly from day one!! I suspect not! However if your issue is you dont like to touch a wounded bird or get 'bloody' then Ive heard lace making is a lovely pass time!!
  17. Its just technique buddy. Lots of advice above and I can remember when I started having the same issue and in my eagerness to dispatch cleanly I very often severed a head or two! Personaly I think you should be able to do it without a priest and if Im honest its fairly simple but just takes some practice to get it right. The harsh reality is you might make a few birds suffer a second or two (presumably they are already wounded and sufferring anyway) and get bloody while you perfect the technique but once you have you'll be happier and your future quarry gets dispatched cleaner! Just my 2 penneth!
  18. From my limited knowledge its purely down to low light conditions. In good ight I cant see a £600 difference between a £150 Hawke and an £800 Leo (which is the most I can justify spending) As soon as the sun starts to go down or I put the lamp on then thats money well spent!
  19. They have closed that loophole now. My Mrs, cunning devious female that she is, read the law on it and the best way, if you can agree it with the seller (Try using ebay.com and finding a shop selling through it) is to get them to mark the invoice on hte packaging as $1 and Trade sample. They cant charge duty on it then, well only on the dollar anyway!
  20. Cars can clip em and do no visible damage! We need CSI Kent on the job!!!!!! :( I'd still put it on my list of kills............
  21. I drive over my permission in a landy and have a scope mounted lamp. I freewheel into a position that gives me a good view of the spots I know the bunnies frequent, then out of gear and I sweep the area I want to shot over with my lamp. Even doing this I feel a bit of a ****. It feels a bit lazy and well a bit gungho shooting out of my car! Cant imagine what driving around shooting out of a sunroof is like or indeed what it looks like to people who dont perhaps understand what your doing. Ah if it works and the farmer is ok about it then what the hell. Its just not my idea of shooting I guess and I consider myself to be a very modern shooter. I do like to walk good chunks of my permission with a silenced 410 witha mounted gun light and take a few reaction shots as I startle any bunnies I come across but maybe I'm doing the farmer a diservice by looking for good sport before big bunny culls. Horses for course and food for thought! I'd probably likely to try it at least once though to see how it feels in practice!
  22. I've just been quoted £25 for a Browning Cynergy, 2 years old and reasonably maintained by me during that time. Oh and the front bead is busted and will be replaced. (tiny bit of plastic)
  23. Its not so much the full process I want to do. More just depriming and perhaps priming for now! I saw this but it looks like it only primes! Can anyone tell if it deprimes as well or if there is a handheld equivalent to deprime? http://www.wild-fire.co.uk/ShowDetails.asp?id=275 Seen a lot of the utube stuff but its tough to get a link to anywhere with good equipment descriptions that ships in the UK.
  24. I'm building up a lot of brass ready for when I start reloading but kinda waiting on a house move to get the space I need. In the meantime I wanted to try and ease into the simple side of this. Can you get hand held deprimers/primers or prep your cases in anyway for when you try it for real. I have it in my head I can at least have boxes of deprimed possible primed cases ready to go for in a few months time when I start reloading!
  25. Ive got a deben tracer mini, scope mounted. It works well enough but scares bunnies quite quickly. Was looking for an alternative that kept them around long enough for a couple of shots! The youtube clips make it look great but I must admit Im not quite getting it over a lamp!
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