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Everything posted by winchester

  1. Its a big green gazebo and a white van i will try to get a flag of some sort so you can easy be seen
  2. Try to get some beating round there that will help you theres plenty of game shoots round there
  3. Sounds good or in the car park as i will have the bacon on if you want a bun and a lid of tea
  4. i WAS THINKING OF BRINGING THE GAS BARBY & Gazebo so if any one wants to they can chuck some grub on it and i will make you a Tea or coffee while it cooks Could be worth a laugh, any ideas anyone ?
  5. tHEY WILL GIVE YOU SOME ADVICE mate, But if i was you i would join SACS FOR £30 as you may need there legal cover if they take your guns, they may use the excuse you are not responsible enough, At the end of the day i think insurance should spell out clearly what your coverd for and what your not , Still its only my opinion and i am sorry you have been put in this predicoment, all be it innocently
  6. Me and the better half will be there Sat 20 meeting place anyone ? hOW TO IDENTIFY ? PW MEMBER NAME BADGES PERHAPS Will be takeing the gas barby and gazebo tea coffee milk suger pop bring what you like to throw on it all welcome
  7. As has been said before insurance is only good when it dose what it says FULL COVER DONT ALWAYS MEAN THAT and thats not just car insurance you need to read the small print
  8. All right lads and lasses who is going and on what day 20-21/9/08 ? hopefully we can get a meet sorted this year and a meeting place
  9. It will be the same as last year i think very hit and miss too much food around for then so one shot bye bye birdy none the rest of the day
  10. The way the police are looking at these situations all be it right or wrongly Quote :- If your one side of a hedge and you cannot see through it or over it , theres a person or persons the otherside of the hedge you have not seen or heard and you discharge a firearm away from the hedge at a pigeon from a hide, YOU WILL BE ARESTED AND POSABLY CHARGED (remember the lady traineing her dog with a starting pistol on private land ) This comes from section 16a of the firearms act . And then it will cost you a fortune to defend your self thats why i beleved as do many others BASC Insurance covers you It dose not
  11. 9mil is a close quaters round, no good at distance work bullet tumble velocity etc
  12. Ill come as well auto just incase one can not make it
  13. iTS A GOOD GUN THAT MATE i sold it joe and i had it off a mate who was leaveing the country It shot less than 100 carts when i sold it
  14. BASC will only offer you advice the firearms people there are musterd at this , but what you realy kneed is a lawyer, I had a telephone call the other day from BASC and they said BASC MAY Fund my case,BUT there again they may not , I have know joined SACS its only £30 per year the guy there is called Ian Clark and they dont just give you liability insurance but full leagel cover as well, thats half the price of BASC WITH DOUBLE THE COVER and it covers WHAT YOU NEED, THIS IS IN NO WAY A basc put down but i am only speeking from my own expearience.
  15. Sorry mate the dates the plod gave me of the alledged offences i was working, BASC yES HAVE BEEN A MEMBER 5 YEARS, but the insurance dont cover legal expensis and they dont retain lawyers so no insurance cover, I hope you can accept there is a case against the revoke and no charges were brought against me but i can not say too much yet
  16. nfu mate cheeper than most and they do what it says on the tin
  17. I have been arrested, revoked, for just shouting to people at 200+yards away to get there dogs on a lead and get back to the foot path and i had witnesses with me and i was not armed there tresspasing your, lucky you havent been charged under section 16 a causeing fear of violence with a firearm.Even though i have proved on the dates i was not there, i was driveing a 38ton artic didnt make any differance watch the shooting press for the full story but if i was you KEEP YOUR GOB SHUT PHONE THE PLOD LET THEM DEAL WITH IT
  18. oooops That will teach you famly comes first lol
  19. winchester


  20. Way too small mate got one in the garage for the same purpus no use gone back to my old burgan ans s/bag
  21. You could have used the toffs excuse gout
  22. Yep, the only way to go, much as I would like to teach a youngster the ropes. I'm afraid that this attitude is just another reflection on modern society, no respect for others. Tryied that one myself found out it was a waste of time shame though
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