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Everything posted by arwen3513

  1. HI His litter mates and his mum would put him in his place, and tell him off if his play was too much, Mum would likely give him a nip and the littermates a squeel and end the game, he may also be teething so try ice cube and frozen bananas to cool his gums he will likely grow out of it when he realises it is not acceptable, try to be like 'mum or littermate' in your corrections don't get angry with him he knows no right or wrong yet. good luck jan
  2. try some thornit used to clean ears but a tiny bit in a plastic bag and dust the paws will help if they have ear mite they will chew their paws jan
  3. names i have Jazz, Ruby, Echo and Jinx also like a dog named Star because she is one (also liver/white ESS) jan
  4. Re worm the pup if you haven't done so in the last 4 weeks, if it is small amounts of blood and not mucus type then it could be the straining or the fact that the pup is eating chewing sticks ect from the garden which are scratching the pups intestines. also try to persevere with a good quality food that has meat or meat meal as the main ingredient. i use proplan puppy lamb and rice switching food every couple of weeks won't help the tummy settle, keep with scrambled eggs these are good protein and pups enjoy them, mine had 1/2 tin of rice pudding too for lunch when still on 3 meals per day keep an eye on her and so long as playful she should pull through this stage. jan
  5. hi picking a lot of the dummies yourself will increase his steadiness, also for distance try memory retrieves walk out dog at heel, put the dummy down in front and then turn around and walk back with the dog (along a path is ideal nice straight lines) then turn the dog and give him the direction and your command to 'go fetch' the distances can be increased and the dog will love the run back, you can vary this by leaving the dog part way between the dummy and yourself (vary the distances) to assist with the BACK command longer retrieves can be built up and eventually blinds done in a similar way just drop the dummy on the path when the dog isn't watching keep walking call him up and give him your 'go fetch' command when first introducing blinds in this way remember to go back to much shorter distances and build up again. jan
  6. I'd also recommend west lancs gundogs and also say get along to group as soon as pup has completed its Jabs. there are a couple of lovely springer pups just recently started at 13wks so yours will have playmates jan
  7. if he is 10 week and teething he may prefer ice cube or frozen banana to chew on rather than your hand or a puppy nylabone. i use a high pitched squeek to let the pup know that it has hurt me, and stop the play by folding my arms, or give the pup an toy to bite down on especially if teething troubles. jan
  8. i would use just one pitch whistle for both dogs. train them seperately give each 121 attention to focus on you and not the other dog. once training is well under way they will soon learn one at heel one out hunting and the whistle is for the dog hunting, the other continues to free heel. or if hunting together whistle means the same to both dogs if you use different pitch whistles and they are running together if you need to stop them it will be a devil trying to change whistle in time jan
  9. hi get in touch with GSP club they have training all over country i train with NW group but there is a NE group and a scotland group usually meeting once a month in various locations so perhaps they have some you could travel too jan
  10. not all HPR go into the classic pose of front or rear paw lifted, alot will just freeze wtih all 4 feet on the ground. if the game is not sitting tight and is moving the dog may well be trying to stay in contact with the game by moving with it. you would need to have some caged game hidden, and work her up to it if she slows and stops once she can take in the scent praise her quietly and let her know you are pleased, hopefully she will do this more often knowing it is behavour you want. you need to learn to read your dog and know how it behaves around game, and its mannerisms a wing on a fishing line, can encourage the dog to chase it is normally only used for puppies, and they point more of a cautiousness than anything it is known as sight pointing, not scent pointing which is what you are after. only put a dog in a hide if you are sure it is 100% ok in confined space with shots, jan
  11. hi i am taking it the dog is crated at night and when you are not around, If you see the dog approach an object that you do not want chewed you need to give a NO command or a Argh Argh then call her to you and praise for stopping, give her an item she is allowed to chew ie nylabone If the dog already has an object in its mouth or is chewing it try to get her to fetch the item to you encourage her in a friendly tone when she approaches give her your release command and take it from her give her lots of praise, treats or another item she can chew. never tell her off or she will be reluctant to carry object or to fetch them to you. hopefully in the future whenever she gets an item she will bring it to you knowing she will be rewarded hope this helps jan
  12. hi also take a look on 'my fast forum hpr' loads of GSP handlers on there can point you in the right direction of a breeder also try GSP club and NW HPR group they will be able to assist with training good luck jan
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