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Everything posted by Matty7247

  1. Camo clothing is new, and years too late!! We needed decent gear years ago, Body armour, Troops on the ground still need to share? Groin protection is a new idea, the Americans have used it for years?? The SA80 was updated years ago by Heckler & Koch. The New vehicles again are years to late!! The Troops on the ground needed these 15 years ago. It all comes down to cost cutting, the MOD are the easiest for governments too attack, and they are the first to suffer Budget cuts. Troops that put ther lives on the line, deserve the equipment they deserve, and the pay they deserve, they should be payed in line with Firefighters/Policemen etc.
  2. This is the Issue, I work on Building the Typhoon, and although it is a great jet, it was designed to fight the Russians coming across the German plains.....When i was in Iraq, the Air power we required, was helicopters, Not jets.... You want something that can hang around, and scare the **** out of the enemy...Not fly past a Mach3. Tanks, Decent body armour, Decent troop vehicles, not Snatch landrover that were designed for NI. But, as per, the people who hold the Purse dont listen to the people who need the equipment.
  3. Totally Agree, mudpatten, whilst i was serving, there was a very uneasy trend of new kit coming in, and no-one could touch it, due to it being maintained by an outside company? The Tories obviously dont care, sacking this many Soldiers in career suicide, do they not think hey vote? I for one think the will be a Revolution, there is only so much the Average Joe can take.....And i think we've all suffered enough of the poitical merry go-round.
  4. Succesive governments have done there best to destroy what armed forces we have left, Labour, Blair/Brown did what they could to spend the MOD pot, and it seems like the Tories/Lib Dems are picking off where Labour left. The Army that will be left after being destroyed will be ineffective in any large scale war. We will effectively just bolster the Americans, and hope they dont leave us in the dark.
  5. Today, Philip Hammond has taken the fighting heart out of the British Milittary. What are peoples views on this? http://news.sky.com/story/956309/army-loses-17-major-units-in-defence-cuts
  6. Reading Sporting gun, the Lawyer wrote this week about what can be classed as vermin, Humans apparently came under that name, so, for instance, what would you do if you happened to stumble upon siad cretin whilst he was doing something like that? Just asking for general interest, what could you get away with in the eyes of the law?
  7. I prefer the 'Big Dog' option, Former burglars have said they would think twice about breaking in if they heard dogs, and as you can see mine, i think its a pretty safe bet. I suppose if you wanted to be extra secure, you could always fit an alarm, but again with the way the police force is stretched, reponse times would vary?
  8. I do belive that we have a major issue with people un-willing/un-able to work, i Live in Blackpool, (Unfortunately) and i do tend too see the usual, young people, plus 2/3 kids, etc, and wonder how they fund themselves? I agree that everyone has a right to have a family, but not at the cost of others? Immagration is also getting worse, there are more and more moving here, and claiming benefits? Again, something that seriously needs addressing. Arguing and name calling wont get us anywhere, we have a problem, which if it isnt addressed soon, We will all suffer.
  9. Back on ya box mate, I was only pointing it out? No need to try and be funny?? If you read the other post i have placed on this subject, you'll notice im not putting anyone in a single Bracket, but stating as a whole, the country requires the benefits looking at.
  10. An example of people who are taking the 'Mickey' http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/9359350/Bed-ridden-benefits-cheat-enjoyed-exotic-scuba-trips.html
  11. Its a shame there is a North/South row going on, especially when the debate was about benefits? As has been said, kids these days Expect money to be given to them, they dont expect to work for it. Thats whats gone wrong. i think food/Cloths vouchers should be handed out to the long term unemployed, Drug addicts should have a cut in benefit, and be made to attend clinics to help them get clean, feeding the habit wont get you anywhere. There are people that claim for work injuries, that are seen playing golf, proffessional staff that are getting silly pay outs for minor injuries, and claiming stress, etc. For this country to get back to its feet, we all need to work together, to make our voices heard, and to stop the benefit life these people seem to expect.
  12. Jail is too god for people like that!! We pay for them to live, yet they Murdered some innocent man for money.
  13. Slightly off topic, But watching 'Traffic Cops' last night, highlighted a little bit of what is wrong in this country, ****** up middle aged men/women, who have bleed the system dry, who had never worked and is being cared for courtisy of the tax payer. When she was arrested for assualt, she mentioned the police station as a 2nd home?? As has been said, there are some genuine cases that do require our help, but the people that just cant be bothered to work, because they know they'll be housed, fed and clothed, shouldn't receive anything. People mention immigration, alot of the people will work for basic pay, and do the jobs British people dont want to do. We have a problem, no-one can hide from that, and the sooner its tackled, the better for everyone.
  14. I have had to send extra permission letters in, unsure why? The main permission signed off on my Firearms Application? But hey ho, do what you need to do.
  15. I have just passed my FAC for a .22, and according to my FEO he didnt check the land as it wasnt in his area? If a colleage of his checked is unknown, as he didnt mention anything. I have been given a closed ticket. Get onto BASC, and see what can be sorted.
  16. Im on, but being tight, dont have the Expansion pack yet. Hitherbird is my Xbox user name.
  17. Cheers for all the replys guys, I have heard good things about the CZ'z, so once i have funds, i shall have a look around. I am quite excited by the prospect. I shall be going out with some guys who have been rifle shooting for a while, just to get my bearings, and learn a little.
  18. I honestly dont mind having a closed ticket, i am sending in another letter of permission, for the land i use my shotgun on, too ask if that can be added for land i can use. I know with time my licence will hopefully be opened.
  19. Thanks, i am looking forward to receiving my licence, hopefully going to buy a job lot, (Rifle, Silencer, Scope) all together. Does everyone who applies for a Firearms licence receive a closed licence?? I have 2 shooting grounds, one that i put down on my application, and another which i shoot pidgeons on. So i shall be asking my farmer if i may shoot my rifle there too.
  20. Cheers mate, not sure tbh, first rifle owned, so i shall have a look around, and see what people think. Just need to get some more permissions so i can shoot more ground.
  21. Hi all, I have just been granted my .22 licence, had the interview last night. It will be a closed ticket, but i dont require mentoring. Very happy.
  22. Cheers for the replies, I shall have a look for some wash-in re-proofer.
  23. Hi all, I have a DeerHunter Ram Jacket, and would like to ask if anyone knows how to re-proof it, if it needs it? I have had it just over a year, and has stood up well to the weather. I just wanted to make sure it stays in good condition. Also, for anyone who owns this Jacket, do you suffer with wet cuffs? Cheers, Matt
  24. Such a joke, had to make sure it wasnt April the 1st!!!
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