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Maori Haz

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About Maori Haz

  • Birthday 22/11/1991

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    Hunting shooting fishing, that sorta thing.
  1. Well i did 2 early (because yes i am a genius... lol one was actually compulsory to do early) anyway considering that i aced them both A* French and R.S. Short course ( the r.s. compulsory) anyway im choughed because the outlook for next year is good if i can get 2 A*s early Oxford here i come Haz
  2. Maori Haz


    Pnumonomicroscopicsilicovolcanocoviosophobia - Fear of a lung desease caused by coal dust WHAT seriously thats a bit OTT... no? and Nhsdirectophobia - fear and loathing of slow computer terminal death some kind of **** take? Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, Sesquipedalophobia - Fear of long words. LOL oh well Haz
  3. Right yes it's an 02 model, and there is an adjustment thing above the trigger! Theres just one Problem does it matter if there's no gas in the gas cylinder Pm sent! Haz
  4. A toller? Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever ( LOVE THOSE DOGS) But i wouldn't think so because of the big pink nose and the amount of white on it. Haz
  5. bahhh where wouldi get one i'll have a look on ebay so yeah worth it? has anyone fixed it up to 12 ft lbs. or 11ftlbs before and would be able to talk it through with me once i get a chrono? Haz
  6. my friend and i have exactly the same weapon one .177 one .22 mine being the .22 and theres not much difference tbh. except i'm a better shot but as they say in the head and they're dead. mostly about the shooter but if you're confident go for a .22 if you're unsure possibly the .177? Ongoing argumment i don't think there'll ever be a "better" calibre as such. they both have different pros and cons. Haz
  7. Right lads, sort of a problem Got a nice AAS200 atm, but problem is i don't think it's up to the 12 ft lbs mark. Problem is i don't want any jackass fixin it, i want to keep under the legal limit, but as i live in london i can't find any decent gunsmiths with a chrono and the skills to push it up that bit until its about 11.8 ftlbs. atm i reckon it's on something like 10 ftlbs or even less. it made me worry because earlier i shot a squirreel in the head and it didn't die straight away as usual, and in general it's not feeling so powerful Any help would be much appreciated. I live in surrey so i'm tempted to try and take it to Bisley or somewhere . Haz
  8. i did that same as youngairgunner but im sort of back.. FOR NOW Haz
  9. if it's not too much to ask could you please PM it to me and i will be eternally grateful.. Thanks lads Haz
  10. might do just been busy and stuff but now i'm back i think i'll keep up to speed the layout of the forums has changed since last time i was on i havent been on so long ahhh the names come flooding back to me nice one ollie Haz
  11. im back lads bit of a time away though havent seen teh forums in ages so its all good hope everyone's good Haz
  12. after a few broken computers.. exams and the whatnot just wanted to say HELLO to everyone who has missed me over the past probable year? hope everyone is well etc. haven't been shooting in too long but hopefully will be soon when i'm granted my SGC well atm i am in agony since a rugby accident but all of that is fine... so basically burning time i'd like to hear of the members i did know and how they are etc. but if ur new and dont know who i am thats ok aswell.. happy shooting MH
  13. Tom i'm so sorry, pass on my sincere condolences to your family, be strong mate and remember the good times Haz
  14. haha i dont think we'll be getting one just yet lol my dad has ideas for when we move to the country.. lol obviously not yet living in a house in surrey.. if you ever get time try a course (if there are any near you) because they're really worth it, and its not too confusing :look: Haz
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