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About Hendo

  • Birthday 06/10/1958

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    Pigeon shooting,Beating,Picking up.

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  1. Been shooting some pigeons on protein peas. I also shot my first young pigeon this week. Been a nice windy week up this area with some heavy showers. keep up the good work hendo
  2. Well done B686 that is a nice bag you have there. Farmers up here in north east Scotland just started drilling this past week as the ground has been so wet. My preference when pigeon shooting with my lab is to pick most of my birds by hand and use some of them for decoys. At the end of the day I use the dog to pick any birds that have fell into thick cover and to sweep the area I have been shooting before we head for home. He just sits at my feet and has the odd snooze if we are out for a while. Like yourself I nave been at it for a long time and I enjoy every day out. keep up the good work. hendo
  3. We put 100 pheasant poults into a pen 33m X 25m this season and the birds had plenty of room and seemed to be quite content. I think the rule of thumb is 1m of perimiter for 1 pheasant. Our pen would hold 116 pheasants if that was the case. Hope this is helpfull to you. Hendo
  4. Alot about in my area. Feeding on stubbles,beechmast and my pheasant feeders unfortunately. Seen a few hanging about in trees next to a rape field. All birds in excellent condition. Hendo
  5. All pretty quiet up here,busy keeping crows off winter barley. It will be into August before we have and rape to shoot on. I shot 14 woodpigeons last Friday as they were flighting to a winter barley field but apart from that its been slow. Had a good time on the spring drilling and on the oilseed rape before that. I have shot 844 woodpigeons this year so far and cant wait for the harvest to start. All the best Hendo
  6. Hi Put some barley in the shallows of your pond and see if you can attract some duck. As soon as you start to see feathers floating about on the water you will know if there has been any duck visiting. Once duck start coming in they will start to bring others with them.Dont leave any barley on the ground as you will attract rats which will not please the farmer. If the pond is quiet and not disturbed too often the ducks should be okay. Give it a try,there is still a month left of the season you might get a shot at a duck before the season ends. All the best Hendo
  7. Happy christmas to all. I had a good start to 2012 with lots of birds on rape. A dry march saw alot of spring drilling sown early followed by a few late sown fields in may. August and september were about the usual and I probably missed the best bit with a holiday in Canada in september. Had a few good days on wheat stubble in october and then the shooting season started and I have been busy picking up ever since. Roll on 2013. All the best Hendo
  8. Shot 40 on Protein peas on Tuesday this week. Hendo New total 16,031
  9. Congratulations on the birth of your son,it wont be long until he joins you in the pigeon hide. I had a good couple of hours on Protein peas this week and shot 40 woodpigeons,they have been working this field for a while and it was just getting the time and the weather conditions just right for the job. Hoping to get back out next week. Hendo
  10. I have been using 10 sillos and about 10 dead birds on drilling for a few years now and I have always had birds coming into the pattern no bother. Different when on swathed rape or stubble I will always use my rotary and dead birds on cradles plus the sillos. Never tried the FUDS so I cant comment on them. Hendo
  11. Its the same up in my area,not alot of drilling done so the pigeons are back on the rape. We had terrible weather the last couple of days,however it was a fine windy day today and I got out. Good bag Tom, keep up the good work. Hendo
  12. Had a good day on oilseed rape today,shot 42 in 3 hours for 71 shots. Good wind blowing with patches of snow on the field. I also shot 11 on Monday on drilling. New total 7253. Hendo
  13. Bruxie See and make a good job of that log burning stove,I dont want to visit you with the fire engine. lol Keith Fine to see you keeping busy after the shooting has finished.
  14. Shot 20 on drilling this afternoon,not a bad day but some heavy showers ruined it a bit I also had a crow and a feral pigeon. Hendo
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