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Posts posted by mikky

  1. Could you not join another club (NRA or something) giving you access to ranges and allowing you to keep up the conditions of your FAC in case you change your mind in the future?


    (failing that...2nd dibbs on the Howa!) :whistling:


    the problem with the howa is asking a fair price,its as new,i dont want to give it away but i need funds for a new shotgun,



    Ey up mate, unless your strapped for cash keep hold of them and try and get a permission to fox,lamp etc.( range shooting can get boring, i rarely go myself) How much are the range fees this year for rossendale ? I'm due to pay soon but hav'nt heard owt off Phil up there!!!!! It was a £100 quid last year , have they risen dramatically?





    still 100 quid but we all had to pay an extra 32 quid because boyzee put the rent up when he saw the 200 yd range being built,no guarantee he wont put the rent up again, i have only been 4 times this year,like you said it gets boring,the only permission i had was closed down because someone had been up with a shotgun and left all the empty cartridges in the paddock where they keep show horses,if one of the horses was to swallow a cart it could do some serious harm....so all shooting is now banned...

  3. been thinking of giving up rifles for a while,only got two left,my trusty .22 brno and my .223 howa....just dont enjoy it anymore.......been clay pigeon shooting a few times recently and joined worsley clay club today,i really enjoy the clays even though i cant hit that many,took my lad along today for the first time and he cant wait to go again....at the moment my guns are tied to the club i have been shooting at for the last ten years ( condition on my fac ) and due to the increase in subs i wont be renewing this year,so it looks like someone will be getting a couple of bargains as i want to put the money towards second hand berretta or browning.


    probably wake up tomorrow and have second thoughts.........



  4. as in my previous thread..there is no god....as a ten year old i grew up in nigeria west africa..biafran civil war..1967..ibos v yorubas..tribal war,,drove past a minority of ibos going to school one morning just as i had done for the last 12 months...tin shacks smouldering....stopped the car went into the house ..first thing i saw was a pile of severed kids arms on the floor,and then the kids all cowering in the corner...yorubas had/were ethnically cleaning the ibos out ( north /south divide in the country )...at the back of the tin shacks they had taken the old man,hung him from a tree and put a tyre round his neck and set it on fire while he was still alive,,they cut the arms off so when they grew up they couldnt pick up a gun......



    there is a god as long as everything is rosy in your world......


    seeing those attacks in london brought it all back for me........guess what,,,,at least one of them was nigerian


    Do be careful... To say 'There is no God' means you have proof.


    Whilst I am atheist, I can't go around chanting that it's a fact that there's no higher being.



    atheist - definition of atheist by the Free Online Dictionary ...

    One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods. a•the•ist (ˈeɪ θi ɪst) n. a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being.


    you cant be an athiest then :yes:

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