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Everything posted by Matty7247

  1. The thing with the gangs, is they would soon start fighting amoungst themselves, i agree that they would go further afield, and would go for farms etc. Would you team up with local fellow shooters? Work side by side? Working together, organised, you could sustain yourselves quite well. Dont forget aswell, that if something major happened, they would probably declare martial law.
  2. I watch the show, Some of those people are crazy, but, there are those that prep for real-life scenarios. A market crash for example, could possible happen, massive solar flare, Plausable. I do wonder what would happen to the majority of the population, because most cant dress themselves. I keep chickens, i have a friendly farmer, also good friends with another guy who shoots, and has an allotment. I have plenty of ammo, so i guess. Bring it on.
  3. Some amazing pictures there, i bet they come with some pretty interesting stories too huh.
  4. Matty7247


    I was at the reserve year before last, saw alot of Pinks, But they flew up the river, and inland, only Bany's flew above, as if they knew......
  5. Its a tough call, unfortunately people grow up not fully understanding how the countryside works, and where food comes from. Better education will help some people understand whats going on. Also, the Gov. havent helped, people are talking about vaccines, etc, without full knowledge of what is required to be done, if you was sitting on the fence, you can understand where people are coming from when it comes to killing Badgers., and their disproval of it. There needs to be a clear message, from the Enviroment minister, The Badger people etc, saying how, and what they wish to achieve by doing a cull. Bovine TB affects everyone at some stage, the Farmers, to the consumers, the Badgers suffer, so that would appeal to the animl lovers. they need to cut through the ****, and say it as it is.
  6. Im unsure what MOD i have, it came as a package, and i had done some research on .22's, and when this was shown to me, i loved it. 16inch Barrel, which makes it nice and compact too.
  7. Thanks, its my first, so just need to zero it, then im away.
  8. Matty7247


    I went wit a friend to Caeraverock reserve last year, and apart form some Canada's late morning, all we saw were hundreds of Barnacle geese. Good luck though.
  9. Morning all, I have purchased my first Rifle. A .22 CZ-452 Silhoutte, Not had a chance to fire it as yet, but i am planning on joining a local Gun club, and also have a few farms. Matt
  10. I cant see any Government attempting to stop civillains wearing 'Camo' gear, Its a piece of clothing? I think giving people the idea of being more strict, will lead to governing bodies attempting daft ideas. I personally dont belive that the police force has a problem with the public owning firearms, at the end of the day, statistics will show that most crimes commited with firearms, are by firearms that have been bought black market? Its pretty rare that legal licence holders commit crimes with their weapons. What makes the sport so appealing is, there is choice, i know fiends that have shotguns, but only shoot clays? Because there is choice.
  11. Same issue, different service. The Army, Navy and Air Force have also been handed a crappy pension change, also, sacking long time servers before pension eligbility? And again, they also dont have anybody to serve there best interests?
  12. A lot of the MP's just see what they want to see, and close there eyes to the truth. They believe it's easier to get wrapped up in the **** that te Antis go on about.
  13. I wrote to my MP, Gordon Marsden, about a Month ago, still havent heard any thing back. He shall receive another letter soon.
  14. I have just arrived into the sport, and have been granted my FAC also, i have held my SGC for 2 years. I am Ex forces, and spent 6 years in. I find it a hard enough sport to enter as it is, my son wish's to become a shooter, and i feel that adding more pressure to an already diifcult entry, will put off the younger generation. I got into Shooting with a friend, who has shot for years, who as you could say, acted as a mentor. Im not saying that should be the way forward, but i found it helpful. If you start adding More paper work, and tests, i can assure you people simply wont bother. The shooting community is picked on enough, without shooters attempting to make life harder for us. I
  15. That's one way of dealing with the current problem, legalise/tax the drugs trade?
  16. I thnk, as the article says, the Taliban wish to work with the Americans on security. The Taliban, formerly the Mudjahdine were funded by the west during the soviet invasion. How the co-operation will work is beyond me, and with the Northern Alliance being a NATO ally also, there could be some major stumbling blocks. If they manage to the Al Quada out, then there is a possibility of some sort of peace?
  17. I lost mates in Iraq, a close friend had PTSD when he came back from afghan, so I do understand. I was more trying to point out that, if the opportunity arises, do we take the chance to pull out? I have mixed emotions on it.
  18. I think it could be a massive step forward, everyone has realised there really isn't going to be a winner? So this could be the next best thing?
  19. This could be a real way out of combat operations out there. I know this is speculation, but if true, could be a real step forward. What do you think? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/afghanistan/9531879/Taliban-prepared-to-work-with-US-on-security-in-Afghanistan.html Matt
  20. Matty7247


    Its shocking too see what people are capabale off, its scares me that people could do that to a defencless dog. I do hope 'Justice' will be served upon the scum that did that.
  21. I don't see the problem, Apache pilots are high value targets, regardless of who flies them? They are a thorn in the enemy's side? Harry was a forward air controller, he got quite close to the enemy to call in air support? All credit to him. He has spent years training, flying hours?! They wouldn't allow him lose just because of who he is?! Crab air? Hes Army Air Corp. Give the guy a break.
  22. I think justice has been served, I do also believe that if that had fatally wounded one of them, the CPS would have reached the same conclusion. Killing someone who breaks into your house, and you killing them in self defence, regardless of the weapon used, would be justified. It may serve as a tough lesson to those who wish to break the law, and ruin people's lives.
  23. I know said blokey has a passport, the point I was hoping to get across was, surely, someone who has contributed, etc, deserves a little more than some somali terrorist? Just seem they pick and choose depending on what country you came from?
  24. I think the fact is that he has family ties that date back over 200 years with the country, its not a case of getting angry over cornflakes. If you have read the article, it states that an Imigrant hide a terroist, and after his release from jail, couldnt be deported because off his human rights? Yet a guy who has worked here, and is basically British, born from British Parents, and lived in the UK, So he leaves and moves to Aus, does that mean he shouldnt be allowed back?? Its crazy that Abu Hamza can stay here, and collect our money, yet spout off about how he hates the west, but we can deport him, Due to human rights, so lets pick on the ones who will be easier, makes the stats look good eh.
  25. Yeah, i was a little taken aback whn i read the article. It does seem that the PC briagade have finally lost their marbles. I do hope that, as well as all the British troops that are willing to lay down their lives, dont have to go through this joke. Such a sad state the countrys in.
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