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  1. hi mate iwill take this if still available
  2. Hi mate if you can get this phone opened up i will have it.I will of course pay for the opening , and would be able to collect as i am close to you regards danny
  3. yes,this ones right up there with the moon landings tosh
  4. A lot of people who believe in ghosts have probably seen one, how many people have seen God ?
  5. Why did they close the entire toll road (27 miles )
  6. dont think any of the numpties on here would know what to do with these fella,but all the best with your sale
  7. cerberus


    that makes three of us
  8. It was in sunday mail about it someone has blew the whistle on the insurance companies dodgey dealings
  9. We believe you are quite right to feel stupid in fact you should feel very very very stupid !!!!!
  10. If you had read my previous post you will see i dont believe that man has been on the moon so i cannot answer your inane question ,But if you insist i will have a go "perhaps they fired it up there with a catapult. (that was a joke blunderbuss ,just in case you t hink i am being serious again PS I do believe that the holocaust happened ive been to austwitz
  11. :no: Blunderbuss you have been backpeddling on this since your op instead of a simple yes or no , you went off on a big rant denouncing me as some sort of loony tune ,holocaust denier then you played the religion card god knows where that came from lol now your saying it was all said in jest Ithink not ,and as to your mirror question you have obviously gathered i am not a "believer" so you will know what my reply will be . :no:
  12. you dont know what video he speaks of ,but you are so quick to dismiss if you want to see it find it yourself. As for the mirror that was my attempt at sarcasm but you probably missed it because of your head being buried in the sand
  13. Whats wrong diceman have i ruffled your feathers ? because you dont know nothing about me you come straight out on the attack typical caveman tactics to me how can you talk about multi personalities,multi screen names you rally are sad . perhaps you could start a conspiracy theory about me. and the mirror ? wasnt that left behind by elvis after his tour there in 96
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