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Field and Clay

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  1. Give it a go! But to stand any chance make sure you have some very good answers if you get as far as an interview!!
  2. There is good value out at the grounds. The CPSA have again had a series of Young Shots days over the Easter Holiday at about £40 each https://www.cpsa.co.uk/news/general/2013/04/15/young-shots-days and https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.529159080461357.1073741826.194963983880870&type=1 I believe the BASC have similar schemes
  3. Fantastic that you had a good time recommend him to others. Mike is one of the driving forces within CPSA training more details are available on the recently updated CPSA Academy website http://sites.cpsa.co.uk/academy
  4. All the supervised shooting you do and involvement with in shooting will be useful when you apply again.
  5. Great cause You might like to put something on here https://www.facebook.com/cpsa.southeast
  6. They would usually be open through out the weekend. The have registered Skeet, the Greater London Championships on Sunday
  7. Score on the link http://www.cpsa.co.uk/scores/fixtures/43/56612
  8. Southdown Gun Club, Findon, West Sussex. They have a pattern plate available. The have wooden frame to be used with tenplated cardboard pattern plates. The tenplates can be kept and taken away. Best done with supervision from one of the instructors to ensure tests are conducted correctly and results are meaningful.
  9. What you want is the Ultralight stock, most shops will claim that you can't get one because it suits them to sell with a classic!! stock. Ultralight - is ambidextrous, in a choise of colours and gives the S510 a great balance.
  10. Go to someone that sell adjustable butt pads and no doub t you will need one. Get someone to check your mount and fit, there is probably a much simpler solution
  11. Pm sent I'm at Southdown Gun Club most of the week and can have a look at you
  12. I can't even send you some friendly bloke abuse without it getting star'ed out!!

  13. The 2012 Met Police Shoot will be on Monday 2nd July at Meon Springs. The event is an Open 100 bird clay shoot and a 'Pigeon Watch' Team would be welcomed. Entry on the day just nominate your which team your representing, Individuals are also most welcome. The targets will NOT be the same as the Beretta Worlds the following weekend. (Shooting this course will not exclude you entry the Beretta Worlds) Met POSTER 2012.pdf
  14. Section 21 is not just a case of having served a custodial period. It is an offence for someone who is prohibited by Section 21 of the Firearms Act 1968 to have a firearm or ammunition in his or her possession at any time. Section 21 applies to anybody who has been sentenced to imprisonment or to youth custody or detention in a young offenders’ institution for three months or more. The period for which they are prohibited depends on the length of their sentence, if the sentence was longer than three years the prohibition is for life. If the sentence was three months or more but less than three years, the prohibition lasts for five years from the date of their release.
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